I'm thinking about emmigrating to Northern Italy in 2 years after I get my citizenship

I'm thinking about emmigrating to Northern Italy in 2 years after I get my citizenship.
What can you tell me about Italian culture and how it compares to other european countries?
Possible cities which I consider to live in are Milan, Bolzano, Trento and Verona, but I'm open to other options.

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Trieste is very nice. As is the area around Bassano Del Grappa.

I have no idea what it is called but if you ski from Villach in Austria through the mountains for a while you enter Italy, which greets you with a fine restaurant and a church.

If you move on North you will be fine,in 2 years we will be probably in fourth Reich.

Depends on the city you go.
Milan has that sort of cosmopolitan nature that most big cities in western europe have. Perhaps that is the best option if you are new to the country.
Although I consider Veneto to be the best region of Italy.

I would only go to Milan if the job prospects in the other cities are low. I'd like to live in the northeastern alps

unemployment is not high in the north
but it is still difficult to find jobs if you do not speak italian

Parlo un po di italiando, ma lo sto imparando ancora. Mi mancano 3 liveli.

Fuck off mutt.

T. Mario

Stay in your shithole we are full

fuck off don't come here paco

Milan isn't any different from any other shithole city in western Europe, the countryside is very nice though, what exactly do you want to know about culture? Customs? Buildings? Holidays?

Youth culture. Is it as degenerate as in america and britain?
How lefty are teens and young adults?

degenerate but less than the US and UK


Move to Panzano it’s the best

I really hope so...

>t. Milanese

Do you have more info about this ski thing?

There are some that are close to lefties, but it's more hippies than 3rd wave feminism, although some time ago the student council of my school tried to create a protest against a catholic meeting because it was medieval and not inclusive or something, do you want the text message we got?

Ps I live near lecco

The food is the best.

Alright. Send it

I know. Almost half of argentinian cuisine is italian

Which is good. You need to speak Italian in Italy. Or Romanian if you're hired by a Romanian company and work for shit tire payment. Work is work though, so I shouldn't complain.

t. carlitos tevez

What is the consensus on Abruzzo?

what is your ancestry?

Out of my 8 great grandparents 7 were Italian (mostly from basilicata) and one was from Spain

then its OK

I am of the belief that white argentines MUST emigrate because this country has no future. A future with mestizo-mierdas, bolivians, senegalenseans , peruvian, brazilian monkeys and other subhuman races is no future.
Leave and never come back

Northern Italian here, quick recap:
>Milan: faggot city, easy to find a job tho.
>Bolzano: beautiful city, you won't find a job that isn't pizza delivery or construction.
>Trento: see Bolzano, but with (more) racism, which is fine only if you're born in Trento.
>Yes, in Northern Italy we "jokingly" hate neighbouring cities, those who don't are shitskin terroni and mutts.
>Verona: mid-tier northern city, you should be fine there.

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How is Tuscany?

Jesus christ how horrifying.
Please tell me this faggots are ridiculed by italian society at large

Just don't go to Genova, we don't want forestieri here

si vabbè ma questi son ritardati lo sappiamo, hanno fatto tanto casino ma sono riusciti soltanto ad avere mezza giornata di attenzione mediatica
>Bussetti è un coglione però, cioè come si fa a cambiare la tesina di maturità con una relazione sull'alternanza scuola-lavoro ma porco dio, sto valutando se convincere mia sorella a lasciare il liceo e farla studiare a casa, mio padre è quasi quasi d'accordo.

I think exactly the same.
A few years ago I believed we had to hold our ground here, but this land is fucking cursed.
Every white that stays here is condemned to have their children be mestizo mierdas or be murdered or raped by one of them

tuscany is nice, especially in the countryside
economically speaking it is not as good as the north, but still decent

Go to where you ancestors came from.


Exactly what I'm doing

Stay in the new world, mestizo monkey. We are already full of peruvians and other indio shits

>I studied latin, biology and physics for the last 5 years, now let me tell you about how I gave a little child some ice as a lifeguard and how the local library orders books by the authors' name

I have no indio blood. Sorry to dissapoint meme flagger

we need these measures in order to increase our birth rate

What are you, ethnically speaking?

europe is no place for indios
we already have enough problems

I'm Italian living in France and my family originate from Veneto

>emmigrating to Northern Italy
Nah mate, southern Italy is the best one, go there instead.


stay there paco, we don't need any alieb immigrant

I like you

This guy is probably a shitskin mestizo-mierda (they all hide behind memeflags or USA flags)
Theres is also one argentine mestizo-mierda who posts often claiming we are not whtie. Its true, Argentina isnt a white country but there ARE a lot of white people yet, even if they are retarded

Ah you are welcome to come then

I see what you did there

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no, he is not welcome

IS CRAWLING WITH SAND NIGGERS AND KYKES stay in your country for shitty that it is is way better thant europe ATM or if you really wanna go in into europe o would say hungary or most white population countries

No one in my school cared about it, bit some joined anyway because every excuse is a good excuse to not go to school and because the teacher pushed a lot for this

No one says you are all shitskins dude. It's just that the average south american immigrant in Italy is a shitskin. If you are Italian or European in general no one minds you being here (except if you are rumenian or albanian)

Chissene se la diaspora torna a casa. Basta che non siano diventati dei meticci nel frattempo IMHO

I don't want to stay here. It's full of peruvians like you

I'm white, I speak Italian and I will have ancestry citizenship in 2 years. Why wouldn't I be welcome?

Based and redpilled

Avoid the south at any cost.

i never say you wouldnt be welcome specially if you have ancentry but i dont think is worth the risk
>It's full of peruvians like you
if they are there is because they are faggots that run for the easy solutions i could go to spain and live the easy live in the canarina islands but nah i hate nigs
am just saying that is not worth the risk

Fuck you and fuck the chilenos,hijo de puta madre

There are no niggers on the 'canarina islands', idiot. Besides, you couldn't.

no you don't, you said it.
stay there

he doesn't even speak italian

Didn't he say he does?


so you prefer to be raped by niggers?

Argentina will be fucking paradise on earth the day you get an independent central bank and peronists are delivered free helicopter rides

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yes he doesn't
i dont want another immigrant which speaks shitty italian

Language matters very little in the long run. I'd rather have someone ethnically Italian which doesn't speak a single word of Italian (which he can always learn), than a nigger/nafri/indian/chink/south american/etc. that speaks a perfect Italian (since no matter the language he speaks, he will never be Italian)

Such will never happen. Brown people are the majority now and peronism can win all elections from now on with only their vote.
Europe will always be the homeland of white people. If europe falls so do we. In a war you don't even consider the fall of the last line of defense, and europe is and always will be our last line of defense

Parlo un po. Sono al terzo livelo in una instituzione. Lo parlero perfetto in meno di due anni

I'd rather have neither of those desu desu


that sounds fucking amazing

I'm from the south. Don't believe them.
North Italy is shit!
South Italy is even shittier!!
The best is the center go to Marche in cities like Macerata or Porto Recanati. The best places with the best people.

In an ideal world I agree. But unfortunately we don't live in an ideal wordl

blood AND culture

Do you have a CERF qualification?
Just to understand how good your italian is.

i got spanish nationality and i have family there and from time to time nigs came in boats and lurk the insland until the goberment move them inland

My point is culture can be learned, genetics are forever and foreign blood taints the country far more than foreign language


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the only solution for the massive imigartion to be solve is either germany and france stop controling the EU along with soros or change for less cucked goberments like hungary that give 2 shits about imigrations laws impsed by the EU

Amico ci puoi provare quanto vuoi ma la realtà è una sola:
Nessuno straniero può parlare italiano come lo parla un italiano. È un fatto assodato.
Io di stranieri in italia ne ho conosciuti tanti: gente che viene dal venezuela, dalla spagna, dall'inghilterra, dall'austria e alcuni fra loro vivono qua ormai da anni. I Mentre con l'inglese ad esempio dopo qualche annetto lo parli alla perfezione con l'italiano invece questo non accadrá mai.

Bolzano (Bozen) is German so unless you want Germans around you, don't move there.

both are an attack to our nation, and in this delicate times we cannot accept them

become muslim and youll blend in..

My institution is recognized by the EU for Italian teaching, so I'd say yes

I'm doing my best to italianize my self and to lose what little argentinian culture I have. Give me a break


dont start...

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Bolzano no est italie
Poi vai a vedere e sono tutti italiani.

not anymore, Bolzano is majority italian now

bolzano is majority italian
it is 25% kraut

Yeah but what level?
A1, B2 ect.