What does Jow Forums think about pjw?

what does Jow Forums think about pjw?

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He is relatively smart but his narcissism shows badly, also it's pretty hypocritical how he criticizes the braindead masses for being brainwashed then he immediately jumps on covering any and every little trend that arises for views.

Got bored of him after 3 videos

>T. Main stream meatyorr watcher
Everything you said was true but he's still 100x more accurate than the shill msm

He is a sodomite that needs to repent. He is also a good middle of the road redpiller before normies move on to better things.

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LARPers and misc. faggots here like to make fun of him in their infinite nervousness.

>his narcissism shows badly

Weak sauce


Based but he’s just pointing out th obvious at this point. I guess a lot of people still have ears than need to hear otherwise he wouldn’t be getting clicks.

He's a lot like pewdiepie for me
I like them but their videos are dogshit most of the time


>He's a lot like pewdiepie for me
He's better than that stupid cunt pissiepie


>Paul Jewseph Watsonsteinerbergengeld

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He’s a homosexual with a fancy accent. Wh*Toids are so sad.

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He is pretty woke on the jews and hat tips to it in a way that he still has plausible deniability.

I used to think he was black hole brained but actually hes alright

>fancy accent
Haha, not in the UK.
Yanks think any Brit accent is posh.

cute lips

>(* in creepy Springfield pervert voice)
"Love him. He gives good head!"

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I think he is mi6. Only reports certain things. Used to listen to him, by default, when he was on infowars. More tolerable than owen shroyer. Idk why but I hate that guy's voice and pushy style.

His brother is better

I remember Ashton dishing out some gossip on him a couple months ago. Something about cheating on his gf with Lauren.

There is no one-pill-fits-all approach. Different people need different things.

He makes good points tbf but he's annoying ie. got a punchable voice if that makes sense.

Very, very gay

So many people there woke on the jews and don't hide it but all controlled op.
E Michael Jones
Fraser Anning
Any more details on any of those in particular?

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aww common, his sarcasm is top notch, makes me laugh

If you take his dildo out of his mouth, he is talking about western human rights like the true faggot he is. So feed him dildos, therefore he stops talking shit.


I like him.

only leftist shills and discord trannies hate him.

Gay, but better than communist niggers.

"Gilette the best an incel can get".
then posts a picture of Elliot Rodger in his video.
Shit doesn't make any damn sense.

Needs to start debating Lefties desu. I'm starting to hate anti-SJW grifters like Tim Pool, PJW and Sargon. They've outstayed their welcome

N.no.. Not Review Bru! The rest I can handle but not this. Noooooooo!

he's okay once a week or so, more than that and it gets kind of annoying

>Love is a mental illness, If you love your wife so much you'll end up cheating on her
>Orange man good, MIGA
>Defends degenerate art of a woman revealing her ass because fuck feminists
>Conservatism is the new punk rock (Lmfao)
>Hates trannies, says Islam is incompatible with "Western values" because they kill trannies (Contradiction)
>Defends a Homosexual child molester, if you disagree you're a homophobe
PJW is unironically the stupidest guy on the internet, he's just an edgy faggot. And a Controlled Opposition!

The only Based channel on the internet is Know more news.

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he has traction among brit students, which is arguably the most important political ground at the moment as far as the uk is concerned.

It's just overdone at this point. There's nothing new to discuss. We know that they are liars, hypocrites, and lunatics.

A bit cringey. Also Hi Paul

useful idiot

He’s cool. I like him and his videos. He may not name the Jew, but he shows how much lefties and shitskins are against white people

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