Why are some men afraid of commitment?

Why are some men afraid of commitment?

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I’d commit to the girl in that pic

I'm scared my marriage will be a failure like that of my parents, and that i will either be an absent parent like my father or an overprotective one like my mother. Can't say anything about the others.

Because you’re super clingy

In my case it may limit my career.

I was raised in a rural area and got used to reject suitable long term partners

Because women go for chads that don't want or need to commit.

Stop being a bitch. They treated you like dog shit but you still eat right? You vagina

This. Any woman who wants you to "commit" is merely trying to tie down resources to fund her existence because she's too old for the cock carousel

Did i say i hate them or anything, you retard? I will slap you and teach you to behave, if you like.

Lmfao on point. You cant find a long term partner cause only person you want to fuck are chads with arms for dicks that have no reason to do anything long term with your slutty selective ass

Men who date women at a young age deal with a bunch of unasked for bullshit and drama.
As a result they rightfully view women as fuck things in order to break away from the potential emotional trauma they could entire otherwise.
You've probably contributed to this in one way or another I bet. The only men that are able to be husbands now are the men you ignored in your younger age.

Men are biologically wired to be averse to putting all of their eggs in one basket because they don't have to. They can be pressured to if you look like a good investment and they don't have better options.

freedom to not be legally bound to some woman's mood swings

I'm afraid that if I truly throw myself into a relationship with all of my heart she might grow dissatisfied later on and it'll end, and all of the effort I put in will have been for nothing.

have you see the divorce rates?

Why would I commit to a whore?

I'm afraid of commitment because I worry I might fall for someone else if you're not my type. Or that we'll fall out of love someday and that I've entered into some insane contract like marriage or cohabitation where I'll be fucked by the courts and lose things I've worked hard for. Or that I'm entering into something where you'll expect me to fundamentally change as a person, giving up my hobbies, interests, and friends so things inevitably become things "we" watch, or "we" participate in, or "we" like to eat.

I'm obsessed with my own autonomy, and giving that up for some cuddles or middling sex isn't better than a loyal dog and some porn. I don't even hate women, I just don't think creatures are really designed to be this dependent on each other.

>Why are some men afraid of commitment?

because women don't save themselves for marriage.

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t. SEETHING roastie

Post more

these. fuck catching feelings, shit always ends up bad
most women are fickle and couldn't care less about leaving you

Cause they can see you for who you really are after they've came and are thinking clearly again

We are not afraid of commitment, we are afraid to be left by someone who won't show us the same amount of commitment and dedication we would

Because of deep seated self-esteem problems

That's like asking why blacks steal radios.
Maybe you just think all men are afraid of commitment because you are a fucking idiot.

Say wut, I aint afraid uf nuthin.

Oh go fuck yourself.

I tried to commit to this sexy little blonde punk lady, and I fucked myself instead. She told me about the other boys she liked and wasn't for dating.

You tell me, should I have just been a full pig and fuck her or just turn her down like I already did?

Seriously her and I are an impossible couple. She looks like a porn star while I'm milk toast.

you just verified her claim incelite ;)

For anyone hating on OP's thread, the question was why are SOME men afraid to commit to a relationship?

Because of all the other times that we committed to something it fucked us in the ass.

>I really tried to get on the team so I practiced really hard but those jocks got it and they took my stacy that I liked since 2nd grade
>I'll never try ever again :(

I dunno, my pet snake is nice to keep around.
He's been a commitment and a half, but now he's three times bigger than when I got him.

>Why are some men afraid of commitment?
Because women are sluts. Wouldn't you be scared of letting someone in if they could take half of everything you have ever worked for and you only begotten son.

No more like.
>> Mother calling you stupid constantly for being male.
>> Was good friends with a girl in... I think 1 or 2nd grade on my bus, until her friends shamed her into leaving me by my self.
>> Tricked multiple times by people into thinking some girl in my class liked me. Would ask and would get shot down.
>> The few times I tried getting into sports, I was 'encouraged' to play something else by the other kids.
>> Date a girl in college. She breaks up with me after a month. Her roomates say it's because she had a nightmare that I was possessed and killed her.
>> Met a girl online, who broke up with me multiple times and kept begging for me back, only to dump me one last time when we met for real (partially my fault as at this point I was too scared to do more then hold her hand and give a light kiss here and there).
>> Constantly fucked over by my manipulative mother until I shoved her out of my life.
>> Dated a MtF for about two months until she ghosted me.

You act like I fell off the horse just once. I've fallen off multiple times, and the horse has stepped on my broken body and pissed on the mess that was left.
God I wish I was 100% gay and not bi as I would never glance at another woman again.

>"Why won't Chad commit?"

>I will slap you and teach you to behave, if you like.

That, men don't want to commit because they might lose some freedom, especially if they commit to mom 2.0

Maybe you, personally, as an individual, seek out men who will refuse to commit to you.

Why women are afraid of no commitment?

Because most women aren't worth committing to.

Because they don't want to feel used and like they wasted time and emotional investment.

so you've never had a bad experience with any males? or you just ignore it because waaah sometimes girls don't like you?

I've had bad experiences with both yet I still date and I still have friends. And it wasn't easy for me. Yet you turned it into misogyny which is sad. And my original assumption wasn't even wrong, you didn't do the sports you like and some girl rejected/dumped you. Congrats you are normal.

And get therapy if you need.

Cause they ll become enslaved since in all the west ( and sometimes beyond ) the judicial system is in favour of women.

I don't have money

Because there is zero benefit to committing to one women. If you get sex for free without needing to be married without needing to be married there's no point. Not to mention divorce laws means you'll get fucked if you do. Not to mention there's a new 18 year old everyday so why commit to a girl who's going to be past prime very soon?

Because deep down, they don't expect to get any. And if there's one thing men hate, it's getting nothing for something.

most men arent. if theyre not committing to you its because they're just not into you.. sure we'll bang you for a bit though whilst you let us

There's a thing that was pointed out to me recently via someone who was reading the Odyssey: It's actually a bigger insult to men when someone says that a dude is eating your food than if another dude is hitting on your SO.
Because of course another dude who doesn't know she's your SO is gonna hit on her- she's her. If she bites, that's a treachery on her part rather than a failure on yours. But if another dude eats your food, then he's not just a dick, he's a selfish fuckwad who refuses to provide for himself.
That's where the issue with commitment and 'obsession' with preventing cuckoldry comes from: Men are fine if a woman isn't willing to commit to them, but they cannot stand it if someone steals from them. Which is what cuckolding your partner is. It's stealing all of their investment in your relationship based on some touchy-feely crap about 'not understanding me' or some such blatant lie. Men show love by providing for women, and they expect women to show love by accepting and appreciating their gifts. Divorce culture fundamentally undermines that by requiring the man to not only compete with his past suitors, but with other suitors constantly. He has to funnel money and effort and investment into the relationship not only to maintain it, but improve it for no other reason than that if she tires of him she can just leave.
That's frustrating, unfair, frankly stupid, and a lot of men just don't bite anymore because even if they only get fucked a third of the time, their massive investment into a marriage is gone forever with no real consolation other than 'that's women, man'. And the woman's apparent sincerity means less and less because more and more women are succeeding at this robbery, which means they're getting better at lying. Meaning that the only way a man can be assured he's not going to be robbed is by not investing in the first place.
Is that unfair? Maybe.
But that's what the problem is: If you can't trust a spouse, who can you trust?

If theyre being honest to themselves, its because they know the women is going to cheat at some point regardless. And if possible, goes for your money too.

Because catching feelings never ends well and I never had a woman fall in love with me, they always ended up picking someone else.
I only use women for sex now.

Because something better always comes along.

>I will slap you and teach you to behave
and this is why you should never be a parent. castrate yourself with a bolt cutter TIA.

>wanting to wait until after marriage
do you buy a car without a test drive? do you buy a house without at least walking through it? no? then why the fuck would you get married without knowing if you and the girl are compatible in bed!

fucking incels.

It sounds irrational. Why commit to a single person if there are millions of amazing people around and you get the chance to met at least a few hundred?

On the one hand, I don't entirely disagree with you, but on the other, I hate these kinds of metaphors on a fundamental level.
I should be able to sit down in a move theater and expect a move to play without ever having gone to the theater before. I should be able to buy gas at a gas station and not expect my tank to fill with vodka. I should be able to order a rum and coke without knowing the bartender and expect the drink to not be doped.
More on-the-point, I should be able to go to my son's birth and expect him to share my skin color.

>yes goyim, just have meaningless one night stands while you turn hollow inside!

Who the fuck talks about ONS, incel-chan?

Your examples are the sort of "she has a pussy, my dick will fit in" which obviously is great but misses the point how sex is a bit more complex than watching a movie.

Seething roastie spotted

The comparisons given aren't exactly great either, to be honest. I feel like a realtor who expects you to take a year to make a decision will have another buyer lined up pretty quick. There are only so many test drives you can take before the salesman starts to wonder who actually owns the car.

Nigga, what?

Well, the house one is suboptimal for sure but test drive one makes sense IMO. Generally you don't have to shag that often to tell whether it works or not. There is still the question of different sex drives, but these can vary either way due other factors.

>Generally you don't have to shag that often to tell whether it works or not.
Yeah, but that's the rub right there. People do date for years before deciding whether or not to marry, and saying you don't want to commit because you haven't tested your sex life rings hollow the further you put off the final commitment. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I feel that things like politics and fetish should come up in conversation BEFORE actually having sex, if only because you don't want to have a sexual interest in someone only to find out she's a virulent ecoterrorist and fantasizes at length about fucking dogs.

I could think of a ton of reasons with very different motivations. Some of them are already brought up.
>Don't know the person well enough yet and not sure they want to fully dive into a relationship
>Scared of rejection or hurt feelings once they are committed down the line (bad experiences in past relationships)
>Grew up in dysfunctional household and scared their own relationship will be just as bad or have a fucked up idea of how a loving relationship should look like in general
>They enjoy their freedom of being single and not having to consider another person in their choices (Doesn't necessarily mean they sleep around with other girls, could be career or hobby related as well)
>They enjoy going out with the girl and seeing her casually, feel that a more intense relationship might not be possible or doesn't increase overall happiness and rather exposes issues (E.g. I take a girl out from time to time for dinner, events etc., we have fun and I don't have to deal with her shortcomings like being messy and a bad planner etc., we just enjoy each other for a day whenever we feel like it and then go back to our own lives.)
>The guy has multiple FWBs and doesn't see the reason to commit to one of them if that means he has to give up all the others
>He is trying to play the girl and enjoys messing with her emotions

Like I said the reasons can be vastly different some understandable and some vile.
Depends on the guy which one it is.

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What is this shit. You're not supposed to make reasonable posts here.

"commitment" is just stringing you along until she finds someone with more worth.

I'm not. If anything I want marriage and kids and being able to bond over that with a woman I love.

>t. Poofter


Stay seething emcel roastie

Prospect of marriage has gotten pretty unreliable in recent years, even for mediumterm couples.

Men also have the natural advantage of holding back longer, as they have the potential to notably grow their market value with age, experience, social & economic standing.
Thus leading some to believe there is always a bigger & better score.

This. Too bad I understood it too late.

Commitment is only for when you want to have kids.
I have learned that you cannot commit to a women 100% ever, because you just cannot relax with them, otherwise they wil be "bored" or put low effort because they own a vagina.
I ain't investing in someone unless im sure i like her in the long term and she's willing to have my kids, if i get some hint she's internally scared of sex because pregnancy even if we use protective methods, then i know she will flake on me eventually.


If a guy can fuck an average roastie like you every weekend, why should he commit?

That end part is why I'm afraid of commitment to grill

You never presented a reason of why I shouldn't be

Because that's what YOU want. But you are not committed to being committed yourself. You want a guy to commit, but once he does you're bored of him. Most guys instinctively know this and don't commit even if they can't explain the logic behind it.
You have to be worthy of committing too through consistency. You cannot force a guy to commit through any sort manipulation because of how YOU feel. Even if you do manipulate him you will only get a broken product that will never achieve what it could if he committed to you willingly.

Again this thread?
Cause now it's a bad deal.
A woman can legit turn a men into a slave, and force him to pay for her needs while she get fucked by 7 other guys.
That's not a good deal for us, eh?
Also, how can you take responsibility if you don't have authority over what you must be responsible over?
That's kinda retarded.
Wanna solve this?
Give autority back to men willingly.
Or they will take it back sooner or later.
Either the men of your society will, or men from other societies.

Hard to find a Christian girl with a notch count under 3.

This is the only answer.

because they want to fuck more girls

Its exactly the reason.

Delayed rites of adulthood. Blame videogames, kindergarten universities or coddling parents, I don't care.

Lack of socio-economical must to marry/commit. But distrust 99 % comments made here in spirit of MGTOW. They are mostly cowards.

Look into Erik Erikson's theories of development of personality. Lack of personal identity often leads to fear of commitment ("I'm going to lose/miss out my REAL me" etc.). Partly related to the first point.

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>ghosted by a MtF
that's fucking grim

cuz women be crazy

i have commitment issues because i want to fuck more girls

Im assuming by commitment you mean marriage. My question then is why arent all men afraid of commitment?

Look at marriage in terms of what it is, a financial contract. A man NEEDS the contract to be successful. If it falls through, his life is over. His finances, access to his children, his independence are all gone and over.

The woman on the other hand is fine either way. If the contract fails or succeeds she is fine from a financial perapective. If a woman doesnt feel like upholding the contract, divorce it outright beneficial to her.

Why would anyone want to enter a contract where they are significantly more invested in things working out than the other party? Thats just not pragmatic.

Because I don’t wish to share my nuggies with a harlot.

why was my ex girlfriend so scared of commitment i gave her my all and she left me saying she doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone right now not letting that shit happen again it's you who ruin us

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I'm just a kid

I don't know OP's intention, but don't reduce commitment to marriage alone. Men are less interested in commitment nowadays irregardless of shortcomings of marriage - which varies in practice country to country (amerifats = cucks)