Tfw falling in love with my tranny fuckbuddy

>tfw falling in love with my tranny fuckbuddy

Should I become a full blown faggot degenerate and swallow the transpill? I just realized I can't live without her (him).

>she said many times she loves me so much
>cooks and takes care of me especially when I am sick
>she passes but my friends and family will know sooner or later

>friends will leave and call me gay and faggot forever
>family will disown me
>will never have a kid
>even if we don't end up together all the people that know me will forever see me as a total failure in life

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Have you come out to anyone as gay yet?

>Have you come out to anyone as gay yet?

No not yet. I've dated only cis females ever since. Also no one would have seen it coming.

If you're into her, you're into her. For me I figure real love would be worth taking some social heat for, but I can't weigh those two things for you, and frankly, shame only works on those who are ashamed. I tell you what, though, OP; if you're in, you need to be all in. You need to be able to say "This is my girlfriend" to anyone and everyone, not treat her like a dirty little secret. Anything else is going to be heartbreak for the both of you.

It doesn't matter in the end. Life is full of regrets regardless of choices made. If you never fell in love ever with anyone and died without a partner you might regret your decision. If you leave her you might regret your decisions. It's your call. Most of your issues now sound like external issues and that your happiness comes from others but if you have to rely on family to survive now or anytime in the future I would break up immediately.

In my opinion I would avoid relationships until I'm at a set age but you probably shouldn't take advice from me because I'm not exactly an average commoner

Dude you gay

also this. don't make her second class

Youre disgusting.


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>If you're into her, you're into her. For me I figure real love would be worth taking some social heat for, but I can't weigh those two things for you, and frankly, shame only works on those who are ashamed. I tell you what, though, OP; if you're in, you need to be all in. You need to be able to say "This is my girlfriend" to anyone and everyone, not treat her like a dirty little secret. Anything else is going to be heartbreak for the both of you.

Best advice here.

If you let someone you love slip through your fingers because you're afraid of what others will think of you, you will come to hate yourself.

Treasure them, user.

What does she look like?

Quit being a fag enabler, you know he’ll just end up self harming and killing himself later down the line. Even if he lives, he will age as a man will and can no longer hide behind youth to pass.

>You need to be able to say "This is my girlfriend" to anyone and everyone, not treat her like a dirty little secret.

Well if I go all in there's no turning back. My trans will be ok if I leave her but she still begged me to reconsider because she already professed her love for me.

I don't know if its love but something in me doesn't want her to get hurt. I also feel the need to take care of her and be with her.

Is it bad that I love her because she loves me?

I suppose so. That will be my mom's reaction as well.

Nigga that’s just pity.

OP is a fag

Could you conceivably see yourself happily living the rest of your life with her? If she transitions young enough, before 25ish, the more likely she will pass for the long run. If she makes you happy and you love her then go for it. You might break up one day or you might stay together, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

post pic

he shouldn't be with her based on whether she passes or not

>What does she look like?

Well someone here might know her and I want to be private about it.

>killing himself later down the line

What if she kills herself when I leave her?

>he will age as a man

I thought women age faster than men?

>What if he kills himself when I leave him?
Staying with someone just so they won’t an hero is retarded and shallow. If he does, then you know you dodged a bullet of coddling his insanity for a lifetime as he threatens suicide every time you have a fight.
He is a biological male who produces testosterone. He will age like a man but combined with the cocktail of hormones he’s been shooting up he will look like an abomination and his brain will be extremely unstable, with only you around for stability while your own support network is gone.
Literally the same as dating a BPD (which he probably has if he’s already so dependent on you and servile) or multiple personality patient

>Nigga that’s just pity.

What do you mean?

>he shouldn't be with her based on whether she passes or not

Are you for real? I'm with my gf because I find her cute. How the hell can I get a boner if she looks like a man.

Why do you want her pic so badly?

>I don't know if its love but something in me doesn't want her to get hurt. I also feel the need to take care of her and be with her.
That’s not love, just pity and not wanting to have his well being on your conscience.

I know, but for some people it’s an issue.

Then what is love?


fine but promise first you won't post it here

I'll sent it via unsee


I'll post a link of her photo here. Then don't post it here. It's just for you to see. got it?

>You might break up one day or you might stay together, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

I'm also thinking that but I feel the damage has been done when we break up. Like what if my friends did abandon me. I will be left alone.

Are you gonna post it or not?

Just take out the spaces since Jow Forums thinks it is a spam
unsee (dot) cc (slash) 5 b 7 5 3 4 e 1 (slash)

In case that doesn't work

I think she's not passable

Well I should have known beforehand. I still do care for her

Be happy, dude. The question is, will you be happier with her and without your current friends and family, or without her and with your current friends and family. Nobody can answer that for you. However,
>I just realized I can't live without her
Sounds like you need to be with her.

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I can't live without my family either. Friends, I can make new ones but at my age and situation it is definitely hard.

That's tough, buddy. Personally, I think family is overrated, but I don't know your situation and understand family is hard to let go. If your family loves you, it's strange that they'd disown you for doing what makes you happy, though.


>fucking a tranny
You swallowed the pill long ago. Just accept who you are and who you love and go with it, faggot.

>she said many times she loves me so much
Actual girls will do this
>cooks and takes care of me especially when I am sick
Actual girls will do this too

>she passes but my friends and family will know sooner or later
You know who else "passes"? Actual girls

>friends will leave and call me gay and faggot forever
>family will disown me
>even if we don't end up together all the people that know me will forever see me as a total failure in life

You wouldn't have to worry about this with an actual girl

>will never have a kid

You could if you just dated an actual girl

If you really love her, stop talking about her in such a disrespectful way.

>the person you love is interchangeable with any other person
I'm sorry you've never loved or been loved, user

t. oneitis faggot


>can't live without my family

Love is fickle. And those actions of endearment are pretty common

>Should I become a full blown faggot degenerate and swallow the transpill
Made me chuckle. At least you're not delusional. I can't even call you gay because some trannies really fit the bill. You got seduced by a man baby.

So the cons aren’t really cons huh.

>I can't live without her (him).
Fucking lel. Kinda feel bad trannies burn out early and there's no way to keep them consistent and not age horribly while turning insane. That and no way to use two sperms to nake a kid. You sound decent op but the fucking is messing with your mind. You lust and are tricked into falling in love

>friends will leave and call me gay and faggot forever
Are you serious? Do you really believe these are "friends"?

>will never have a kid
You can adopt.

I don't understand what's appealing about trannies. I mean you're not even really gay for dudes. It's like youre a horse fucking a centaurette with trashy makeup and New Jersey clothes

>I don't understand what's appealing about trannies.
If they're passable, they might as well be women with a dick. Clothed up, it's enough to trick a regular male. OP has been fucking one too long to the point where he's becoming sentimental. Idk how passable op's tranny is though.

You're mistaking lust for love desu, repent.

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literally why

>will never have a kid
Kids are overrated anyway. World is overpopulated as it is and when they hit puberty they turn into enormous sacks of shit who want to try smoking and drinking and disrespect you simply for trying to raise them right. Just my opinion though, you can have kids if you want to :-)

>World is overpopulated as it is
>overpopulated by muslims, poo, asians and blacks

Hi, user
My best friend for 8 years came out as trans (he->she) she wasn't passing desu but i looked past that
One day she kissed me, and let me tell you, i have been dating bunch of girls and none of them even come close to that kiss.
She told me she really wanted to be with me, since i was in her best and in her worst. and i did feel something special when i was with her.
I said no but i really wanted to be with her. just because social constructs, now, a couple years later society is more ok with this, but she is gone,
To this day i haven't found someone that i felt anywhere close to how i felt with her.

Just follow your heart user.