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t... thats... a false... that's not... you're... STOP

Jow Forums cucks destroyed
god, thanks wh*te people will be replaced in next 50 years.

I think the fittest should be able to expel the lesser skin colors in order to make their own country and also avoid spoiling their superior genes. What is this meme's point again?

>it's another twitter brainlet thread who can't construct an argument so makes a strawman instead

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A safe space is a space for the denial of nature and order.

“being fit” is an unscientific term no serious fascist would ever use. And no fascist is saying that’s it’s too late to stop white genocide, their ability to foresee the danger and prevent it still falls under a layman’s idea of “fittest”.

The first one isn't an argument that fascists make, I think it was Charles Darwin...
With the 2nd youre admitting that non whites make your nation less safe.
Or is it that the Chinese are weak because they have an ethnically homogenous nation? Or the etheopeans? Or what? Why are you insulting these minorities?

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>a country is a safe space

literal negative IQ

>We need an entire country
No nigger not a country but all of Europe and the USA

If I argue with an imaginary opponent I’ll be sure to win! :)
Please kys

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That's not happening unless you finally decide to show your fucking teeth, white man.

Leftists: Ethnostates are bad
Also leftists: *Supports the Kurds*

The first argument doesn't make sense. "Fascists" accept the fact that natural selection erases the weaker ones. But this does not mean that a "fascist" has to accept his extinction. That is the point. It is called: fight. Whoever wins is the stronger one.

The second argument is a rather stupid and ridiculous comparison of a country with a safe space of an individual person. OP is obviously a brainlet.

>the fittest survive by lying down and taking it without complaint, so stop resisting

What do these people think they're going to gain by strawmanning their opposition? I mean if they are coming up with arguments and solutions to their problems that they think are related to fascists, but aren't; then who does that benefit? What retards honestly.

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Fascism is not the ideology of natural selection, it is a collective ideology where everyone is saved. The ideology you're describing is capitalism. Why do you construct straw men arguments? Get better at formulating ideas.

>natural selection
>when whites work their ass off to pay for lazy niggers gibs who just breed and sit on their ass all day
Yes, this system really is (((natural)))

Things get tricky when you're dealing with jews

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Jokes on you, I'm not a facist, I'm an Ethnic social-constitutionalist. :^)

why are libshits and minorities so hellbent on shaming whites from ever going off to create a white ethnostate? if us whites are such evil, bigoted, racists, you'd think these people would be happy if huge numbers of us wanted to self-segregate

>whites are superior
>whites are being wiped out by lesser races

This kills the Jow Forumstard

Leftists: "There should be no borders and all races should be mixed"

Also Leftist: "But remember the six gorillion, the Israel should be spared from this"

I can do it too
>evil racist whites
>muh country isn't a shithole
Also Minorities
>let's go live in white countries and neighborhoods

>Whoever wins is the stronger one.

Read the I Ching, what is strength today is weakness tomorrow. And what is hidden today may be thunder tomorrow.

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even a lion when outnumbered by hyenas can be brought down

>Ethnically homogeneous

Reminder that no where in the doctrine of fascism does it mention race

But nukes drop when we do. We don't want our children to inherit a radioactive wasteland.

See survival of the fittest doesn't apply when laws hold back one group from dominating another. If you allowed whites to kill non whites then we could say survival of the fittest. The current state is the fittest sacrificing their own survival to help the weak, all whites have to do is stop importing non whites and sending foreign aid and a lot of the lower tier non whites who depend on western aid would die off. I can't believe anybody has the audacity to call whites weak when whites literally go out of their way to help people who can't even help themselves. You don't see shitskin countries taking in endless waves of shitskins out of kindness.

Except its by traitors with the same skin color that is the problem, not subhumans.

It's not natural selection if you have to artificially supplant the population, now is it?

Whites have empathy, it's what separates us from the lesser races. While this has allowed us to achieve unprecedented progress as a people it's also being exploited by our devious (((enemies))).

People mix fascism with nazism. Fascism is just socialism.

Bleach the world.

Niggers are parasites wherever they exist.

Shut the fuck up cumskin. No one cares.

>Even when fascists lose they're still right
>Everyone else is doomed to failure because they've been proven wrong by having to go to fascist means to create the world they want

>What do these people think they're going to gain by strawmanning their opposition?
upcummies on social media and (You)s on Jow Forums.

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> An animal is making a call for his heard to defend themselves
> natural selection does not exist

retarded arguments are retarded

>whites are superior
>whites are being wiped out by themselves, mainly

>Fascism is just socialism.
then there are niggers like this

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>Fascism is just socialism.

jfc the IQ of this board drops by the day

Its east to make things look crazy when you control both sides.

For example its easy to say “poor people shouldnt have kids” or “rich people earned it by working hard”

Enraging people with bullshit when youre anonymous is super easy

I mean yeah it kind of is? Why is it unnatural for existing humans to go other lands? Are you saying a magician conjured them up from fairy dust?

1. Natural Selection has been hindered by the welfare state and modern medicine. Those who would have been too incompetent, crazy, and physically unfit to survive are now artificially supported by the state.
2. Mental safe spaces, such as found on college campuses, are not the same as physical safe spaces. Your home is a physical safe space, so we all live in physical safe spaces. If we all we allowed to live in mental safe spaces as well nothing would ever get done, as no one could be criticized or proven wrong.

>Hah check my argument it btfo your argument!
>Your definitions are all fucked. It makes no sense...
>Stfu no one cares I win I win lalalalalala

SJWs: "You conservatives are all fascists!"
Conservatives: "No we aren't that's the opposite of being conservative."
SJW" "Shut up, fascist."

Don't think he understands what fascist means.

Natural selection does not promote civilization. Only societies with controls on natural selection can succeed over the long term. A civilization governed by natural selection will never progress beyond tribal warlords killing each other's male populations for reproductive access to their neighbors' women.

Also OP's pic related is a straw man claim that no fascist would actually make.

>Person A: Survival of the fittest is natural selection
>Person B shoots and kills Person A
>Person B: hurrr I guess you weren't strong enough to withstand my bullets

It is. The difference betwen socialism and fascism is marketing. Socialist says they are doing something because of A, when in reality they are doing it because of B. Fascists says they are doing something because of B, when they are trully doing it because of B. They are both doing because of B, the difference is marketing. Socialism is how you sell fascism for people that are moderate. Why do you think democrats are in favor of abortions? They say its because of women freedom, do you know the real reason?

Importing and financially supporting violently retarded pavement apes is not natural selection, it's artificial selection.

Low IQ post

>If you kill your opponent, he wins

Go back to your shit hole roots if you dont like whites.

It does work, though. A whole generation of millenials who opposed the Iraq war were convinced they were leftists (with everything that comes with that) instead if just sane, because the strawmanning of any viewpoints outside of leftism by The Daily Show and Colbert.

There's a very good reason why the definition of fascism is so vague and nebulous for them.

That arguement fails because the current system isn't one of natural selection. 'Survival' is currently strongly influenced by who gets the best government assistance.

Natural selection is for anarchists and hypergamous degenerates. Fascists want a highly ordered society. You'd know that if you knew that "fascist" doesn't mean "everyone I don't like".
White men are very easily winning in a survival of the fittest hypergamous world btw. It's our overall society and quality of life that suffers. But sure, keep moving to our countries and keep going ballistic once you find out that no one, including your own women wants to fuck you here.


>we need a safe space from different opinions

>we need a safe country to protect our children from being raped and murdered by people who hate us

Liberal: I can’t tell the difference between these two

>white people replaced in 50 years
Pockets of White people have survived for 500 years all over Latin America amid their Empires pulling out, even when some mixed with locals others married their same kind, still holding key power places, close ranks against jews because of catholic religion. You know, there may be hope for white people elsewhere, but still Americans are importing way too much shitty people.

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>"yes, we're genociding you, what are you going to do about it snowflake?"
>Brentan Tarrant does something about it
>"n-no, I didn't mean it like that"
make up your fucking mind. if you admit that you're actively working towards destruction of white people, then they have the full right to defend themselves.

They should just lay down and take it right?

Are you saying non-whites are more violent?

Ancuck can’t get his message right, top kek!

So you’re admitting the intention is to murder and wipe us out then?

does natural selection take into the account that their is a police state keeping all non whites safe?
And this police state is primarily run

If this police state did not exist.
The cleansing would have taken place by now.

Affirmative action isn’t natural selection now is it. Now compare Haiti to the Dominican Republic. I fucking hate you people.

Strawman argument as per usual with you liars frauds and charlatains. We want our nation to be about our own people. The immigrants already have their Nations to be about their own people. They just suck and dont want to be there. There is nothing natural about being invaded by immigrant parasites that breed like ants and do little Else. You just hate Europeans. You are NOT a good person but a jealoux evilminded villain.


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>100m dead

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youre right white people are the worst
lets all take our ball and go home so we can all laugh as they fail and rot in their own country without immigrants to do all the work for them.
africa here i come

BTFO. The future belongs to the mutt anyway, the true master race.

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Prove to me that the left isn’t more fascist than the right.

And Brazil. Don't forget Brazil.

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>He can simplify years of anger of wrongdoings into a shitty equation

The problem is that we aren't fucking allowed to defend ourselves. The game is rigged because killing you subhumans squatting in our lands is forbidden.

That second argument is my favorite, largely based around how lefties want open borders and a diverse country with an array of cultures. HOWEVER, with various cultures come various ways of thinking and the left also wants you to think and act a certain way. In other words? You can come here, but you can’t bring with you your cultures ideaologies. The hypocrisy is hilarious.

That shit is so dumb it had to be posted by a non-white or genecucked mongloid.

>africa here i come

Auf Wiedersehen!

Do you know how and why planned parenthood started?

Are you faggots somehow unaware that you can report people for trolling? If you did that instead of replying to shitposting threads, they might start to diminish over time.

You smart. I like you.

>report people for trolling?
Don't, be a total faggot. Egregious spam sure. This, no.

>some nigger nonsense
it's because of internet niggers like you that people exclude white brazil from the white imperium maps

Yeah, protection from hurt feelings is exactly the same as protection from infiltration and subversion.

One of the main reasons why socialists hate fascists its because fascists make it clear what socialists are doing/trying to do.

>doesn't know what Fascism is

Fascism was civic nationalism. What a doofus.

please do

Lol old ugly slut

Imagine their faces when white people actually fight back...

I mean all their progress has been with white people actively helping them

>William Sneed