ITT we discuss Google's Doodle honoring Christ

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Atheist assholes.

No they do doodles for mudshits and nigger religions.

I bet they suck nigger cock to help pass the time every day.

They'll commission custom artwork for every birthday of every brown woman that ever put on a lab coat but they can't have a simple Easter Egg?

Google bought and named a GPU in 2007 chrome and another in 2008 and named it adreno. Atheists? Take another two guesses...

They cumission their tongues in black assholes.

They put an easter egg on the feeling lucky button.


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Did they draw Muhammed? That would be funny.

>ITT: Acting surprised that a company started by two Jews and staffed with hordes of leftist do not give a shit about Easter

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Not atheists, it's a different (((religion)))

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burn google down to the ground

They could have made a fancy easter logo. There are thousands of contributing artists willing to do so. But instead they do a shitty egg fill screensaver that looks like a Khan Academy project.

Adreno is just rearranging the letters from the word Radeon. AMD used to make mobile GPUs but they sold that division and Radeon became Adreno.

Googles tongue my anus.

This reminds me of that time I noticed that Christianity was the only religion that didn't autocorrect if you spelled it with a lower case letter. I made a video about it on jewtube and a few posts about it around the interwebs. Ofc nobody cares because church Christians are tech-illiterate kike cock-gobbling dumb fucks, but within a few days I noticed that the kikery was unkiked and Christianity spelled with a lower case c autocorrected.
There's the vid for proofs.
It was extra sppoky. Our enemy permeates every fiber of our societal cloth, all the way to autocorrect, so afraid of the goyim knowing that a vid with a hundred views and a few posts by some nobody can change their tactics.

That's convenient, tho to name it that after the chrome thing is beyond suspect. I would change the name of i were them but no, not Joogle.

Subscribed and liked. Good video.

Google is run by jews

considering only 6 ever did they should have the time


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There jewish

fuck google

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Remember last year when Apple deleted Easter off of their calendars? They didn’t add it back until it started to make headlines. Google and the rest of SV megacorps are anti-Christain and unAmerican.

thanks fren much appreciated
Also just googled it and (((autocorrect))) is owned and run by jews
every fucking time, man.


Israel is going full-Talmud soon.

Get saved if you haven't accepted Christ yet.

They do have a doodle. It's hidden though. You might say that it's an Easter egg.

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Press the egg.

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They're just mocking us at this stage.

Jokes on them. I only use Google to get to Trump's Twitter page. I use Bing for all my porn needs. And of course Jow Forums for all my news.

why do you fucking losers still use google? holy fuck. people whine about it yet cant stop fucking using it
if you cant break yourself from using a simple search engine then you're a piece of shit

The people who say this should always append their posts with the answer in a hyperlink.

Google only does these doodles for some dead femenist's 150th birthday.

This. Startpage is really, really good, it helps you detox from Google and transition to more free alternatives like searx.

this one is actually interesting, you click on each little icon that can appear and it brings up some factoids about easter on another page

> Catholics pray to Coca Cola bottles on Christmas
Easter has nothing to do with "eggs" you pagans

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based luther

>google respects every stupid holiday and birthday under the sun, even of people who had no impact on history
>the resurrection of the Son of God, a religion worshipped by billions, gets to mention
sounds about right, atheists are hypocrites to their own hurt

There are more nigger rabbits than white ones.

Christianity is too violent, they don't deserve to be celebrated
>and by "too violent" we mean "not violent enough to scare us, like Muslims are"

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I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but white chocolate rabbits taste like shit.

> checked
Read his book, he tried to warn us

I didn't see shit for easter. All i get now is this. wtf jewgle

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I know this is off topic but I'd love to make a movie about him and simply name it "Luther" and watch the outrage people make thinking it's a movie about remaking MLK into a white guy.