If alt-right dickheads take our rainbow, we are going to take back the swastika!
Everyone knows the swastika is an ancient symbol of peace
If alt-right dickheads take our rainbow, we are going to take back the swastika!
Everyone knows the swastika is an ancient symbol of peace
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats the alt right again? Sorry i keep forgetting
>leftists will be waving swastika flags in 6 months
4D chess libtards BTFO
Remember this, leftism is nothing more than moralized epistemological solipsism. Leftists and most modern belief systems in general have erected a morality around the idea that human understanding is imperfect. They think that because we can't have certainty in anything--it is unjust to act on anything we believe--and therefore any ideals or systems of belief one may have should be done away with.
Thus you'll notice, most modern political parties are all oppositional--they seek to do away with other peoples beliefs.
oh yes bring back the swastika
We need to take back the Black Sun too.
this, we should put them on our flags
10/10 thread!
based and trotsky-pilled comrade
>most modern political parties are all oppositional
because they are progessive and act against the status quo aka conservative values. Of course they are opposition rofl
The point isn't that leftists oppose certain idea's, but rather that they oppose all ideas for epistemological reasons. You obviously didn't even take a moment to consider what I said in my post.
Dare ya...
False it was Nordic and was a symbol of peace and harmony. Hitler wanted it to be the crescent to bring about peace to the world when the kikes were gone. My post will single handily stop your movement right here.
>symbol of peace
citation needed
>implying the left exist outside the media mouth
take back all the signs!
bring back the swastika!
fuck you commie
all i want is peace but jews keep raping everything
I lost my post.
Oh well. This was the end of it
this video is rare, the new official video is all stage stuff this one’s been memory holed.
>Come on guys! Let's fuck niggers for gay Nazi pride!
Kek. Jow Forums steals their Pride, and they become nothing more than gay Nazi, like some kinda metaphor.
I don't think you get it user. They're trying to wield the far left's ire for them against the symbols they identify with. Unless this is some 4d chess bs you need to fuck off.
MIGA my fren
the... the POLITICAL LEFT wants to take, appropriate, and try to "refurbish" the fucking swastika ? *OH*, i think that's a WON-DER-FUL idea...
*chuckling* let us know how that goes for you. The LEFT really has zero idea how any of this works, its completely obvious now.
I like this logo.
Back to eightchan. Fuck your lgbt and fuck your nigger shitskin brown diversity. Voting for diversity and degeneracy isn't going to do anything to zog. It's only going to add fuel to the white genocide fire.