This is pretty accurate, prove otherwise

This is pretty accurate, prove otherwise.

Protip: You won't.

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Other urls found in this thread:“1-in-every-200-japanese-women-have-appeared-in-porn”.152350/

Substitute the White girl fucking Asian guys and the BETA White dude with a brown low IQ "ASIAN" from Southeast Asia (phillipines, thailand, indonesian) etc and it will correct.

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It is hilarious the disconnect with reality that yellow-fever loser user has that they think they are getting high IQ light-skinned northern East Asians who come from wealthy nations and not BROWN southeast Asians from nations in SE Asian with poverty-levels lower than African nations and IQs on par with other brown nations in world like South American countries.

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t. micro penis.

It's literally a troll pic made by a butthurt hapa from reddit.

is this the incel hapa's thread? lets make fun of the hapa's tiny dick and lack of sex

Meanwhile every girl in the world is lusting over Jason Mamoa. It is hilarious user like you can differentiate between AMWF and WMAF Hapas.

Yes he is.

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its female nature. what is there to disprove?

Wouldn't call it really beta if you still manage to get a girl, especially Asian. Japanese woman are a lot different to date than most might imagine. They're a lot more cultural, despite japs anime hentai and fucked up shit. And no, they're not an easy-get for Betas (for thailand or phillipines maybe, but not japs or chinese). But if you manage to do it, you get a good, loyal wife.

On the other hand though, it's race-mixing and kills our white society. But if western woman act like that in the picture above (aka "Blacked"), you can kinda guess why some men are sick of western women.

Fucking mimes taking our women

>especially Asian

In what world do White men get Japanese girls? It is hilarious how you incels keep repeating "ASIAN" over-and-over again, while ignoring it isnt EAST ASIAN girls that White men are getting but SOUTHEAST ASIANS.

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>Anything but easy

Chinese girls are easy, especially Taiwanese and Hong Kong girls. Mainland girls sometimes are raised with a bit of traditional morals but will suck mucho dick for a greencard and a free ride.

Eaxctly, they aren't even getting good Southeast Asians either, just poor bar girls from Kaosan Road. Middle and upper class SEA's know that they will be disowned by their family if they get with white men which is seen as an act associated with prostitution

I’m so sick of all these non-white sub humans creating threads to push race-mixing. Just fuck off back to your home cuntry and leave white settlements/ countries be. Can you be any more pathetic cunt?

>Chinese wife

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Wife? Oh no no no no nooooooooo.

I'm just saying they're easy to get, I'm not actually advocating marrying the yellow sluts. Asian girls are definately throwaway fucks.

>In what world do White men get Japanese girls?
Men who aren't pussies + men who value traditions and cultures of Japanese (since they value it more than any faggot today in the western world). You would be surprised, user. The same with Koreans. Speak their language, live their traditions and you can actually compete well.

If western woman keep acting like uncultured, tranny shit, feminist idiots then where else do you look? EAST! Bingo. And Japan is a good start if you're actually not a beta guy.

>28 year old Aus fag
>Married to 9/10 Asian chick. Made the mistake of going for looks and not personality... or brains
>She can't even cook rice, toast, spaghetti, nothing. Can't even cook an egg
>When she does have to cook she dumps a bunch of random meats into boiling water, adds sugar and fish sauce
>I have to cook all our meals, and half the time she says how shit my cooking is because it's not saturated in fish sauce

>Get smashed from a speeding car while I'm at the traffic lights (drunk cunt of course)
>Broken back
>Entire time I have to look after myself while my wife keeps asking "why don't you go out with me anymore? Why don't you spend time with me?"
>Have to hobble up to the stove to make food for myself, entire time my back feels like it's about to give out

>Her parents don't like me because I'm white, no matter how much shit I do for them, it's never enough
>Her sister's husband is Asian, but treats her like absolute shit. Beats her and everything, never held a job; her parents adore him
>The first time I got drunk with her family, they all had a go at me and asked why I was born white

>She starts hanging out with feminists and shit at uni (she keeps failing all her classes so she's STILL at uni at fucking 24 years old, hasn't even passed her bachelors)
>All of them are ugly as fuck; both looks and personality. Tell her constantly that I'm not good enough for her, only because none of them have had a guy before because you can smell them from 10 fucking meters away
>I tell her to stop hanging around those crazy whores, she tells me I don't know what I'm talking about
>One of them gets arrested for beating a homeless man unconscious and chopping his dick off. I ain't even joking

I just don't know why I go on sometimes... she really is the epitome of a cunt

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In Germany, the vast majority of WHITE MEN + "ASIAN" FEMALE marriages are to brown Thai females.

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>prove otherwise
>1 post by this ID

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in Canada all white girls want my babies

A traditional Japanese woman will want a Japanese man. Even if you do speak the language , the fact that you are white is a huge red flag. I don't think you grasp how traditional and conformist Japanese are. Your weeaboo fantasies are just that

who's the original uploader? Apparently a guy named Charlie but I can't find his channel

Then most of the white men in Germany are betas, pussies and cucks? So? Your point?

Seems a bit extreme..

>getting married

>Made the mistake of going for looks and not personality... or brains
The number of guys that do this never ceases to amaze me, and none of them end up happy. I went for personality. Result? Possibly one of the only men whose wife lost weight AFTER getting married, she cooks for me, financially supports me, and fucks me more than ever.

>being so retarded you don't realize all women are the same

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Many such cases

When I was living in Brisbane I knew an Asian chick like that (literally born on Christmas Island), had a bogan bf, went to uni but never finished anything and ate up liberal politics

M8 cool story but if this is real you need a divorce


AMWF = better happa offspring but it's racial cuckoldry

WMAF = shit happa offspring(eliot rodger tier) and can still be considered racial cuckoldry unless you're having more than 1 wife that's not asian

>Old lady getting fucked in 49ers locker room

I’m afraid I can’t prove this to be inaccurate.

what can i say user... LMAO
this is what all you race mixing faggets get

Get a life gook incel subhuman

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Literally says Norwegian on your image...

I have notice among western men, there is almost no concept on getting a "proper" woman. The idea is for them simply going on a chick based on looks and trying to make it work from there.

Bullshit. Henry Goulding, Keanu Reeves, Maggie Q. All Wmaf. Anybody that says wmaf is bad but amwf is good is an angry microdicked noodle boy.

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>A traditional Japanese woman will want a Japanese man

Depends on the woman. There are jap woman who are extremely traditional and don't allow race mixing (and are also racist and mistrusting western people), and there are those who are traditional, but do race-mixing. Surprising, huh? An americunt brainlet won't understand that though.

>Your weeaboo fantasies are just that

Incorrect. Weeaboo fantasies are believing that approaching a japanese woman is possible by just watching anime shit and imitating anime jap language like most beta orbiters and cucks do. Learning the actual culture, history, traditions and language of the country isn't.

All wrong

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BTFO by stats in 1 picture LOL.

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Yup. Fuck this Jewish clown world.

It’s amazing how far the white race has fallen in a relatively short period of time

Holy fuck

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That’s not accurate tho.

What typically happens is those girls will go be a whore all of their twenties, and they go find nice guys to marry.

Again you underestimate how traditional Japan is. Unless you are one of the few highly paid foreigners representing a large firm, chances are you aren't going anywhere in Japanese society. Go study the language and history all you want because it won't matter, you will be the strange white man working a low end job in a country that values conformity and sameness more than your whiteboy brain can imagine and you will stick out like a sore thumb.

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Why the fuck don't you just go back to Asia if you hate the idea of white men fucking Asian women so much that you'd spend hours shilling against it on a fucking Taiwanese basket knitting board?

Fucking noodledicked rice boy gook. Get the fuck out of here.

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Question for men here

How does it feel knowing that you’re going to only attract prior whores when you’re in your prime?

I think it’s shitty. I’m in my late twenties. I got Jow Forums and have a good career now. But the only girls who want to date me are girls who were busy in their early and mid twenties. Feels like shit.

>the amount of COPE in this post

incels like you simply can't grasp foreign cultures to a point where it is sad. I haven't even begun to scratch the expectations of a husband or Japan's salary work culture and you are already sperging out like a sad autist. Not one is opposed to you getting with an Asian girl (by all means go for it) but you might want to stop and think before jumping off to Asian in the hopes that it will solve whatever difficulties you are having in your own country

People have the right to choose their partners. However they should understand the consequences for doing do. If their love is as great as they claim then they will overcome it together otherwise they are wasting time and health.
I like white females for the appearance but I don't think they make good wives in a fairly traditional Asian family.

Nice projection, mutt.

White men who marry Asians are pathetic. Thank you for polluting our gene pool and creating yet more soulless bug people. As if our planet wasn’t already inundated with enough slant eyed Zerg spawn, you pathetic manbabies just can’t help yourselves.

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I've fucked every breed of Asians there are you dumb cunt, your conservative lily flower girl is whore for my dick just like every other non-white country in the world. Asian girls from fancy Asians to jungle Asians to dot Asians love white cock meat, and that's the reality of it.

Check the flag faggot, jungle Asians fuck better albeit they're uglier, but I do miss the kinkiness and looks of the girls I had in Korea and Japan. Will be back soon ;)


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Who said anything about marrying and having babies you mongo? Asian women are the white man's whore, and refusing to use them as such is just demonstrating low sexual market value as white men. Do your fucking job and slay some gook puss.

I think that's enough to prove to me that you really have no idea what you're talking about. But be that as it may. First gather some experience, then we'll talk again. I have a lot of years abroad behind me (university) and yes, Japanese are very traditional, but not in the sense like you try to convince yourself. If you do weeb shit there, then of course you're going to be the "strange white man" since they will know exactly where you come from. If you know about the language, speak the language pretty fluently, follow the traditions, they would only notice the difference in your genetics, not in the way you behave or greet each other. Hardcore weebs already do the common mistake on how to greet or address jap people correctly, and that is pretty cringe. (in fact, correct addressing is pretty hierarchical. It's the uchi-soto system) So, it's kinda understandable that most jap women are not interested into white guys if they can't even get the addressing right.

"muh conservative Japanese flower girls"

OK LOL they're are literally the world's whores“1-in-every-200-japanese-women-have-appeared-in-porn”.152350/

This one actually makes me angry. I liked Sawyer in Lost. Now his alpha genes will be flushed down the toilet forever and the NWO will only become more tyrannical and oppressive as the lower races subsume the higher.

God fucking damn it. Why did you have to do this to me?

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Ask a white guy getting a blow job from a Japanese teenager right now anything.

>going to Asia to fuck whores

You could have done it for free back home

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>Asian women are the white man's whore

That only works if white nations remain racially homogenous, fucktard.

As it currently stands, white Americans are projected to become a minority in the next decade. If you were hoping to “colonise” Asia, you’re doing a great fucking job sunshine

Oooh straight outta his angry Asian incel folder huh?

This is you, isn't it?

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At the end it’s just ir sterotypes

White man + Asian women
- sex tourist white guy in his 40s or50s
- an Asian women too young for him and too small
- seen as a pedo
- generally wealthier then other IR couples
- chances are the Asian women is just looking for citizenship

White Women + black man
- seen as a poverty couple
- white women stereotyped as ghetto
- fat white women+ skinny black guy
- both partners have no college education
- usually single parent

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Pics or it didn’t happen. You know the protocol

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So have your self confidence issues improved recently?

Is she making a lot of slurping noises or is she the quiet type?

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Women be like that and thay get married with someone like Parasite or Bizzaro

I used to feel shitty that I am not allowed into Japanese only whore houses but then I learned a trick from western Jew identity politics and now I just tell the person that works at the store that actually I AM Japanese and it is very hard to argue and it usually works to get into any store.

Not saying I had self esteem issues before, but hearing about how small Asian guys are directly from the lips of one of their women is pretty fucking awakening to how all women can be. Fucking disgusting. Also, especially from the southern Asians, being told you're literally perfect because of how pale your skin is can be, well, skin crawling.

But hey, they fuck niiiice.

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Quiet type

1 in 200 is 0.5% you imbecile. So 99.5% havent done porn. I guarantee the percent is much worse in the west if you account for camgirls and premium snapchat whores, but even excluding that it is likely 2%+

had group sex with a girl and a few nibblers and surprise i have the biggest cock being the tallest and biggest hands.

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Cool. I’m about to move to Japan for work. Wanna hang sometime?

That looks like the sushi place at Santa Barbara pier

>All the salty racemixers and hapas in this thread

>b-b-but they're not whores, I bet the west is worst! No statistics btw

The cope is real

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Why are you so fragile?

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>using a no name forum as a source for numbers

white cope is real

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>thinks a single mother in her late 30s will prefer him over commiting suicide
Keep dreaming incel lol

The white genocide (or should I say suicide) continues

You do realise China’s population is roughly 7 times the population of the US? Whites are a rapidly diminishing minority, even within the United States. Do you really want to join the hive or wouldn’t you rather preserve the unique characteristics passed down from your ancestors for thousands of years?

Don’t answer. I already know the answer C U C K

>they're not even hwires!

Gets rekt

>it's not a real source

Noodledicked rice boy cope is intense, geeze

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Yea incel you are superman alright thats why you are so concerned if that pic might be true lol

>using thehelper,net as a source

white cope is real

He mad

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How do I escape clown world?

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The only one of those women I would want is Kristin Kreuk desu. Most Asian girls aren't that good looking and use a fuckload of makeup to completely change their faces

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I had to work with a cute asian girl at work yesterday for a few minutes and her breath was so bad I nearly passed out. She literally smelled "asian" if that makes sense. No thanks.

Huh? I'm going to marry a white girl and have white babies dumbfuck, I'm just out conquering minorities as my ancestors did. Chill.
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women

age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%

Here's some statistics then idiot. And for the record good white women are usually attending churches but the majority of people here are basically internet dweeb atheists so they'll never come in contact with them.

Keanu Reevs's father was asian and the mother was white though.

You all look the same to me.

I wish that I was a hapa

smart + athletic = hapa

>Whites are a rapidly diminishing minority, even within the United States

we're not going anywhere you blackpilling kike

If this isn’t a larp, hope you’re okay user. Get a divorce, live as neet and she’ll get nothing.

Your logic is retarded and so are you. Tell shlomo I said hi

this whole thread is filled with incels....

here's a pro tip: thats what makeup does for women.

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That’s not what the statistics indicate

look it really isn't true

those girls actually find a nice sucker who they marry and probably don't deserve

and you die as a virgin and not this ''let me show you my perfect gf/wf, are you jelly bitch'' fantasy