What’s the “spark” that makes a woman see you as a romantic option?

What’s the “spark” that makes a woman see you as a romantic option?
I’m friends with this girl. She openly finds me attractive, and vice versa, we get along great, make each other laugh, etc. You get the idea. We were the will they won’t they couple, and eventually things did get romantic for a few weeks. But she just sort of... Stopped? Seeing me like that? I have no idea what changed.
There wasn’t some big argument or event where stuff changed, it just happened.
She pretty much NEVER acknowledged that anything happened, and doesn’t talk about it. We aren’t really friends since a couple months after that, this isn’t about wanting her back, just looking out for what to do next time.
What is this mysterious thing that can apparently just change for no discernible reason? Am I just a fucking retard?
t. 18y/o high functioning autist so please be patient

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>eventually things did get romantic for a few weeks
You actually get a pass on this one. If you two gave it a shot and she just didn't catch a spark, there's really nothing to be done about that. Sometimes you just don't hit it off with a person that way and there's nothing to be done about it. It's for the best anyway; you should be with someone who truly wants to be with you too. All I can say for next time is don't take the friends-to-gf route. As soon as you find yourself enjoying a girl's personality and looks, ask her out.

>We were the will they won’t they couple
How did it finally become romantic? I suspect she wasn’t as taken with you as you previously thought. Perhaps once she got to know you, she realized you weren’t that compatible.

until you put your dick in her it's not romantic.
let this be your spark

Femanon here OP.
Spark in this context doesn’t exist. It’s a concept used to describe ditzy, directionless, unintelligent women who are out of tune with themselves and this don’t know what they want and in turn can’t properly reciprocate interest.
A good example is a deeply insecure person who when with someone who is interested in them, constantly internally self questions or analyses instead of just enjoying the moment. You don’t want to be with people like this, and with age work on your radar to recognise such behaviour.
Happy people are usually just easy to get along with, even if they aren’t attracted to you you can still form friendships with such people because it’s easy. The fact that never happened shows there’s something else going on with her she maybe unhappy or generally judgemental or both.
To go from high interest in you as a person to zero interest is a sign she’s got other things on her mind and she gives zero fucks about you, unless you sent her dick pics or something.

> you should be with someone who truly wants to be with you too
unironically doesn't exist

you are definitely not female

>What’s the “spark” that makes a woman see you as a romantic option?
Be good looking.

Attached: 1552696804541.png (600x600, 466K)

Literal ayy on the left

She initiated, I guess you could say. Started escalating, flirting more, holding my hand when we were just walking etc. We had been friends for years and years before this, I don't think she learned anything new about me once that started.
"spark" is just the word I pulled out of a hat. I don't know what else to call it, the switch from platonic to romantic might've been a better phrase.
Zero interest isn't exactly correct, we were friends after that and stopped talking for unrelated reasons later on.
She thinks I am, from before we got together to the present, and says as much.

>unrelated reasons
Which are?

1. Be attractive in as many ways as you can; that includes your morphology both of the face and physique (duh).

2. Be casual and with that dominate her, know yourself to be better than her. Unless this is the "true love at first sight" sort of thing just be calm and flirt with her. Don't make yourself her friend. "Hey did you see that thing last night" and anything along the lines of friendship is idiocy with a girl you like. Be the chad not the friend.

3. Get your confidence up, date around. Honestly as long as you'r not ugly it is possible (though only really works as a lifestyle for the good looking as with myself). Flirt with every attractive girl you meet but not in the le m'lady way or the le m'lone wolf way. Both are cringe. Just say flirty remarks such as "why I don't think I've seen a more beautiful woman" or tone it down and say "nice day isn't it" while looking at her. It all depends on moment, as long as the flirting isn't too bad as long as you have confidence a woman will be under your spell. If she rejects you turn it against her such as "I might have to tell such and such about this" then say something along the lines "not if I cover your lips" and if you've done everything right before they wont resist and you've got yourself a babe.

Remember a woman is the type of animal that the more times she see's you the more she gets to like you. It's worked for me. It's an intuitive understanding that might be hard for your autism but once you have a little bit of experience you will learn when to be the flirty wife stealer or to be the serious lover.

time to give up and kill myself

This just sounds like she gave up because you weren't making any moves.

She lives a few hours away and started a course and has a job, she just hasn’t had time to see me or anyone else really, and my mental health hasn’t been great so I’m not a fan of texting. We’re on good terms, caught up recently.
“Not friends” was not the right phrasing, in hindsight.

>Just say flirty remarks such as "why I don't think I've seen a more beautiful woman" or tone it down and say "nice day isn't it" while looking at her. It all depends on moment, as long as the flirting isn't too bad as long as you have confidence a woman will be under your spell. If she rejects you turn it against her such as "I might have to tell such and such about this" then say something along the lines "not if I cover your lips"

>you’re looking good tonight ladies

Why are you batshit ugly or just never flirted with a girl? Keep in mind my advice has worked on 7 - 9/10's. Still you must change whether she is the confident beautiful woman or the shy beauty. Either way this works but you can be much more forceful with the shy one. Remember that line I told you about covering their mouth directly after that grab their hand pull it up and kiss her. It worked for me with the shy girl and she was a solid 7/10. Point being as I said before it's intuitive you gotta learn the moment and its innuendo's once you have that from a small bit of experience it should become much more of an unconscious recognition and so intuitive.

Once you get past the first flirting and have sex for the first time as chad it's all downhill. One could say this new found ability dooms a man however it sure as hell makes life interesting.

and this woman despise impatience and will eventually view you as weak. user you should of learnt these things in yr 8.

Kek not a boomer but Gen Z. Boomer just do it reminisce since they view themselves as past the time of dating woman however I do it to actually get woman. And it works. Of course tone it down or up a notch depending on the woman - all intuitive.

I guess not all of us can be high functioning

very funny user.

Could have been anything. You might have said or done something benign that made her think she isn't attracted to you, you might have offended her, she might have found someone else more interesting, you may have taken too long and she thought you weren't really interested.
Maybe she had a relationship before and remembered how shit the breakup was and suddenly decided she didn't want to go through it.
A million reasons. I don't know her, I don't know what happened between you.
You don't have to analyse it. Just wait for the next opportunity with someone else, hope it turns out better, move on if that doesn't. Worst thing you can do is get hung up on these things.

Spot the intruder. One is not a German.

Attached: Germania.png (858x627, 746K)

there is also two of one person both old and young (hint neither intruder is un-famous)

She found a better option.

I'm 28 and I never get that feeling anymore

She’s never had a boyfriend and is still single

Then you just don't have what she wants. You’re a let down, a disappointment. She would rather be alone than spend tome with you. Probably your sense of humor or your lack of ambition. She wised up and realized what a plain life she would have with you if she settled and married you.

>What is this mysterious thing that can apparently just change for no discernible reason? Am I just a fucking retard?


Look at the nature of reality. Nothing stays the same.

>Just say flirty remarks such as "why I don't think I've seen a more beautiful woman" or tone it down and say "nice day isn't it" while looking at her.

Are you huwhite?
Are you a cowboy?

I've been in a very similar situation as OP.
>meet girl, instantly have connection and become very close
>she's fresh out of a relationship and I've never dated so I don't know what I'm doing at all for a good few months
>get on great with her friends, we talk all the time
>she starts seeing her ex again in secret (only I know)
>we get really drunk and have sex, decide to try giving romance a go
>it doesn't feel right
>go back to being friends
>readjust and it's mostly fine
>recently we got super drunk and had sex again
>back to being friends, haven't spoken about it
What do I do in this situation? I'm not fixated on her by any means. I'm seeing another girl casually at the minute and working really hard on seeing other friends loads.

Mozart was Austrian. Hegel's in there twice. Also, how is your post relevant?