1 week until Spain general Elections

>1 week until Spain general Elections
>If the LEFT wins they'll revoke the monarchy and destroy Spain

Remember to protect her smile, guys.

Attached: [email protected] (620x349, 26K)

Ive already voted for vox, same for my gf


>If the LEFT wins
The left won't win
And the king is a traitor and therefore should be expelled from Spain

Does the king of Spain actually hold any power or is he a reality show celebrity like the Bong queen?

It have no power at all

I hate med subhuman manlets

Attached: 1537211745627.jpg (1470x904, 306K)

He holds no real power and is not even a reality show celebrity. They are useless.

>current year
>being a monarcuck

Is there an anti-Eu party running that could trigger a Spain Exit out of the EU?
If not why should we care? At this point the EU needs to be taken out and everything else is secondary.

It should be VOX, yet they aren't pulling that too much. They see themselves as the conservative polish party PiS

Hes actually the military chief and in case of very extraordinary circumstances he can take over and dissolve the Congress

No he cannot. His power is merely simbolic, the Constitution says this specifically.

That is a shame. I was hoping for more anti-EU sentiment in Spain. Italy and France are almost there and if we get Spain and Portugal then the real Europe might have a future.

Also vox is savagely pro Israel, while the far left is anti Israel. Also the right wing parties are more statist than the left. Spain is a shitshow.

tbf noone in Spain gives a shit about the constitution when it's not in their interest. You people are like amoral like jews, but savage like shitskins.

Refer to

Well, Spain is a specific case. For example, Vox is against muslim immigration while he is pro-latinamerican migration because they hold a panhispanic nationalistic approach that I'd say it's unique in Europe.

Which actually means they want the anti immigration vote, but at the same time want more immigration to keep unemployment high and wages low. Damn son that is some next level jewry.

> Ronny: Der Post

Man sollte Ostdeutschen, arbeitslosen Versagern und Schulabbrechern echt das Internet wegnehmen. Du bist ja so strunzdämlich.


lmao im sure the other monarchs will help protect the team

Yes, like it or not, that's how Capitalism works. In order to develop the economy "sustainbly" you need a constant flow of immigration that would keep up with the economic growth. That is specially painful when the local fertility is specially low.

Please don't write in cuck on Jow Forums. Its a gross language. Also not east german.

Spain has one good-looking royal family, with the exception perhaps of the younger princess.

Don't let the Jews take them away from you.

Attached: Spanish-Royal-family-2.jpg (1646x1080, 433K)

Considering Bannon's support for Vox and the current Spanish government's support for Maduro I think it's plain that the US prefers a right wing government in Madrid.

Attached: Steve Bannon.jpg (1420x946, 108K)


>not wanting south american pussy and 30lbs of ass

No more Cunt special people.

if u want jew expell you need to vote for the left

>with the exception perhaps of the younger princess

you never in your life saw women without makeup right?

Both are beautiful, don't bully her

>right is with jews like Netanyahu
>left is with jews like Soros (Soros was literally the first person the actual socialist president welcome at Moncloa, goverment palace)
You lose anyways

Reminder that VOX is shit but it's still the lesser evil

Post yours to prove you're white.

Attached: ancestry.png (1184x554, 86K)