Weirdest thing about Europe:

No paper towels. I went on a vacation to various countries and stayed in Airbnb houses and apartments. Nobody had paper towels. WTF, are paper towels an endangered species? Why do Europeans want to use a nasty, moist, germ-infested rag to wipe?

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can't afford to buy them yourself from the grocery store, huh

I use these to wipe my ass. Guaranteed no shit on your hands so you can skip the wash

You have multiple rags, and wash them you stupid fuck.

Using paper towels for everything is wasteful and expensive.

Way to go, giving the paper towel Jew more money.

Dude, Viva soft and strong > any TP.

Wouldn't recommend for folks on septics tho

Cant live without the stuff where did you go in europe
Also airbnb.... fucking bluepilled globalist kike

Jew doesn’t understand he has to buy them. And every time he has stayed at other air B&Bs he’s been using the previous guests left overs .

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Fake american you don't wipe you ass with paper towels. Unless you didn't go to the store for a week.


Toilet paper is usually triple or quadruple layered. Paper towels Are too Soft

What's wrong with airbnb? So much better than staying at a hotel/motel. Your accommodations are less soulless and you have much better/cheaper options almost anywhere. It's great if you're not a corporatist shill. airbnb gets a cut I'm sure and there are some companies that rent out properties through it, but it is significantly less decentralized than what we've had up till now. To be fair I haven't looked into them more than I needed to in order to use the service, but I don't see the globalist connection

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most of places here where i live do have paper towels
i dont know and care about airbnb nigger houses though

try cleaning glass without paper towels

i have a special towel for that

>I use these to wipe my ass. Guaranteed no shit on your hands so you can skip the wash

proper ass wipe:

initial wipe with soft, quality toilet paper
repeat once or twice until toilet paper cant pick up any poo
then follow with a wet wipe
finish with a half sheet paper towel to pat dry

I rent out high end airbnb's for a weekend and hide a raspberrypi zero somewhere in the property, sometimes behind a plug socket.
Use a VPN.

If you believe in global warming why do you support the toilet paper industry?

Wait what? Are you autistic or something? Pat it dry? Holy shit, burgers man.

I know it's hard for your caveman brain to contemplate using a tool instead of throwaway shit.

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>Pat it dry?

yes, after the wet wipe.

learn to clean your ass. i had women eat mine.

that requires soaping up the glass and shit, paper towels you just squirt some windex on and wipe it, crystal clear results

Huh? They sell tons of paper towels in Europe. If you want them, just go to the super market.

>Apply liquid
>Scrape liquid off


>Apply liquid
>Wipe liquid off

Paper towels are only in the kitchen dumb mutt

a squeegee takes a lot more liquid

Ignorant western savages don’t know about superior Asian hygiene and cultural / technological hegemony.

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Wtf are you on about, are you retarded

applying tap water to your bunghole

yikes and anus pineal gland calcification pilled.

It's also much quicker and a lot easier, hence why people who actually clean windows for their job don't use fucking Windex and disposable towels you absolute brainlet

> I went on a vacation to various countries and stayed in Airbnb houses and apartments.

Too poor to stay in hotels? Fucking broke ass nigga stay at home next time.

Because the owners thought your ass could afford to head to the store and pick up a couple of rolls for your own use?
There's a reason you save money on airbnb over a hotel you fucking cunt.

Paper towels are an American invention. They have not caught on in the third world much yet due to the high cost

Noice shill thread
Just yesterday there was an article that mutts use paper towels to mop the floor like some retards

>be rich enough to travel
>be poor enough to rent a airbnb

advice smartass americunt

>don't be able to purchase frugal kitchen accessory
>bitch about Europe in general

hurr durr in Muh Us of A in erry room in erry rental place we wuz kangz and sheit so we have paper towels as standard NNN SHIITEE where da fock is JEwrope, what is it

Shop.Shelf. Register

Obviously you use a squeegee for outside windows and car windshields, but for indoor shit you use towels

>Be wagie at grocery store
>Mops banned for "health and safety"
>Citing some bullshit about mold growing on mops or something
>Have to clean up every spill with paper towels
>One day on morning fill, 5 minutes before store opens the dumbcunt forklift driver bringing the wine pallet into the shop puts the pallet down and clips the edge with a fork
>Whole pallet of wine comes crashing down
>Ocean of fucking blood red wine on the floor
>Used every single paper towel on the shelf to clean it up, literally hundreds of packs

Lol what a faggot. Having a woman lick your ass. Sounds like something 2 fags would do. Why not just stick your mutilated Jew "penis" in her vagina like normal men

is this real


We have them.

You know those things scrape, and what is the purpose of them? To move it. It moves it down and you will get a bunch of liquid run off below. You use paper towels or a cloth since they absorb.

Do burger windows not have drain holes in the joinery like every country has had since fucking forever?

AirBnB is almost entirely taken over by apartment companies and it's ruining historical city centers in every major tourist town in europe. Much the same as hotels once did anyway, so no hard feelings. It's very hard to really find a sustainable way of going on vacation.

>it's ruining historical city centers in every major tourist town in europe.

Live in Lisbon. Can confirm.

Imagine the smell.

Not only do Americans use a lot paper towels, they order them online.

fuckk no; our windows are made like our women: fast, cheap, and easy

>superior Asian hygiene and cultural / technological hegemony.
Flag checks out.

Most based post ive seen my whole life.

we also use paper towels in Australia.
(My flag is wrong, using the CloudFlare DNS)

>using the CloudFlail DNS
...why would you even do that?!

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we just use 'towel'. you know, that thing that you wash instead of throwing away ?

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Reasonable you wouldn't wash dishes with your countries flag.

haha rekt

You haven't noticed how quiet it's been here in recent weeks? Most of Australia has been blocked from Jow Forums since Christchurch.

I had to buy a pass (oh the humanity!) to continue to post here.

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>what is a tea towel

you ignorant fuck

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he's not wrong though

its because of the jews
Many supermarkets actually now dont sell plastic bags anymore but only ones made out of paper
>buy 2 liter ice tea and pizza
>put it in paper bag
>rips open because its so fragile
I fucking hate it, and then you read on the news
>austria is not doing enough for stopping climate change
And the funny thing is, plastic bags in the supermarket where i always buy stuff, were about 15 cent or something, the paper bag costs 1 euro
Also who the fuck thinks its better to cut down a tree for a bag you use 1 time and than actually using a plastic bag which you can use for years
I swear all this climate change shit is just to make jews money

Because no one uses the plastic bag for years.
>Buying 2liter ice tea and pizzas
get fucked globalist scum, support your local cuisine and economy..

you literally throwing money away

> a pack of 12 bounty paper towls is $20
.that a 1.60 per roll

>you can get a 50 micro fiber towels on amazon for $18

>Most of Australia has been blocked
USA has been shitposted nigh unto death.

paper Towels is just a another Jewish trick to take your money

>WTF, are paper towels an endangered species?
YES THEY ARE, you stupid ignorant burger. Europe doesn't have a Canada full of trees to waste them on paper towels and toilet paper. Fuck you.

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>Europe could have had Canada full of trees
...but nooo, they didn't want it.
Not our fault, Yurp.

F for fellow cunts. I miss the banter.


unironically the saddest and worst board. A purgatory for Jow Forums shitposters.

>A befitting purgatory for Jow Forums shitposters.

>so you can skip the wash

Because sea creatures choke over your throwaway plastic bag you used for 10 seconds, then degrade into micro plastic, to get back in your food you dumb cunt, and paper just degrades like its nothing.

Canada bragging about Asia superiority. Wow, you really do wish you were more China

Get a bidet you pleb

You should've considered not being a lazy fuck OP and going outside to buy a roll of paper towels in any grocery shop larger than 5m^2.

Excellent post, thanks for your insightful reply.

Don't throw plastic bags in the sea. Just recycle plastic.Seems like an easy workaround.
I'm the guy that has been saying for years; why not just plant tons of trees to combat climate change. 4 days ago was the very first time I've read any news source about scientists saying the exact same thing. Plant 1 trillion trees. They say it's the most effective quickest way to slow the carbon pollution into the atmosphere.

Simplest solution is almost always the best.

>so you can skip the wash
absolutely animalistic

I don't know about Europe but here everybody has paper towels.

The bidet "wash"
>Splatter bacteria and fecal contaminated water across bathroom and butt, whilst still having a subpar clean

TP, used properly, lets you push it into your anus a little bit to remove every single mark of shit. Doing that I have never had a single skidmark from TP, whereas I have from bidet use.

Just use newspaper!

t. hospitality worker

Also love abit of blue roll but the boss hits the fan when it runs low

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>this actually happened

>t. shartmarter
we do use paper towels for what's really filthy (eg after fiddling with a car engine)
we indeed generally use cloth towels to dry our hands after having washed them, or to dry the more fragile dishes we wash by hand
noticeably because actually washing is a well enough admitted practice that we trust people wouldn't wipe shit on cloth
maybe that'll change, when we reach 56% of Whites, though

just one question, though
in such a previous slide thread, it was implied you Mutts didn't use mops for the floors
do you use paper towels even for that?
do you even clean floors?

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>mold growing on mops
could happen if you didn't use detergent with the mop
but if you don't, you're not really cleaning the floors, you're just smearing shit further

My blue roll from work ends up in my garage. Surprised that op didn't find any kitchen roll, maybe Airbnb fags are just being tight.

Why not just get some abos to lick it up?

>TP, used properly, lets you push it into your anus a little bit to remove every single mark of shit.
How are you removing the shit when you're repacking it?

when you cut down all your trees for 1000 years to make ships and homes that you then destroy in "war" you cant have nice things like standing navies and paper towels.

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You use crumpled newspaper to clean windows you stupid fucking island monkey. Paper towels do not clean as well and leave streaks. Home and auto.

>>the vrigin washlet
>>the chad paper towel

I don’t get it.

1st world countries have sanitary running water.

Americans would not understand.

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Wow so the tap water there is actually orange juice?

europoors do not have anything disposable. even their washrags are passed down from generation to generation. europe (and the 2nd world as a whole) rarely gets new goods imported so making things last is key. i must admit i do have an odd admiration for those who can make do.

they can clog the toilet apparently. bad idea

and lead and gasoline. can euros mine metal and fuel their car from the tap? checkmate atheists

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Get a bidet, you fucking unwashed animal.

So you just hose that thing and fill your car up and if you're thirsty give it a sniff?

Finally someone else agrees with me about the newspaper!