Liberated Ukraine strikes again

So this guy is going to win tonight, isn't he? Can anyone explain why Ukrainians are voting for this guy? I know the country isn't popular on this board, but one thing I know for sure is that Ukrainians don't like Jews.

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Where did you think you were user

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>Ukrainians don't like Jews.
Perhaps in regular world but we clown world now

For war with russia after the eu jews claim Ukraine

Any exit polls yet?

>Can anyone explain why Ukrainians are voting for this guy
Apparently they're retarded. This is shocking to me, I've always known they're retarded but electing a guy who played the president on TV is a new low

russians and pro russian shills vote for this + huge support from jewish media

>Can anyone explain why Ukrainians are voting for this guy?
Democracy is a sham because people are retarded. They will always elect actors, reality TV stars and comedians if given the chance because they want to be deceived.

Reagan was the archetype, Trump the second coming. People like this guy just follow a trend.

This. Alan Watt and Bill Cooper exposed this ages ago.

Ukrainians are retarded and follow every populist that can connect two sentences.
Polls are also most probably manipulated.

t. Ukrainian

Honk honk

First post honk post

>I know for sure is that Ukrainians don't like Jews
I don't know where you heard that from. Ukraine was the only place in Russian Empire where jews where allowed to live. They have HUGE jewish diaspora living there.


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I mean there’s nothing inherently wrong with voting for an actor. I don’t see it as any different from voting for any other politician desu.

If you imagine a world where good people exist, he could just be a nice guy willing to make things better. He has funds from his career and good intents and that what matters.

In reality though politics is just a bunch of mafia overlords fighting for a piece of pie and someone like that would be assassinated before he could do anything. So the elected person will just fulfill desires of the higher bidder and it’s irrelevant what his past is.

Ukraine was created by Lenin from jews. In the picture marked black is the jewish population in 1925. After 1939 they increased by more than half.

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75% for him, 25% for Poroshenko

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I think it’s hilariously ironic considering the country is made up almost entirely of anti-semites. It’s a shithole country full of inbred retards so let them get what they deserve


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ironic considering that ukraine was probably the craddle of indo-aryan incursion into europe.
The jews basically took for them and shitted al over on the first home of the aryans.

No official source yet, because it's illegal to post exit-polls before 8 pm, I believe. It's legit though, you'll see.

honk honk

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>They have HUGE jewish diaspora living there.
What's the breakdown in terms of % of the population vs how many Jews are in government? I heard it was something extremely uneven (even compared to the USA)

For what it's worth, my (Ukranian) ex's former red army grandad hated Jews. They're from the Eastern part though.

Actually Ze is Kolomoiskys puppet.
Kolomoisky is a religious jew billionaire, he donate some moneys for synagogues and Yosef "Yossi" Meir Cohen(the current Director of Mossad) is his good friend.

>t.Moshe from Brooklyn

Most stupid nation on earth.

>I mean there’s nothing inherently wrong with voting for an actor. I don’t see it as any different from voting for any other politician desu.
They basically have the exact same jobs, but politicians are less skilled and it's harder to suspend disbelief when listening to them, as opposed to say, watching a movie.

>*honk* at least we dont speak russian anymore *honk*

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Reminder that tv is a tool for brainwashing.

It’s funny how most Jews have already left Ukraine but they still control the country. Poroshenko had to go to Israel in a secret trip before being elected President to confirm he was on their side.

At least it's entertaining to see as it crashes and burns.

jews everywhere, user

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Зeлeнcкий зaявил, чтo y нeгo пpeкpacнoe нacтpoeниe, пocкoлькy yтpoм пoзaвтpaкaл c ceмьeй, a жeнa включилa eмy пecни Эминeмa

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>jew being in charge of ukraine
cue the crucified owls in his backyard once the pro ukraine force liberates his house

Too bad Petrosyan is too old already, he would've been a fitting counterpart for Russia.

Please tell me our election is rigged... We can't possibly be this stupid...

ok but ukrainian brunetkas = bretty good

0.1% of total population, 60+% in the goverment.

Galustyan would be nice.

Hungaria's region.. Hungarish.. That one has the lowest turnout. By far.

Not a Ukrainian but I figured it was because Ukrainians were so beyond fed up with corrupt politicians that they will vote for anybody as long as they aren’t a politician. Can anybody confirm/deny?

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same story in Guatemala

Thanks. Is it something people are aware of, generally?
yeah I know

My gut instinct tells me he would've have made it this far if the ptb didn't want him there. He must have certain connections to the elites, nothing will change. The people will be duped again.

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>voting for a jewish oligarch
>voting for a jewish comedian

Their wickedness is too effective some times

We all know that Ramazan Achmadovich is the next president of Russia.

Exactly that. He even said that he will choose people to work with with the main requirement being "no political background"

>Ukrainians don't like Jews.

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Nah, in today's world the president is someone who looks clean and either is unknown to the public or at least didn't have an extensive or public political carrier before the nomination. Ramzan has too much baggage, had done and said too many stupid things, on account of him being a typical mudslime tribal retard. So the ship has sailed for him.

The Jew wins in the last country you'd expect

At least we can choose unlike Russian slaves

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>we should get rid of democracy
>orange man bad
Nice proxxy shlomo

I chose Putin a year ago.

he is not a politician.... people hate politicians. its that simple

This guy is pro-Russian

He's pro-Jewish. I listened to the interview he have, the only Russians he cited as good ones are Jews.

Ukrainians would vote them in, but in Russia they have little support (0.1-0.5%)

why the fuck are there any jews in that disgusting shithole?
all the whore houses in israel are filled with their cheap whores sucking our dicks for 10 shekels.

He is pro-Honk


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I see that Zelenskiy proposed a lifetime ban from holding public office for those convicted of graft. Do people think he will actually get a law like that passed? Reminds me politicians in US proposing term limits for public office holders but it never happens because politicians aren’t going to vote for something that is against their own financial interests.

Can we do something ?

>reagen was a bad thing
found the jew

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Yes, you can help them the same way you saved your country.

>there's nothing inherently wrong with voting for an actor.

There is if being an actor is their only qualification. Having an acting background itself isn't a bad thing; look at Ronald Reagan, he was a great president, but he was also a successful governor before running for president. I don't really know much about this Ukrainian actor, but if being an actor is his only qualification then it may be a bad idea to elect him; I cringe at the thought of Hollywood people who think they know how the world works running for office.

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>"I'm gonna immediately resign if I ever break the law"
>breaks the law by showing his ballot to the journalists
He also voted for himself there kek

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>March 31
>article is from the 13th
Did he already won or something?

He hasn’t won yet.

There was the first round on March 31, no one got the majority, so today is the second round.

>Can anyone explain why Ukrainians are voting for this guy?
Ukraine is done for, might as well have some funny time while you wait for the end.

Since they've seen him as president on TV, he's already president in their eyes.

And there it is, the Myth of Democracy:
>Hurr-durr I gets ta choose!
You choose between whomever (((they))) put on the ballot and you'll bloody well like it, goy.

Well he did turn their performances into a somewhat successful media company with a permanent spot on TV. So I guess there’s some skill involved.

We are watching Ukraine prez voting now at https
tv dot 2ch dot hk/r/po

You are welcome!

MOD: NO BAN, PLS. I am not spamming.

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audibly laughed

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>there's some skill involved.

Since making that post I did some research and while I don't claim to know a lot about the guy and I agree that what he did took skill, I just don't know if that would translate well into being the leader of a country. It's like if someone is a doctor, that involves a lot of useful skill sets in medicine, but that doesn't translate to another field such as executive management. Either way I hope for Ukrainian's sake they make the right call because I know that country is dealing with a lot of crap from Russia. And while I certainly can understand and support the Ukrainians who want to embrace more westernization, joining the E.U. is *not* the right path to that, in my opinion.

Based, 20 jews backed by 19 jews + tatar oligarchs. Same in the Russian elections with Putin and another one being the only non jews.

Based, thanks for the link.

It's really incredible how the birth of this meme coincided with elections of this literal Jewish clown. We truly live in some magical timeline.

But in all seriousness, I understand how this might look for Jow Forums crowd, but it's really rather good news for us. All US-led globohomo establishment had shilled for Poroshenko, this clown's main opponent, and his militant anti-Russian and pro-Zionist pro-NATO policies. All of them failed EPIC STYLE, 75% landslide. And this isn't even America getting tired of Russiagate, it's a nation at war for the last 5 years, with total propaganda and ban of opposing media. And they are sick of it.

Zelensky and his type of oligarch handlers care much more about money and having fun than going to war with Russia to please the Washington kikes. We about to see something completely new and wild.

Mark my words, Ukraine will become an epicenter of the current Clown World™. BUCKLE UP, HONK HONK

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>And while I certainly can understand and support the Ukrainians who want to embrace more westernization, joining the E.U. is *not* the right path to that, in my opinion.
You're correct and it's completely obvious. The whole western libturd mentality is wrong and fucked but our country is weak and miserable, so we're incapable of going on our own, which is fucking sad.

>Jew calling a German a Jew

democracy is a mob rule
mob is a fucking nigger cattle that will run amok without someone to herd them

>MSM news calling someone a jew
>Literal jewish news naming someone jew

Remember not to trust anything that the jew says, there must be some 11D hyperchess going on now. This guy has no idea about politics and did a lot of stupid shit in his campaign, the honking will be grand.

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He is Jewish, but not a (((Jew))) as yoi know, he was NEVER after big money ot sometihng.
It was a wote not for Zelensky, but AGAINST corrupted Poroshenko. He is cool guy

I voted for him and i hate kikes. sue me..

Would you vote for me?
I have Putin and love western europe

Where did i hear this one before

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why is ukraine far and wide the worst country on this this entire planet
that land and everyone in it is cursed

We hate government. So we're voting for worst candidate. Then we can hate our government. It's not very good to hate good people, but we must to do it because we are Ukrainians. All our life is to fighting the system, betray the bureaucracy, ruin the empire, organize a revolution, do Maidan.

Underrated post. Great format and style. The quality of this post makes me have hope that there are still intellectuals on Jow Forums. In addition; I agree that Zelensky is literally being skilled by Russia to win. The amount of Russian collusion is insurmountable in Ukraines election its ridiculous. Did you hear about Zelenskys wife posting on Facebook 4 years ago and offering 18,000 Rubles for every minute of Ukrainian troop movement footage.
She came out today and said " I had no idea how Facebook worked! I barely knew how Russian VK works.
Despite this fact, Poroshenkos lawyer is trying to bring a court case against Zelensky on corruption charges on the day of the election...if the lawyer succeeds, Zelensky could get kicked out of the race and Poroshenk wins by default. With that in mind Russia wins either way. Either Ukraine has a civil war because Zelensky didn't win or, Zelensky wins and gives Ukraine to Russia.
We are living in clown times.....

so you want to say Russians and pro Russians make a majority of people in Ukraine


Stupid fags can't even vote for some Natsoc party or anything

(((Honk, honk)))

You have a tyrant and we have celebrities from television

both seem fucked

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Ukraine get ready for DIEversity and financial pillaging. At least you will be laughing.

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how are you liking your new president