How old were you when you grew out of being leftist (liberal)?

How old were you when you grew out of being leftist (liberal)?

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Was a complete cuck, then a classical liberal, then a centrist, then a libertarian, then a conservative, then a race realist, then a fascist.

Down I’m simple a clownist


I toyed around with liberal ideology when I was 12.
Then my father beat the shit out of me.
He's a good father and a good man. And I'm grateful to him.

Those labels mean nothing to me. I vote for whoever gives me the most gibs, Yang Gang 2020.

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Raised conservative, never rebelled against it like many ducks do cuz I saw it was right

When I got my first job and stsrted paying taxes. Plain and simple people have to work to make the world function, with the welfare state you have the weight of the many on the shoulders of a few, whereas if every able bodied man can work the load is split and much more manageable.


17 when I took LSD for the first time. It was quite horrifying to realize just how deep the control system goes into our minds.

I grew up in a conservative house. Stayed that way untill I was in my late 20s then switched over to being a lolbertarian. You can talk as much shit as you want but libertarians are not trying to strip any freedoms from anyone. Unlike the niggers on the left and spics on the right.

The tipping in here for most people is early 20s.

Was raised by a bluepilled liberal school teacher. Found lolbertarianism at around 16. Living in Portland had me blackpilled by 18 and here I am at 24 honking away.

Around 19

32/33, but it had been coming for years.

It took a bad breakup for me at age 25 to see feminism for what it is.

By the time I was 27 I was a libertarian. Now I'm a 31 year old cryptofacist.


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I never was, I was libertarian, but now I'm just straight up clown.

Proud to say I was never a lefty cuck. I was kind of a boomer-tier civnat when I was younger and more naive, though. I didn’t become a full-on ethnic nationalist until about three or four years ago.

Similar here man.
I was extremely bluepilled beta cuck while head over heels for some roastie for 3 years. She treated me like shit but like a good little beta I stayed, until I was undeniably just being used as a tool. Around 19 I began waking up. Moved to classic liberal, then to center, center-right, now idk what the fuck I am.
On pol I'd be a moderate since I don't want to go full race war.
To a liberal I'd be a racist nazi because I hate the jews and think trannies are mentally ill.
Kek what a clown world

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Honk honk

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21 while leaving a metal concert focused around European pagan themed bands (lots of runes n shit in the imagery) and had a bottle chucked at me and a friend by Antifa-fags while being called Nazis and white supremacists (my friend is a negro).

whole family was left wing so i was raised left wing. was anarchist, then libertarian, now i guess im just right wing? i have no idea what kind

You’ll grow out of being an edgy racist one day.

I was never a liberal I was always a libertarian

>clown world

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It started around 24. I realized I had been lied to all my life about women, about feminism. This led to a great red pill spiral where I realized that leftists had been purposefully brainwashing people to try to get them to believe these lies.

I am Russian, we are red/blackpilled the day we are born. Liberals are a novelty here just like vegans in the West.


I was living in South Carolina at that time and was on my peak leftism. when I came back home in 2015 I got redpilled hard when I saw all the "refugees" in my homeland. also trump being elected brought me here on Jow Forums

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I became liberal when I was 17 and watched zeitgeist. I became conservative like 10 years later after I started understanding economy

Currently learning Russian so one day I can emigrate. Did my DNA thing last year and it says I'm 36% Western Russian, NE European. How do Russians feel about ethnically Russian Americans moving to your country?

Why would you do that though?
Russian economy is on the decline, we are moving towards closed borders autocracy.
Everyone will be friendly, yet think you are some kind of idiot for moving here. I recommend visiting for a holiday

I have always been fascinated with Russia, it feels like more of my homeland than America even though I have never been. You are probably right, that I would need to come visit before committing to living there. I know you guys have a Muslim problem, but Putin is based beyond belief and I'm getting sick of all the degeneracy in the states. There seem to be very few places of refuge left in the world, eastern and parts of northern europe, Russia, and a few other random places seem to be it. I am also an established music producer and sound designer, so an economic downturn wouldn't be all that bad for me. Hard times make good music.

15, sad part in my Life
watched youtube completly stoned and saw videos of thounds of Imigrants pouring into germany

16. Then when I hit 21 I grew out of being a Ron Paul-tier libertarian.

>leftist (liberal)
Those are two completely different things. Liberals are right wing and despised by leftists. Generally people never "grow out" of leftism, it's almost always an endpoint that some liberals and rightists reach. Few people (except boomers) stay liberal though.

>14, bought into the Ron Paul meme
>16 centrist coward
>18 conservative trump shill
>21 natsoc

inb4 "thats american politics" Canadian politics is absolutely retarded, and boring.

about 21

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Seems like everyone was a libertarian.. and then we grew up

Mid 20s. But why don't you frame it this way, at what point did the liberal ride jumped off into lunacy land and you wanted off?

For me it was more than 2 genders and letting all genders into the male and female designated bathrooms. That's it for me, Democrat Party/Liberals are willing to die on that hill and I'm not going to follow those psychos. Every Democrat is made to follow this dogma, there are more than 2 genders and trannies should be accepted. That's it, that's enough for me.

Until 21, I was agnostic politically

22-25 I was full-on Antifa commie liberal

26-30 I slowly morphed into libertarian

30-35 I slowly became right-wing

35-now I'm now full blown far-right

was never leftist/liberal however.
I was more like ancap (with death penalty to homosexuals)

Unfortunately my natural libertarianism landed me in jail so these hoes didn't force me into the redpill until about 23
Now I'm full on natsoc ftw

Too old. It wasn't until Tom Brokaw publicly blamed NYC for 9/11 that I got mad enough to break the conditioning.

It's like fighting Aizen when you were controlled by him since before you were born. I still can't reliably see through the lies, but I fight on regardless, because the alternative is the death of the USA.

At least I'm not alone. President Trump isn't immune to the lies either, but he fought on regardless, and won in the end.

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>14 centrist
>16 libertarian right
>18 right populist

Hello maple brother

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LSD did the same thing for me too. Interesting how it pushes some people left though. I think it just kicks into gear whatever ideas you would have had later in life.

Turned into a right-wing populist at 15
National socialist at 18 or 19

Probably about a second after I met and talked to my first nigger when I was in grade school.

Those niggers were retarded and no matter how much money their white adopted parents spent on making them not niggers. Still got highschool whores pregnant and went to prison.

I mean, WTF? The parents were doctors.

Then the real pain started in High schools with packs of niggers prowling around terrorizing everyone.

Jesus fucking christ when I lived with 3 of them in the military it was a horror of niggerdom and they where literally the best their race had to offer in America.

Now I'm painstakenly trying to remove every interaction with them besides answered yet to "for here or to go."

Already got 2 fired for niggerdom.

3 more years fren, and you'll be where I am.

Late teens. I just realised how unrealistic it was to want to essentially hug all your problems away, or to always try to be the non aggressor. If a group of people want you dead, you have every right to defend yourself and send them back to the fucking stone age.

That was the starting point, and I've gotten more conservative the older I get. I'm 34 now.

I was never a leftist. I started smoking meth at 14 and would get tweaked and watch 9/11 truther videos, documentaries on the iraq war and jfk conspiracy videos. Down the rabbit hole i went.

I know, I feel it coming

23. Basically once I was out of college for 6 months and was working for a living everything changed.

Couple years ago when mudslim shitstorm starting to hit eu. That was the readline crossed.

I was never a leftist


My mother was a silent supporter of Hitler all throughout her life so I never really was a lefty.
I'm from Eastern Europe btw, this is just a VPN.

12 when I realized that too many people in my school were Turks or Slavs.

Nowadays it's a lot worse of course.

Its funny but its true

>135 IQ here
>thought I knew it all
>didn’t question leftist bullshit
>I’m here now daily
>work for a major global firm doing global stuff

Never. My mother is probably the most stable and redpilled a woman can be, so I was never a liberal.

You would make more money in one week of working a skilled job than that chink could give you all year. Faggot

I was 25 or so. Gamergate redpilled me hard. I didn't still play video games but the unbridled toxicity and shaming directed at adolescent boys made me angry and I saw the left as the culture bully it is

>135 IQ here
okay now, russian rape baby

I used to get so worked up about politics from the far left sjws and far right Jow Forumsacks and how much they split the country up, but now I just find it funny.

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One of 6 white kids in school
Mostly disappointed through out all of it. Counselors kept pushing me, teachers kept wanting me to show off what I know because they knew their entire classroom was full of dumbshits. I spoke four languages (European migrant to the US) Never wanted to excel in academia because I was surrounded by shitskins, it would only benefit the school if I did which means I would support this shit system for doing better for them.

After highschool, got into manufacturing now I run my own business making my own little white community in my business with like minded people. I help finance homes for people in my area, moving in white people into it. Now boomers are after me yelling at me at the city council because I'm driving housing prices down for financing people to buy and build homes to be employed at my business. Such is the clown world we live in.

And here I am, sitting in my office watching things move a long while shit posting on Jow Forums. And believe me, there are many more of us like me on here than you think (Some of them real life friends and employees). Real change is coming.

About 16. Didn't discover "redpill" until about 19. I remember when I was 17 a girl I knew told me her sister is in a "open relationship" and she explained it to me as if its perfectly normal. I distinctly remembered being disgusted and unable to comprehend how that could be normal.
I also remember winning a poem competition when I was about 13 with the topic being immigration. I wrote something about birds immigrating and why they had no problem with it. I even had to read it on front of a room of like 50 people at some ceremony. I only remembered this story a few days ago. Hit me that we were being brainwashed in school. If only all them knew how I felt now.

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I believe him you fucking leaf. There's more of us posting on Jow Forums than you think. It's probably why all these slide threads are spammed here daily to try to derail us, but it isn't working. This is our social media platform and they don't like us, they don't know who we are and what positions we're in.

>Chatolic, until 12
>Da Vince Code believer, 16
>Centrist, 20
>Classical Liberal (min gov),22
>Anarchist (I'm conservative, now.
Fuck our "representatives", let the People choose by themselves.

But it is normal user!

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moving to Russia too. I already speak russian and actually am russian, just born in Germany.
Will gladly leave that shithole EU to rot and help make Russia a better place, even if just a little bit

honestly at heart I'm still a libertarian, the idealistic utopian libertarian future is what I wish we could have. Sadly, my discarding of these beliefs has come with the revelation that not everyone will play ball on that and thus it cannot happen. I now see the need for a Christian Imperium sort of government as the only way forward.

What the fuck

here here

First job seeing how much money was being taken off my paycheck. I was an economic conservative at first, I guess close to a libertarian.

larping mutt, you won't accomplish shit, your country loves nothing but its own enemy.

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Just a normal day in Florida.

where do you plan on moving to?

He's not the only one here user. We're all for accelerating a crash and we'll be the ones on top.

>If a group of people want you dead, you have every right to defend yourself and send them back to the fucking stone age.
Forgiveness has limits, I ll agree. If you let yourself get exploiter, you are partly to blame yourself.

19, during the 2016 election. All the anti Trump narratives of the media caught my attention with how unnatural it was. It all just steamrolled from there really. I still hold some left wing ideas but generally I've grown out of it and became more right wing and more religious.

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I come from an Eastern bloc country where communism was more nationalistic than anything opposing it.

Today the "leftists" would be jailed for treason.

late 20s

5. The minute I learned the majority of people don’t do anything for nothing.

How old were you when you realised liberalism is capitalist?

Liberals and conservatives are the same thing

My mom was socialist. I never was left wing.

>economic conservative
Social conservatism is when you are truly red pilled.

There’s quite a few sci-fi books that ‘claim’ Russia will save the world. I think that mantle has fallen on the Chinese though with their superior intellect and their lack of empathy. I can see them sending 200 million chinks into the meat grinder like the Zerg to stop an invasion alien or otherwise.

Never did.

around 13-14 between middle and highschool

I was religious and conservative up until my late teens. Thankfully, I matured and stopped being a teenage rebel/edgelord.

I was a basic bitch liberal atheist until I was 21, then gamer gate happened and now I hate niggers and jews like a true gamer should.

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I was about 17 when I grew up. I tried going libertarian, but it was just too obvious the flaws.

I never agreed with them in the first place. I was left leaning though. I thought that universal healthcare and government paid higher education is definitely a net benefit to society.


I grew out at like 16, became a complete right-wing edge lord, matured, and now I'm left-leaning again.