Elon is a meme god

Post Elons best moments

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The one where a bunch of jews got triggered


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Again, it is all about me.

Elon musk is gonna fly off to mars and start the ethno planet mark my words guys.

I don't get why everyone is so obsessed with him. His "fans" are like new Rick and Morty fans

>Elon is a cringe god

I really can't stand this dude.

Are you Austrian bourgeoisie?

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He's one of the few relatable billionaires. The Steve jobs and Bill Gates of the world are largely boring. You never see them acting like a normal person would given that amount of wealth.

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You definetly aren't a jew or a shill, right?

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So just because he's famous, rich and shitposts on the internet? What about Notch? He has twitter debates with trannies like every week

He bought skinwalker ranch screencap this

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kuso thread. SAGE

I love that he is my boss. I hope I don’t get fired soon.

t. Tesla Engineer

>screencap this

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No, I just dislike this whole tech-messiah act. Same reason I couldn't stand Steve jobs.

>t. Butthurt spacenigger

His hair transplant is killer.

He named the Jew and got away with it.

It's like all the normal rules that drag down other men just don't apply to him.

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Just watch his interview with Joe Rogan in full and you will understand why Elon is different. It was actually a very deep conversation touching on philosophy and quantum physics. The news just knee jerked and “dude weeded”.

Lol, that could've been me, the special "savant" boy.

Of course, Elon Musk is a white supremacist. He's a white guy and he's superior to alomst everyone else.

They should try "reading" a book on cassette, dumb niggers.

Yup, this is it chief

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>meme good
Elon is just a normal person like us, he just has a bunch of cash

It's not Elon musk. It's his marketing team in charge of his Twitter to connect with your faggot meme culture so you can buy his products. Its smart and its working cuz your faggot ass wants to suck his cock

Ok, I'll give it a shit when I have time


in this thread a bunch of underage beta loser fall for a personality cult again because hey can't into life without sucking someone else cock

Notch is liked here too. Lurk more

>never say it's the jews
>never even mention it or hint at it
>nothing at all
>could be implying that it's corrupt politicians, interest groups, faceless organizations, lizardmen, aliens, ghosts or anything else
>regardless all the kikes instantly crawl out and go full defense mode
Really jogs the noggin.

I still love you though Ausbro, Germanic peoples have a special place in my heart, even if you are proletarian.


I wanna believe...

But most of us on Jow Forums are memegods to some degree

Really? Then it's jews.

He's a white south african. He lived time enough in hell to be redpilled.

And all of them, except 1, had a blue check mark

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His avatar is in response to some viral tweet that said something like "I'm not going to take somebody with a anime avatar seriously"

>History of full of eccentric billionaires
>It can only be a ruse

>haha le ebin elon chan posting epic maymays hahah XD

Wow deeply inspirational.
Thx Elon- Chan

When people go to colonize space, there will be a certain criteria.
1. Must be intelligent -no niggers ,(including varieties ex sand-nigger)
2. Expected to reproduce- no fags or trannies
3. Must have no diseases -no niggers, fags or trannies.
4.Must be mentally stable -no niggers, fags, trannies, or Jews (Jewish predisposition to schizophrenia)
5. Must form a cohesive community -No niggers, Jews, or chinks (Nips are okay)

Any space colonization will be whites and Japanese only. Anyone living in reality knows this.

or take his cock out of your mouth brainlette and look at Elon the hypocrite story
he lived in segregated south africa
he's a spoiled brats who was used to push unpopular idea on the population
when an idea come form a little moron it's easier to convince the population than when the idea come from some alphabet agency
i guess the people who idolize Musk are the same who idolize Trump
half man with half a brain

I think only good people will be able to live on Mars

use pngquant

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You canadians are literal shitposters, because all your posts are shit

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You shouldn't have to try that hard, a shit poster, anime watching autist who the jews hate may have visited and posted on Jow Forums.. hrmm..

at least i'm not a turkroach larping as a white man ? or a personality cult follower ?
i'm OK

So the text is from the book?


you can find the pdf online, it isn't fake

Lucky son of a bitch.


>who the jews hate
ya totally thats why he was financed by the jews from start to finish
from x.com to The Boring Co

>its real


why doesnt this rich snowchimp make a new site
i just got banned from twitter because my profile pic contained a swastika and it wasnt even a nazi swastika

we need a popular alternative to twitter, no Jow Forums sucks because normies dont like it and theres too much shitposting and memes

Okay cool
I started a thread about it.
Come, join and drop more wisodom:

and too much shilling

It's all about me and no one ever cares, as usual.

Do you manage his Twitter?

But where are the proofs?

who is gregory kouri and why is he dead at 51 from shady reason in shady circumstances?

tim horton's does suck
they put some kind of fucked up additive in their breakfast muffins that tastes bitter

Post a tweet right now, content doesn't matter

I'n torn on elon. On the one hand, he makes cool shit, and on the other hand he is a technocrat working on making mind-melding technology to turn us into cyborgs. how do i resolv this dilemna?

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he wants us to turn into cyborgs so we can defeat The AI Menace
I will fallow any man who wants me to become Gundam

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Powerful people own the press. No we dont says all the jews.

Bigelow had it first. He pulled out a few years ago. I’m not sure he achieved much there.

Modernity is Jewish to the core and goes against the Aryan ideal. Jewish science and Jewish control rule the day. It is after all the Kali Yuga and this is their time.
Personally I hope musk and his fellow technocrats get their wish and get to live forever trapped in a fucking computer, permanent hell for idiot people.

By realizing how much Elon musk warns of artificial intelligence

your digits give me pause for thought... however, i think i would prefer not to have a neurolink stapled to my forehead. knowwhatimsayin'?

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I love crony capitalism now!

Jews do everything in their power to stop people from getting off this earth. Remind you of anyone?

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"Can't Spell Felon Without Elon"

Only a dead commie is a good commie

Musk is more commie than me. Without the US gov he's nothing.

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>Meme god
What that does that mean, kraut? That's such a retarded statement. Elon is a man child

did he find the /mlpol/ horsefuckers trying to summon the soul of Hitler into fortune500 AI...? It was a shitpost I am pretty sure...

so was Jow Forums

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you will do both lol

I dunno frens, I find Elon overrated

Go back

>this entire thread

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Elon Musk a visonary with capital $$ but not a genius

Nikolai Tesla a visonary with unlimited genius but no capital $$ died broke

If you could fuse both together we would be Mars and Fusion in a decade.

Tesla's plan to transmit power wirelessly was the most fucking asinine retarded nigger bullshit evwe concieved within the world of electrical engineering. The inverse square law alone would btfo tesla's idea so hard he would have killed himself out of shame had he tested it on a meaningful scale.

Elon isn't an engineering genius, but he is a savant when it comes to winning investors and then using that money.

The fact that his profile picture on twitter is fucking anime is the biggest fucking meme there is

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