So that’s who the next leach is. Thought it would be China but after the west falls India is next

So that’s who the next leach is. Thought it would be China but after the west falls India is next

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I feel bad for India, it seems like they're getting cucked by progressivism


dont worry about us
we're taking the muslims with us if shit hits the fan

Attached: HINDU_BULLS.png (1756x1280, 2.75M)

she's a retard but she's fucking based.
she dindu nuffin in reality she's just saying random shit to trigger muslims

Indian and American unified Muslim genociding will commence shortly.

china is already jewish (communist) so there's no need to bother with them

Hmm...let's look at the initial reports of the incident.

Bomber stood in line at restaurant buffet before setting off suicide bomb.
Suicide bomb.
Yeah, probably not a Muslim :roll:


Kys Pajeet. Muslims and Pajeets are both shit. Stop defending them.

Godspeed, pajeet. I'll be rooting for your team till the bitter end.

fucking based & redpilled as fuck.
holy shit. honorable aryan.
holy shit.

Attached: Gita.png (365x559, 622K)

Well, poos may actually fucking do something.

Bravado and a fancy painting. Have you bothered tending to the rise of feminism and decriminalized sodomites on the inside?

I don’t give a shit. Let them. But don’t go to Jow Forums and start spamming DUDE BASED POO IN LOOS LOL FUCK MY WIFE.

That British Caliphate

I'm sure its those crazy Amish at it again...

Like this fag.

>one bomber already named as Mohamed Azzam Mohamed
>i-it w-wasnt the Muslims!

