Disgusted by trans people/culture

I am actively annoyed and disgusted by the trans culture that has popped up recently, and I honestly don't know why.
I just know that I don't like the idea of having strong emotions towards pretty much anything, because I consider it a flaw.

Anyone here started of bigoted towards some group of people but got over it?
What was your catalyst?

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funny you say this today.
I deliver packages to black poor neighborhoods for my job, and I realized today that hating blacks, and really anyone is just too exhausting to keep up all the time.
Although, I'll probably never FULLY get over it.
But at least I can relax for a while......until the next asshole does something fucked up to me or my loved ones.

youll never get over it

You're allowed to feel disgust. It's not like you've got a choice about it.

Be aware that transpeople make up a tiny fraction of the population, and the majority of that tiny fraction are less angry and more desperate for approval. Actually meeting one is rare, and in person they're pitiful rather than annoying.

Honestly, no one on Jow Forums is going to believe me, but I got over Jow Forums level bigotry by doing something (accidentally) that I considered a meme. I talked to people about their experiences and instead of just dismissing them outright I went to the next person and found they mostly shared the same experience. It started as a joke to see how differently all the libtard gender faggots saw themselves, me and the world around them, but they all saw it like I did, just worse. I found myself unable to argue points of contention because my actual points were propaganda that were either straight up misdirection or now considered genuinely scientific inaccurate. It takes like 3 years to fully get over, and you need to want to do it or it'll never start, but it does happen.

>I can't change myself so you can't change yourself
You guys need advice more than I do.

Yeah I get that they're individuals, but I have irrational hate anyways.
I just feel contempt for people that I consider weak, and there's nothing I consider weaker than people who turn away from reality.

>You guys need advice more than I do.
I'm . I used to hate them until I actually met some, and now I'm totally ambivalent to them.

We have different personalities, though. You hate weakness and I hate being attacked from a position of strength. Seeing the fragility and vulnerability of actual MtFs changed my mind, but it probably wouldn't change yours.

> who turn away from reality
Yeah so I'm just gonna say this and then not respond to any responses because it's honestly not with my time, but I'd suggest speaking to scientific specialists in the area of gender and transgender people instead of dismissing the professional's opinions because your feelings disagree with it. Honestly after speaking honestly and openly with a trans person you can see that they've not turned their back on reality, there's just this whole facet that you can't even comprehend until it's down to you.

Unused hatred is useless, translate it into a philisophical argument and go debate them. Fuck the pro-trans culture, but fight it intelligently

I do not agree with your view on transgenders, but I appreciate your attitude.

>I used to hate them until I actually met some, and now I'm totally ambivalent to them.
Well that opposes the idea that we don't have a choice about what we feel, IMO.

>the fragility and vulnerability of actual MtFs changed my mind, but it probably wouldn't change yours.
Yeaah, I don't think that would help.
Maybe the effort to not hate them is greater than the effort of hating them, may have to do some analysis, lmao.

>I'm gonna offer my opinion then run away.
Got about that far and stopped reading.
If you got some shit to say then say it without the implication that people shouldn't or can't refute you.
That's bitch behaviour.

I know it's useless, but I doubt debating a bunch of limp-wristed subhumans is gonna be very productive.

You're a fucking retard if you don't absolutely grasp the concept presented here. What you don't comprehend is that trans people are precisely turning their back on reality; they're mentally ill. Products of a degenerated society that rewards victim mentalities due to its considered weakness in the new age of left wing politics. The insanity of it all is that people like you constantly either remain complacent to these behaviors or outright propagate them in blindness to your own flaws, and the flaws of others. A rose tinted view, if you will.

More specifically, trans people are a disgusting walking contradiction. Unhappy with themselves, they will always remain unhappy for attaining something such as comfort in being something they aren't won't make their problems go away, they'll constantly be subject to their own self-sabotage and self hatred regardless of who changes their circumstances.

They fought for nothing, and will only turn to the neglecting of their very life due to this. I would consider you do the same.

Because of Jow Forums. The trannies that post here are absolutely the most obnoxious cunty pieces or shit ever. They make the 1% of trannies that are decent people look bad.

It just fks with ur empathy cause they dont look like u. But tht hate idk. Ignant hate is based off somthing people hate about themselves. U cant hate somthing about sompne truly without a reason ull just keep thinkin things u hate urself nd keep seeing it in them.

U just aint shit bro

I’ve sadly had the opposite happen. I always been openminded, but then experienced a culture up close for a year and ending up resenting it and eventually hating it. My solution was just to stay away and ignore it.

This isn't really the same but it's in the same ballpark and I don't get the chance to ever vocalize it. Anyways, I'm just an average white dude from the suburbs and have been living the a major city for the past 4 years. Living in the suburbs was nice and quiet and ethnically it was just whites and Hispanics that mixed decently well. After moving to the city, I have been growing increasingly racist against black people unconsciously despite working with various black people that I truly enjoy the company of. I know you can't overgeneralize an entire race of people but my repressed anger continues to grow steadily and it scares me to no end

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Sounds like they scare you nd the ones tht r humble enough to try assimilate for ur comfort u exploit to to feel like they dont make u feel inferior. U feel like less thts just pride shit. Age old problem

you type like a brainlet

Yeah i was bigoted and it was because i didnt understand it at all. I was super homophobic and transphobic and it was because i didnt understand how these people could be so free and willing to be themselves in a world that hated them. I felt a lot of envy because i couldnt be myself. A lot of the transphobic hate came from self hatred. I was in the closet. All it took was one trans man in my class at college. I fell in love with hin the instant i saw him. He was his true self in front of me and when i showed him my true self, he didnt judge me and encouraged me to be more of myself. We started dating and four years later we live together and i couldnt be happier. He supports all of my hobbies and even pays for my martial arts classes every month. If theres a video game im interested in then he will buy 2 copies so we can play it together. He didnt laugh at my strange kinks when i shared them. He has never ridiculed me or made me feel emasculated when i show him my more feminine side and even encouraged my interest in learning to cook. Now i cook for myself daily and even to entertain guests, something i never knew i could do.

You might also be experiencing the same thing i did. You hate trans people because they have to courage to be themselves, something you may wish you could do. Its okay to be yourself. Stop hating yourself for who you are trying to hide. Its okay to be gay, bi, queer, lesbian, trans, etc. Be yourself and you can be as celebrated as trans people are.

Dig deeper, why the fuck would you feel anything about a tiny minority that has no impact on your life and is unlikely to have any impact on it, even if they weren't a minority?

>I just feel contempt for people that I consider weak
I somewhat feel the same but pushed to the logical extreme would be to feel contempt for most people … which would turn one bitter and lower your own life quality. Society works because we recognise that most of us have weaknesses hence we need other people to fill in. Grug is better at making weapons, Brub is great at hunting and Burg can stay awake longer to guard the cave.

>there's nothing I consider weaker than people who turn away from reality
The whole tranny thing is supported by science though.

Do you also feel disgusted when you see dying patients or people with other illnesses?
You are annoyed because you are too privileged maybe.

It's completely understandable to be annoyed, I mean I'm lgbt myself and I get pissed when some trans/gay people and allies in the media are acting as if being trans is somehow a culture on its own, our gender is neither a culture or a personality, if your life only revolves on your gender and is nothing without it it just show how desperate and empty you really are.

>there's nothing I consider weaker than people who turn away from reality
As if your opinion should matter to anyone.