Didn't see that coming?

Attached: download (1).jpg (249x203, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know how to talk to you. You don't have anything to say. Why?

Am I bothering you? Should I forget everything? Fuck you for being so attractive. I lost my focus because of you. And you don't even know.

I want to see you.

I am going to violently violate you vaginally, anally, orally, and digitally.

These are the only posts I make, btw. And music. You know who I am.

I do? I don't think I do

Would it be too personal if I went to tell my ex-uni prof's wife that he's a serial cheater? He tried to get me to fuck him, and tried to groom me over with special class privileges. He's a narcissist who thinks he's indestructible, and still out and about doing the same shit. Should I do something about it?

The fuck? This general makes me so scared. Lots of mental illness here.

I want to see you.

Tribute for >>> because im banned

Yea I want to see you every day but that's not good

Not sure if you got my letter or not but i meant it.

I didn't see it, sorry.
could you forward it here instead:
[email protected]

wait no.
hold on

Who are you?

Attached: download.jpg (147x147, 5K)

More women deserve torture and abuse

[email protected]



Whoever says women don't fantasize about rape are either lying or they just don't know.
They are just as fucking degenerate as a guy

My girlfriend stresses me the fuck out with her eating disorder and acts surprised when I am confused and upset by her sudden and implusive behavior

wrong sequence

now I need to redo it

>I don't know how to talk to you.

You don't have to talk to me at all.

>You don't have anything to say. Why?

I have a lot to say, but not to you.

>Am I bothering you?


>Should I forget everything?

No. You should remember all of this forever and learn from it.

>Fuck you for being so attractive.


>I lost my focus because of you.


>And you don't even know.

I do know.

>I want to see you.

Get out.

Love is nonexistant

>tfw looked up some disturbing individuals here in the archives of this shitty board
>they all make walls of text for their retarded e-girls every time and vice versa
>weird subtle posts as if they are gonna read it, so really retarded and attention seeking
God why did I open myself up to retards fuck. And this autist even talked about me as if I know that weirdo irl.

I want you to die you deserve to be a lifeless corpse

I want to show you true love and kindness even if it kills me, my body and heart.

Me and my girlfriend of 3 years just broke up. We haven’t been able to spend a lot of time together so its been long distance for about a year with more years to come.

We used to be so good together when we were together, I feel like if we were able to stay together (I mean physically) that we could have been something really special.

I agreed with everything she said when we broke up but It still broke my heart.

We could’ve actually had something if you didn’t have to leave the country for two months. Or maybe not, I really have no idea how much you actually liked me because you never said a word about it. Sure you were sweet and affectionate and intimate, but it doesn’t mean a fuckin thing when you just go off and find some Frenchman to do it with.

I’m trying to find someone else like you basically said I should, and I’ve been having small flirtations and exchanges but nothing even remotely close to the immensity of the first night we had together.

Man... Fuck. Why is life just like a series of repeating “back to the drawing board” moments?

Love does not exist

This is painful.

It feels like you're slowly killing me.

Demon, angel
I will be what you want
Show me what you
Find most desirable

I’ll be right there
When you call out my name
Prove to me that
You are determined

Do you feel
Or do you lust
For power?

Long ago
I had lost
Someone I still love a lot

A very long time ago, I had fallen below
That’s how the story began

It was then I met someone, who called me his best friend
I would bring about his end

They said I was their last hope, why could they never see
There’s no way that could be me

They gave me so much kindness, yet it was not enough
Inside I could feel nothing

Can’t you see
That’s not me

It was then
You showed me
What it’s like to have feelings

So alone, so afraid, have I made you feel this way?
So alone, so afraid, you will always stay the same

Get undeniable proof (texts, emails, record if he talks to you, etc) then ABSOLUTELY do it
Dont put yourself in a position for him to come onto you tho bc u dont wanna get raped/murdered

I am super hopeful right now. Like all the hopes! Don't let me fuck up, just this once! Let things move forward and get better for everyone! Yes, good things at long last! Please!

Kys to satisfy your sadism

I want somebody I can torture

Torture urself then kys. Problem solved and you get what you want and deserve.

I deserve a woman I can torture and abuse

That's it I'm calling the cops

Attached: fbi_Icu.jpg (1725x676, 237K)

This is to P not you, stop larping

I want a torture play thing whose head I can cut off

just heard someone laugh near my left ear as I was about to go to sleep.
im alone here with my dog.

This is P.

ive fucking tryed so many times, but every time it fails. i want this to work now, i hate this shit culture, i hate feeling like shit and that im not good enough, i hate being ignored, fucking say something to me damnit

What did the voice sound like? Was it a male or female voice, what as its tonal quality?

I want to connect but my mind goes blank.

You wont get one because you are dull, repetitive and very unattractive to the average woman.

Cut your own head off. What, is that too difficult for you? Coward. Can’t even cut your own head off lmao

Fruit is so damn good. I wish I could eat unlimited amounts of it.

Not sure if you're on here but whenever you see this i didn't want to say this but idc. Sorry for kicking you out like that
Total dick move and i think i maybe even scared you. Hahhaha damn
Sometimes I just need everyone to leave and i need to be alone
Hope I didn't scare you. I didn't mean it i was just confused you where there. I didn't understand

I don't trust you at all. I don't trust anyone

I know

Really fucking hope you got the reference. Otherwise....awkward.

When I leave your life for good then you'll trust me.

I don't get reference because I don't do popular culture.

Hey M, thanks for taking me out on another cute little date again, I absolutely loved every single moment spent with you. I cherished it all, but more importantly I cherish you the most. I love the way you make me feel when I'm with you, you always end up making me smile so much like a goddamned idiot, but I don't care when I'm with you. I'm glad you enjoyed my little gift that I gave you, and in return you ended up giving me more bud than I was originally expecting lmfao so thanks for that. I can't wait to see you again, you absolute hecking cutie. I also really can't wait until you make me all yours, officially and super exclusive. You'll always have a special place in my heart, though, no matter what happens between us, good or bad or in between. (Oh, btw, I love the sound of your soothing voice and your gorgeous laugh. I also love it when you make me laugh too.) Goddamn, I think I'll always be low-key obsessed with you, honestly.

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I'm a better match with a man 30 years older than me.

I know....

I know it will never be.

No. I won't. Three decades from now I will return to this city, and you may cross my mind for a moment. I might wonder if you're still living in this city or if you're even still alive, and then I'll consider for a split second whether or not I should look for you. But knowing my luck, you would have more than likely put a restraining order against me, and it would still be in effect three decades from now. So I'll decide against looking for you.

You deserve to die

We all die stupid.

I just don't care anymore

None of that.

Have some Billy Joel to lighten the mood:

That's unfortunate

It’s getting dark, oxygen is getting scarce and I’m trying to keep the fire burning

It's a good way of living.

Why can't you tell me to give it up?
Please be honest with me. I hate this. It hurts

Ever feel like you're an evil person just pretending to be a good person in the hopes that one day you'll change for real?
I've recently had this irrational fear that my father, the most upstanding person I know, is a secret axe murderer or something. The fear isn't that he actually is (that would pretty much be impossible) but that if I ever found out, that instead of feeling betrayed, I would insist on helping him. I just get intrusive thoughts like this from time to time and I really really don't want to see a psychiatrist because I'm in a job field where I can't risk being insane. Is this just a thing that happens to everyone?
I don't know, maybe I'm just being judgmental of myself. I'm struggling with my personal desires and the fact that I possess fetishes I don't think are appropriate to converse about (mostly sadomasochist ones involving one or more women). I just don't want to end up getting married and then have the conversation with my wife, "Yeah, sweetie, you're nice and all, but I had uproarious sex with two German hookers at once". Doesn't seem like the kind of story that ends with a picket fence and everyone living happily ever after.
In short, I'm just a horny 23-year-old virgin who wants to be wholesome but struggles with his depravity and can't have his cake while eating it too. I get the feeling I could break some hearts if I really wanted to, but I don't want to be that kind of man.

>Why can't you tell me to give it up?

Give it up.

>Please be honest with me. I hate this. It hurts

Then leave.

What do you want?
It hurts to see you in pain.

It sounded like a male childs laughter.

Not really. I was always a spoiled brat who got hit by the earth, so my soul is even further corrupted by the darkness that is real life and its disgusting inhabitants.

If I had the ability to erase all that I dislike, I would be happy. If I cna exchange their energy for the ones I loved that have died long ago, I would be even happier. Thanos was fucking stupid because if he was smart, he would disperse half the energy he erased to the deserving half. Maybe exchange it for resources but it's actually using the erased material.

Let me see my dead family back in their prime, Jesus. That's my only desire aside from degenerate hedonism and destruction.

It didn't scare me at all.
Im worried!

Sometimes I feel the same way, but I can't dive into that pit. There are too many people counting on me to come back. I don't know. I feel like I am not worth anything to myself, but if I'm worth something to someone else, anyone else, I should keep myself alive and as un-corrupted as I can.

I'm really insecure about my penis because of the overgrown foreskin, it makes me nervous, which makes it impossible to cum.
I hate jerking myself to completion after she's had her fun.

Come back where?
Look buddy, my people are dead and gone. All that's left are drug addicted niggers taking advantage of the system instead of saving themselves. I'm the only one left of my legacy and I try to make a good name at work.

A lot of people at work seem to like how I do my job, and it keeps me going. Some even give me advice to go even further.

If I ever climb out of this shitty hell pit, I will thank them somehow with some form of affluent wealth or gestures. Till then, I'm in a barren wasteland without love.

>Ever feel like you're an evil person just pretending to be a good person in the hopes that one day you'll change for real?
Nope figure out who you are. No really sit down for a day and think about who you are. Now who you are is not necessarily what memories you might have or the dreams you want but rather a feeling within yourself. Try to hone in on that feeling what do you feel like at your core? Does it feel peaceful? Does it want to stab anyone in sight?what does it feel like and what does it want to do? Now think of people that have the qualities that you want to and try to adopt their feeling

>I've recently had this irrational fear that my father, the most upstanding person I know, is a secret axe murderer or something.
Bitch he might be

>I just get intrusive thoughts like this from time to time
Honestly everyone does imo. Songs stuck in your head are intrusive thoughts. It's part of day to day life really just think of it as a form creativity. If we didn't have these random creative thoughts there wouldn't be much progress in society.

It's honestly really easy to destroy these thoughts. Just let them fade away and forget the feeling they invoke within you and overtime you'll forget about them entirely

If this hurts you than stop. Don't do this if you're the one doing this. Idk if it's you so that's why I'm not saying anything

But if this brothers you than don't do this. I didn't ask for it and it's okay to move past this. You have to let go not me
I didn't make any threads desu
I'm trying to move on because I know its good for you and me

If you can stop this than do so and i think that's a healthy thing to do. Just stop
I don't want you to do this and if i ever do ill just make my own thread
I have work next week so things are changing. I don't want you to continue just because

I can't really do this because i have my own path.

You looked scared so idk. It wasn't my intention to scare you
You looked worried and i knew you lied but i just said fuck it and I get it you where scared or something.. Idk

At least say goodbye, then. Please. It's the last thing I ask of you.


Hahahahaah. Ok
How many times have i already said that

Ok. Good bye

Attached: 1-Uncontrollable-Laughter-Gif.gif (200x150, 261K)

Not here. Real closure.

Larpers back at it again how do you know if you're talking to the right person

Attached: 1558496621569.png (761x591, 367K)

I never lie, I just dont know myself and knowing you're tired from all of this let me carry all of the the burden this time and be your emotional support.

They dont, their penis makes them type this.

You assaulted me and now I have spots on my penis, tests are pending.

Kind of hard to get real closure with you when you refuse to answer your phone.

If only you didn't whip it out to me to assault it.

Hard to whip it out when you’re asleep

>Just let them fade away and forget the feeling they invoke within you and overtime you'll forget about them entirely
That's the problem, though. They don't. I still have regrets about a fucking high school dance I fucked up at. Now. Over a DECADE later. I can't kill it, and it's eating me. I managed to kill another shameful memory, but that one refuses to die. It's like everything I regret about myself rolled up into one scene.
Oh God, I'm so sorry. I was a fucking creep as a kid and I feel like a fucking creep now because I can't help but wonder what if. I can't even go on Facebook because I feel like I'll slip back into my childishness and try to go back to those days. It feels like an anchor keeping me tied to the past. I still feel feelings about a girl-now-woman that I knew when I was a child. I haven't talked to her in three years and we haven't had a lengthy conversation in five.
Fuck. I haven't seen my non-brother best friend in years. FUCK.
If you're out there, dude, keep living life. You were the best friend a friend could have. Enjoy being a surgeon. I hope you have the best of everything.

I'll answer next time.

instructions unclear user now i have 3 testicles and five dicks

Hey. You're not my emotional support at all. Are you kidding me

I'm doing really good right now. I have things in working on. I'm telling you I'm going to make it and i have something I'm working on

I want to be there for you. I don't need you to support my "emotional state". It's not any of your concern and I'm serious any post i make and you can somehow figure out which is me? That's impossible ok. You don't know me and i don't know you

You don't need to support me and you shouldn't. I want to be there for you any way I can but you're distant and I'm okay with that. You do you

So some people seem to think that I'm a boxer. Where the hell did they get that idea from? Is it because I used to wear boxing gloves a while back? Those were my father's.

I've never boxed, but I did take Tae Kwon Do lessons for over two years awhile back.

lol i had the same problem in high school, although i never took any combat lessons of any manner

Well you lied to my face so clearly you're not her. I told you face to face

I know you were lying. It's okay i get it you have to protect yourself

Yeah, I'm not falling for that shit again. I'm not going to call you for the umpteenth time only to have you ignore my call for the umpteenth time.

Kek I see what you mean. Just try to stop the thought as soon as you notice it I guess. Don't daydream to much if you only tend to think of embarrassing memories maybe think about only then embarrassing memories one day to bring some kind of closure to them

Thanks, I guess. I feel like confessing that to someone helped me finally drop it. Maybe it'll come back, but I hope not.

All I do is miss you.

Then stop missing me.