Ex (J) took me for a 3 week ride with psychological torture ride before finding her in bed with another guy after being...

>Ex (J) took me for a 3 week ride with psychological torture ride before finding her in bed with another guy after being together for 3 years
>Ex (E) is there for me as usual, as she always has been since we got to know each other 8 years ago
>Get a fuckfriend (K) that I eventually grow to dislike because I was lonely after (J)
>Decide to ditch (K) after she becomes bossy and demands that I become her BF and she grows more desperate and insane after she realizes I am such a good fuck (apparently)
>(E) comes more into the picture because she heard the good fuck rumours from (K) and (J) and wants a piece of the cake even though she has a BF
>I can't resist (E) because I've always loved her since back then and can't say no to her
>I fuck (E) and she says the rumours were true
>(E) wants to show (K) she's the best so she invites her over
>I get raped by both (E) and (K) because we were all drinking
>I've ditched (K) totally, I tried contacting (J) because I was together with her for 3 years and I needed help
>(J) blocked me
>I forgive (E) because I love her but she still wants her BF and says that us getting back together is almost impossible
>mfw lonely
>mfw raped by the one I love the most
>mfw (J) blocked me after 3 years without any issues until the end
>mfw government subsidies might get cancelled
>mfw I am just as bad as the guy that fucked my ex (J)
What the fuck am I supposed to do? I just want (E) to hold around me and cry

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>(E) gets me drunk and rapes me
>(E) cheats on her bf
>I want (E)
top kek, if you're not willing to go to the cops you should at least be cutting her out of your life.

I wanted to go to the cops over (K) but since they both did it I would have to press charges on (E) too... Which I can't do.
Not because I love her but because I'd ruin her future career and life, which I can't do because she genuinelly cares about it.

After they raped me she realized that she had fucked up massively, she cried on my shoulder while I held around her and cried, she refused to let go off me in bed because she wanted to comfort me.
(K) on the other hand said "It looked like he enjoyed himself though?" so there's that difference in... arrogance?

>>I get raped by both (E) and (K) because we were all drinking

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>raped by a woman

>After they raped me she realized that she had fucked up massively, she cried on my shoulder while I held around her and cried, she refused to let go off me in bed because she wanted to comfort me.
She knew what she'd done and put on a display to save herself you poor shmuck. She doesn't deserve you protecting her at all.

so much for asking for help.

You may have a point but I really have no idea, "generally everyday" she's really protective of me, refuses to let anything of harm come to me and specially after (J) cheated on me she wanted to kill her and still does.
I was the one who talked her out of it and she's the kind of person that I can truly ask anything of and she'll do it if it pleases me (but I won't ask for anything because we're extremely similar in us both being altruistic)

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>"generally everyday" she's really protective of me, refuses to let anything of harm come to me
And then as soon as you get a bit drunk she's willing to rape you. I'm not saying what you're saying is false but if all it takes is a bit of drink then she's not the great person she portrays herself to be.
Personally, and this is purely hypothetical because I'm not a total piece of shit, if I had raped a drunk women and realized what I'd done I'd start to panic and then I'd probably beg her for forgiveness and try to comfort her too... in no small part to convince her not to take it further.

You got a good point there too, but It just seems so... opposite to her usual, caring personality.
Because earlier (last week) (E) and I drank together and fucked without issue, she said she got a bit carried away when (K) tried to "out compete her" in terms of being the most attractive (In E would've won anyways but...)

(E) also said she would totally understand me if I went to the cops and she totally deserves it she says, so she hasn't said anything to prevent me from doing it, It's just that I personally can't ruin her career and life after she has been working so hard for it.

So a bit of competition and jealousy and she'll do this. Plus don't forget she's just cheated on her boyfriend, this is not something a decent person would do.

>(E) also said she would totally understand me if I went to the cops and she totally deserves it she says, so she hasn't said anything to prevent me from doing it, It's just that I personally can't ruin her career and life after she has been working so hard for it.
Again that's what I'd do in her situation, if I was trying get you to not go to the cops. You probably feel guilty for even considering it now. I'm not saying do go to the cops, but at least try to minimise her presence in your life.

Yeah you got a point as I mentioned, damn.
It's just so hard to "not love her" considering she has been there for me for 8 years, especially after (J) cheated on me, she flew down during her exam week to stay with me because I was collapsing psychologically.

When she struggled in April I went up to her and helped her cope.

The thing is that she and her BF has a pretty... turbulent relationship, she calls him a fucking idiot, that she can't stand him any more, he even argues and shouts at her when we are facetiming, but she refuses to leave him or as she said to me, "give it til the end of the year"
She has hinted that she wants to "try again" with me because we were young and in a bad situation back then, so I am just so confused, conflicted on what she wants.

I'm trying to spend some time alone but she's (of course) constantly worrying how I am doing because she sees that I am struggling since all that shit above has happened in the span of a couple of weeks/months.

>she raped me but she felt bad so it's ok
it's time to cut your losses

At least compared to the other girl (K) she seemed and seems to show regret.
Even now, almost two weeks later she's crying over it.
But Yeah you're right, fuck.

I understand your feelings aren't going to disappear as a result of this, you've had a strong relationship in the past. Putting those feelings aside, taking this whole scenario as hypothetical involving some other girl instead, what do you think is the right action? Would you still want to spend time with her?
>I'm trying to spend some time alone but she's (of course) constantly worrying how I am doing because she sees that I am struggling since all that shit above has happened in the span of a couple of weeks/months.
Have you tried telling her to give you some space at least? Perhaps you need to let things settle down without her injecting herself into your business, and see how you feel.

In regards to her boyfriend they may be turbulent but she's still his partner. She should be trying to work things out, or leaving him before moving on to another guy. Her actions are not good.

If it were two other girls I didn't have as strong as a relationship as I have with (E) I would've pressed charges of course and avoided them at all costs, just like I am doing with (K) at the moment.
Considering sending a message to (K) to tell her to mind her own business, because she's been too afraid to talk to me after the incident or even apologized, so she's been bugging (E) everyday with "How is he doing?" etc.

Yeah she knows I need space but she also knows I am extremely susceptible to suicidal thoughts if left alone for too long so she likes to check up on me with snapchat/FB etc.
I drove her home to her mother two weeks ago so I haven't met her since then, we planned to meet in August but we'll see, so I am currently alone and minding my own business until then.

Yeah I agree on the partner situation, it's... weird.

She HATES (J) for what she did to me, cheating and all that and even said she would never cheat on her boyfriend (P).
The first week she was here to hang (May) we kissed and she said it felt wrong, but two days later I was fingering her and going down on her without any issue.
Now, two weeks ago I fucked, made out with her etc. Without any issue, she didn't even think about it and even wants more.
It's just really confusing to me...

Do you live in a trailer park jw

Uh, no, apartment in central Norway?

If K isn't bothering you personally I'd ignore her, I can't see you getting anything out of messaging her.

Can you cope without E? The fact that you haven't pressed charges only because of how reliant / codependent you are on her isn't a good thing. At the very least I'd suggest trying to move away from her emotionally and less abusive friends.

>She HATES (J) for what she did to me, cheating and all that and even said she would never cheat on her boyfriend (P).
The first week she was here to hang (May) we kissed and she said it felt wrong, but two days later I was fingering her and going down on her without any issue. Now, two weeks ago I fucked, made out with her etc. Without any issue, she didn't even think about it and even wants more. It's just really confusing to me...
Fuck man, what a mess. Sounds like she has her own baggage, you can hardly blame the bf for being so shitty if this is what she's like.

Fair point about the first thing there, it just annoys me and (E) that she keeps bugging her all the time.

I can cope without (E) since she lives away from my county 10/12 months a year since she's studying, I can manage fine without her, it's just that knowing there's at least hope for us or SOMETHING which can help me wait in the meantime if it makes sense?

Well we were together when we were 14/15 respectively and we both had extreme family problems, she came out of it with borderline personality disorder and I with a general personality disorder.
She has her own baggage indeed, we both do, she even says to her boyfriend, infront of me on facetime, that she's rather talk to me about her issues than him because he doesn't understand her and he doesn't care so... Yeah.

Oh and I remembered, the day after they raped me they were talking on the couch (E let me sleep as to... well, let me rest)
And (E) said to (K) that all men were idiots, except me, because I actually listened and understood to her problems.

Again, it sounds to me like (E) really wants me, but at the same time... not?

> it just annoys me and (E) that she keeps bugging her all the time.
Let E deal with that, it's the least she can do.
>it's just that knowing there's at least hope for us or SOMETHING which can help me wait in the meantime if it makes sense?
Do you really want something with someone who raped you and can you get past that? Should you get past that?

Also the more I hear the worse I feel for her bf, her behaviour towards him is abhorrent.

Fair point.

I told (E) that her raping me wasn't such a huge deal in that kind of sense, since I actually want to fuck her, but her going against my noes and that (K) forced her upon me too without her doing anything is something I couldn't forgive straight away and (E) are showing signs of actually caring and trying to alleviate the pain by supporting me.

True, but I haven't exactly told you about (P) either.
>Lives together as students
>He easily games 8-10 hours a day
>Complains and get angry at her for not having enough time to study, not wanting to do anything
>Doesn't make any decisions because he couldn't care less, what to do, where to go on dates, whats for dinner etc.
>Fun part, would rather sit on PH and fap than fuck her
Example, I was facetiming her and she drank some wine (she gets horny when she drinks) so she turned her ass towards him and said "Hey, (P) want to have sex?" And he had the audacity to turn around and say "No, I would rather game" which of course left her really hurt and she just hung up because she was crying after that.
Oh and they haven't had sex in 6 weeks before she came here, go figure.

They may be trying to support you but I'm not sure that the support of someone who raped you is going to be helpful in the long run.

None of that justifies her actions towards him, she should dump him rather than cheat.

While I agree on that, It's a bit hard to describe a person that you've known and cared for, for 8 years to someone with text.
I do appreciate the concern though.

Yeah I admit that her actions are wrong, especially the cheating, she has said that she's growing more and more tired of him and she was willing to give him til the end of the year before she dumps him or not.

But she has also said that if that happens she wants to be single for a while, so... I am clueless.

Yeah of course a relationship like that is hard to describe accurately. I'm not sure that I have anything else to add but good luck to you. Just be careful.

Appreciate your words though, really, I do.
I could describe our relationship as... together but not, in a weird way.
We do all the usual "boyfriend/girlfriend" things together without issue (Goes out on resturants, movies, outdoor activities, etc.) and she even says to her mom that doing those things with me are just fun and cozy, it's weird.

Kaiser Willhelm II#1907 on Discord if you or anyone else wants to chat about it or have anything wise to say if the thread suicides before I wake up, since it's 04:26 in Norway now.

I probably won't add you becaues I'm not much of a talker outside Jow Forums, never been much good at real time chatting. It sounds like a good relationship outside this major issue, so I understand it would be hard to let go. Good luck again, maybe you can work past it and maybe that's for the best if you do. I'm afraid I don't have any real, good answers.

It's fine, we all have our personal quirks.

The answers you've given me are plenty enough and sometimes it's just good to have someone to talk to, really appreciate it.

you did report to the police about K, right? less so as revenge and more so because the fucking psychopath raped someone and didn't even feel bad and i don't want her on the streets

(The thread was actually up, damn)
I did talk to the police about it and they said that they couldn't do anything unless I also charged (E) with it.

why not charge (E), then? she's female so she won't be punished that hard, she'll just be put on a sex offender list, which she deserves regardless of how sorry she is.

1. Because I love her
2. Then the secret comes out and everyone knows
3. It ruins her career which she currently is studing for since it requires nothing on your criminal record
4. 10x more drama than it is now
5. I gain nothing more out of it than maybe $3000 in court, whoopdi fucking do.

>1. Because I love her
then stop. this can't be salvaged, and you'll get stockholm if you didn't already.
she's willing to rape you, the person she supposedly loves so much. do you think this will work out? what if it does, and you'll get married? god knows what she would do to you behind closed doors if she can rape you in front of a friend.
you need to find another women, one that's more sane. i know this is hard, but you can't just ignore it.
>2. the secret will come out
so what? all you'll get is sympathy, this isn't some educational movie where "you're so lucky bro"
>3. It ruins her career which she currently is studing for since it requires nothing on your criminal record
probably shouldn't have made herself a criminal record. she should have consequences for her actions
>10x more drama than it is now
this is a pretty fucking dramatic event user, it should be treated as such.
>5. I gain nothing more out of it than maybe $3000 in court, whoopdi fucking do.
this isn't about that, it's about getting them off the street, and preventing others from having the same fate.
remember how she said all men are stupid but you? if she likes you and she raped you, what will she do to someone she doesn't like? a person like this is a ticking timebomb. i know she regrets it, but people never change after an action like that.

You got a point there, I agree the situation is... unrealistic.
I also agree I need to find more friends/women but it's hard when you're stuck in a little town because mfw anxiety

I don't want sympathy, I just want help to deal with it and I really don't want to cause (E) more drama and misery in her life, we've both experienced hell in our teen years and I can't let her suffer because of me, in the same way she can't let me get hurt.

I agree on her being a ticking timebomb though, I bet she is.