Do girls like introverted, shy and reclusive men?

Do girls like introverted, shy and reclusive men?

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t. Man you described who is a virgin

If they're physically attractive.

Truth. Don't fall into the trap I fell into though OP. That is get decent amount of opportunities with women despite introverted etc, but too shy to act on them.

Nope, you die alone.

My friend's dad is basically mute, so something went right. He's shy even towards his own family.

Most don't.


I'm introverted and reclusive and get alot of women.

Just try working on the shy part, you need to stop caring what people think of you.

I like introverted, shy, reclusive men. Mainly because I'm an introverted, shy, reclusive woman.

Doesn't really matter

No. Interacting with shy people is creepy and awkward. Girls don't like it.

No. Again, more creepiness and awkwardness.

No. Maybe if they are good looking, but it still won't last long.

ultimately this. if you're attractive then your flaws are excused.

Woman can't be introverted

Wanna be my gf?

>I like introverted, shy, reclusive men
just because you can relate?

they say they will but in reality don't

I met a girl who does.

Pretty sure the primary problem with those traits is that you don't get to meet many girls in the first place. Everything else is pretty reconcilable unless you want the exact opposite of yourself as your partner

The problem is woman expect men to do all the chasing and work, so if you're introverted you won't get very far without being an obvious catch.

We all die alone, unless you go all haji on a building.

Absolutely they do. The difficulty is that the ones that do are often shy, introverted, and reclusive themselves.

Women don't want a "m*n" with such feminine traits.

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a small subset of shy girls do, but even most shy girls think this

It depends on the person. My GF was attracted to me because I'm kinda shy/reclusive and do a lot of art/music shit but we've recently gotten into a lot of fights about the fact that I stay in and don't have an active social life.

Same here

Umm, what?

Wimmins cannot he introverted

How do you get rid of these appalling traits?

you don't because they're a core part of your personality, and if you try to supress them it'll only lead to more misery and you spend your life living a lie for some pussy. Best to accept it and accept that you're far less attractive to women because of it. Shit sucks but life isn't fair.

Introverted and reclusive is ok, especially if she is too. But not shyness is a no no.

Being shy isn’t too bad. Many women find it cute and interesting at first, but if you don’t open up or become comfortable it’ll get old quickly.

Introverted isn’t a negative quality unless you’re some schizo living in a fantasy world. Generally they assume you’re a deep thinker even if you’re just thinking about the dumbest shit.

Reclusive can be a turn off if you’re just sitting around playing games all day. For example, I’m generally reclusive but I’m usually producing music in my studio at home or writing so it cancels that out. I still force myself to get out of the house and go to the occasional concert or small friend gathering.

As long as you’re willing to step out of the comfort zone these aren’t dealbreakers, and the women who find them to be aren’t the kind you’d have a lasting relationship with anyways.

if you're an enigmatic musician/artist type maybe

you need to be interesting or have something that stands out

Unless you want an instagram model as a gf it probably shouldn't be an issue. If you're willing to leave your comfort zone for her every now and then you should be fine.

Only if you're physically attractive or have something else going for you.

There are some girls with savior complexes, but they're not good usually

What does reclusive mean?
Sorry bad english :(

No, we will get nothing unless it falls in our laps and even if it does we won't be able to do anything about it anyway. I know this because it's happened to me. Take a girl out, weird her out. Go to a party randomly, a girl once in a blue moon might let you touch her titty or something because she thinks it's funny to let an awkward autist do that.

I am exactly this and it hasn't really helped me any. I'm basically a low-functioning genius with emotional problems and very little to show for his intellect. My gf is starting to get bored of me, I acted like a dick to the wrong people and alienated myself from the local arts scene, and if therapy/making life changes doesn't end up helping I may an hero in the next five years. My life isn't all bad and I do have things to hope for, but the thing I want to impart is that it takes more than portraying yourself as something. You can identify as something as somewhat of a handicap for your shyness, but it should be a way to help you find a healthy way of socializing with others and catching up with the rest of society. Art or music is not a personality and if you pay enough attention to creative types, you will realize they are mostly painfully average.

You need to fake being extroverted until you are if you ever hope to score actual relationships and friendships

what about ugly chicks?

we die alone but we live along side each other user.

This makes me lose all hope in being loved

>they assume you’re a deep thinker even if you’re just thinking about the dumbest shit.

This stuff hits way to close to home because I'll be sitting down minding my own business and people look at me thinking "is user depressed I guess I'll text him about it later or something" but I am never aware of my emotionless gaze so people think I'm depressed but I'm not. Sure I get the feels but everyone does every now and then and I always get out of them in a matter of 30 mins to an hour

>get decent amount of opportunities with women despite introverted etc, but too shy to act on them.
Story of my life. So many regrets...

>years ago, come across hot girl at work
>you get along well, she says hi and smiles every time you walk past
>never do anything because assburger
>fast forward to present
>she recently married and had a kid, is very happy
>meanwhile I'm still kv
>realize how much I regret not asking her out as she was literally perfect in both appearance and personality

I have a few other stories like this, but that's the one that bothers me the most.

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