Are pajeetas the answer to more white childern ?

Are pajeetas the answer to more white childern ?

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Yes. Almost all women can be your ally its really up to you and her famalam

Shes pretty


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Depends on the caste tbf. I met this Indian qt who was really dark, I bet if I had kids with her they wouldn't be white


Looks like Ivana Trump

I would let her top my chef, if you smell what I'm cookin'.

Christ, yeah, it's the teeth and eyes. Its Poovanka

whites with part small part poo become beautiful perfect admix

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She's a golddigger, I haven't seen her date anyone under 60.

Is that pad Thai lockshme

He’s under 60

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Central Asians should.

Reminder that the babies father is a kike

Half Gypos...cause full gypos are basically to ugly to fuck even after a distilery worth of alcohol.
And we drink Tuica.

It's extremely weird to see blue eyed children poping out of gypos...sometimes even without any parent having them.

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she is gorgeous


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Kill yourself immediately. C'mon we got no time quick kill yourself do it do it.

Its ivanka trumps face shopped on some poo


>can't control your own women
>steal another man's woman

Dear white people, please stop doing that.

>Brown vagina lips

BEWARE. Life is full of dangers.

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you're getting the broken leftovers. all the good indian women are sold by their parents through arranged marriage.

you might get lucky and find an atheist that has rejected their street shitting culture and is looking for real love.

>that eye "color"
Why would any white want mud kids?

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"Do you not love my brown vagina lips any more user? Do I disgust you? Did you lie to me?"

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It is our way.

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No you idiot,
That how we depopulate ourselves,
Pic related is an example,
Plus their population is over a billion and increasing so it's useless.

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In a world where whites rule once again Light skinned Gypsy women can be used to give birth to a white low working class.

No you knucklehead,
I don't give a fuck,
It's an attack on our race,
Get the hell out here with this mud shit mixing.

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The universal plastic surgery look

>Lakshmi conceived a daughter with venture capitalist (((Adam Dell)))

Indian women only go for Indian men or black dudes

That's nothing compare to this,Sabine Singh.

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Dinesh D Souza daughter

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This bitch had to have been adopted


Lol no

People who are 3/4 white and 1/4 something else tend to look good in general