Can the President of the USA delete something from the Internet for good?

Can the President of the USA delete something from the Internet for good?

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Who cares?

It wasn't a typo, it was a warning.

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>remember muh 138million

No. I have a screenshot of the tweet and he can't do shit about it.

He can claim that you used inspect element to doctor the tweet before saving the image. He can call you fake news.

So what is the correct number of Christians butchered today by Muslims?

nobody cares about christcucks

You can tell he is going senile.

Won't that work against him since there's a link and everything? So it's either everything on waybackmachine is fake or he's lying. Both ways he's screwed.

oh well at least it's something retarded for people to circle jerk over. Idiocy trickles down as they say.

Hey kike

I believe FBI/NSA can tell every archive site to delete "terrorist content" or else.

He never knew anything about Wikileaks you know?

Isn't that bad for his image? Someone's going to find out and prove it then the media and other rejects will go "Trump is gestapo IMPEACHHH" only problem is people will listen since nobody likes censorship.

Since when anybody trusts some rando on the web saying something? Of the Government calls you fake and gay you become fake and gay officially and legally.

If I was Trump I'd ignore any attacks because of the typo since it's the best way to mitigate but I don't think he'll be able to.

>guy makes typo
>basedboy faggots and liberals void of morals chimp out
so predictable, so tired
how's it feel being a Pavlov dog?

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You're implying the government is one singular entity devoid of individuality. Imagine if Trumps so called spooks "deep state" run an OP against him. Something so simple as removing evidence he made a typo on twitter could fuck him up since it's still censorship.

They don't know what's coming user. Nor should they. We need the earth to kill them.

>You can tell he is going senile.
>1 typo

Damn, Dr house is the building yall

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It's about making money on clickbait you cretin.

edge status: activated
remember not all Muslims but all whites are evil. I wish that were the case then cucks like you wouldn't exist.

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That's a typo?
Shouldn't a typo be a wrong letter or something?

Dude just ignore it. It's a simple typo. Don't let the lugenpresse get to you.

>Shouldn't a typo be a wrong letter or something?
The president of 240 Million people, one of the busiest people in America right now Donald Trump made a mistake in a tweet.


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>Implying the US government has a better image in peoples minds than some rando on the internet.

240 Million? is that after the race war?

>is that after the race war?
After the first week of communism.

hell yeah comrade