China will overtake the U.S. as world’s top economy in 2020, says Standard Chartered Bank

Amerimutts on suicide watch

The rest of the world, you can choose which side you're in

Siding with the filthy muttland and collapse or siding with China and prosper

I'm not a racist so i welcome people of all ethnicity and religion
The only enemy i consider is the muttland and filthy mutt subhumans
Whites in Europe and other territories, Arabs, Indians and Pakistanis, Pacific islanders and other Asians all would be saved and enjoy their life as long as they vow to The Middle Kingdom

If you're a mutt subhuman, then you won't be forgiven
We will never forgive you for ruining hundreds of thousands of lives of people and animals
We will never forgive you for messing the planet earth
You deserve the hell

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Immediate human and religious rights question in China ensues.

We deserve it. We've allowed ourselves to be swarmed with nonwhites, we ship our jobs overseas, we've allowed women into the workforce--destroying the family, we allowed faggy corporations like Amazon to subvert us, we let the federal reserve come into existence, and of course we let leftism and all it's problems to destroy us. I used to get scared of the idea of China overtaking us, now I know we did it to ourselves. And money isn't the measure of a good society.

Cool, have fun with It chang.

When China tries to expand nukes will follow.
When China captures territories a police will follow.
China is just a nation that thrives of cheap/slave labor

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China has sent a probe on the dark side of the moon for the first time in the entire human history

China has ICBMs and SLBMs capable of hitting anywhere in the US

USA is going to fail

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based china shill

You're welcome, Indian bro

China and India are brothers

Why the fuck do wh*Toids, especially Amerimutt subhumans, try to make us hate each other?

Fuck Off With Thier Divide And Conquer Shill

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>We will never forgive you for ruining hundreds of thousands of lives of people and animals
>We will never forgive you for messing the planet earth
China is way worse than USA doing shit like this.

Educate yourself first before trying to post here, you uneducated cuck

Meanwhile US becomes less human.

Should have nuked China when we had the chance

A decade ago, this would've bothered me. Now I don't care anymore.

Yes I'm sure those dirty commies will do everything good you want and not just exterminate all whites and then move in ape-like sub-humans living in filth and shit under a brutal communist rule until the end of time.

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They're going to triple their economy in a year? HAHAHA!!!

A decade ago it was supposed it be 2015 or some such nonsense. China fags are just shilling nowadays.

You've never had the chance, cocky mutt

good mutt

Kill Yourself you subhuman mutt

Look at this uneducated mutt, pretty much pathetic


not really
it's not a shill but inevitable destiny

This is a good thing. Fuck (((America))) let it all burn

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Thats ironic considering China is responsible for over 70% of worlds polution.

>"We gotta beat hitler to protect OuR EcoNOmiC IntErEStS!"

>"Even though it will only be temporary for a few decades, it will be worth it"

America made this bed now they gotta sleep in it. I hope the chinks genocide this country while Americans cry and pray for Hitler. They must comprehend how big of a serious offense they made to go against Hitler.
Now they live in a chink world

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No problem, at least the chinese don't fuck around with degenerates.
I really hope they buy Europe and cleanse it from all this fucked up shit. They will also realize that whites have superior genes and with genetic engineering they will create the white-asian Übermensch.

Imagine living in so much smog you can’t even see the sunrise. You have to wear a filter mask 24/7 or get cancer. What a disgusting place.

This. Unbelievably based.

You're brainwashed by the western media, mutt

That's exactly why they'll be the top economy.

The truth about Chinese food.

Attached: 10FA7ECB-5C8C-468E-856C-16B35F8735BD.png (2300x1335, 1.69M)

Can confirm.

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The truth about Chinese people.

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The truth about Chinese history.

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jealous mutt spotted
also bullshit

The truth about Chinese inventions.

Attached: 387E381D-B365-484A-9893-202E7FB70312.png (700x1850, 402K)

Based chinks, always been on their side

I would like to live in a chink world

The truth about Chinese culture.

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China does it only to their own. The US does it to others.

Vital difference.

(((The Truth)))

Why are you mutts so easily brainwashed by bullshits?
genuinely curious

The truth about China's last dynasty.

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The truth about Chinese IQ.

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Notice how they all use memeflags? Dont reply to this thread thats what (((they))) want

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Easily preventable but its like the US doesn't give a fuck or something.
Causing mad problems.
If I were in charge Id cut off all trade with China entirely, block them from our markets entirely and the same for any other country that didn't follow suit in an attempt to provoke actual war then at the first sign of aggression... preemptively fuck shit all the way up.
hashtag fuck chingchongs

Qing dynasty was a shit tier dynasty

Song, Tang and Han dynasties were the golden age and all of these were not conquest dynasties

I'm already almost HSK4. I'm planning to start learning HSK5 textbooks after the summer break. There is no going back.

Reminder if Canada decided to nationalize housing it would crash the entire Chinese economy due to how much money they have hidden here srs.

Which side are you going to be in tho?
I don't hate Arabs as long as you won't piss us off

triggered Amerimutt subhumans, absolutely cute

they are purposefully inflating your housing markets and they are doing the same shit in the US and in Mexico.
just the tip of the economic warfare iceberg really too
I say its unquestionably an act of war.

The best trick China played on the West was getting all their industries and “inflation” statistics so dependent on it Western Central Bankers became their financiers. The last few months have proven the Fed and ECB will do “whatever it takes” to stimulate the Chinese Economy.

These Western Central Bankers have destroyed their own independence and ultimately will debauch their own currencies to “bid Markets” and “increase inflation” all of which have become Dependent on Chinese Economic Growth. China has already won

its too late for that my sweet cancucks theyre already canadian citizens

Nah they are driven by a hivemind. Just look at the videos of chingchongs doing Carmageddon. No soul at all. And without soul you can't advance. Once the hivemind controlling them passes away they just switch back to normal ant behaviour.


you aren't a mutt so it's fine
keep going

that same system will ultimately save you which is ironic

100% not your side memeflag, show your fucking flag.

China can’t benefit from war with the USA. Our economies are mutually reliant and they own an insane amount of land on US soil. They’d just be attacking their own land and reducing property values.

too bad gooks cant manufacture quality if their slanty buggy eyed lives depended on it...
if it ever actually came down to real ass war your bullshit props wouldn't stand a chance against nearly any other country on this planet.
everything about china is like a north korean grocery store - looks good but its not real.

All because you dumm burgers stuff your mouth with shit you buy for printed money. When economy actually exports anything other than money, it ends up with a lot of money and the money has to be transformed into something local, like housing.

how do you figure? mutually reliant?
you are wrong as shit.
The US can easily achieve self sufficiency (giving up some luxuries here n there naturally - but nothing we cant live without) and that puts us in a pretty unique situation compared to most other countries in the world.
we dont NEED shit from these gooks.

The USA will fail like so many pieces of chinese made equipment that chews up you chinks tens of thousands of times a day

Our bombs have swastikas on them? Noice.

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you're pretty much fucked up being brainwashed
poor bois

You made the sleeping Lion wake up

There's no going back

you need to slow down.
Im willing to hear what you are saying but if you would break that down a little bit clearer for me first- that'd be great.
what you just said is incoherent.

You better side with us, Arab boy
Stop worshiping Amerimutts then I could call you brother

>You made the sleeping Lion wake up
a better analogy would have been
>you made the lion

are you from Australia or Canada?

>you can choose which side you're in
On nobodys side

That's want they said, in 2008, would happen when we got to 2015. It's 2019 right now and there are Chinese who are still working in factories 6 days a week for something like $5000 a year

not an argument tho I didn't expect some actual arguments to come from mutt brainlets such as yourself

based russia its your century next
>the the polar caps melt

pretty much brainwashed am I?
we import a bunch of very unnecessary bullshit from you in which, 9 times out of 10, we have also exported our companies and thus jobs to exploit your cheap gook labor to create the shitty unnecessary products.
I can compare any chinese product to an american made product of the same type and every time it will be significantly lower quality.
facts motherfucker.
the whole economy is unstable. its props holding it all together. the whole system would implode the minute there werent western nations to rob and its also factual that the west would not suffer much at all if that shit did happen lest they so chose to put themselves out in attempt to help you out of charity.

I consider you Russians as brothers

I won't argue with you
I won't argue with soulmates

And guess what: China never diversified like the cucked nations of the west did.

dIvErSiTy iS gOoD fOr tHe eCoNoMy

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gtfo american dogs

tl;dr, idiot

the memeflag has spoken.
cant argue with obvious, can you?
typical communist.
just wait til you are in a position to just gulag anyone that pins you in debate!
what a world to live in.

they didnt need to same as india
>1billion+ people
but theyll have too

that's a derogatory for our beloved dogs (No, we don't actually eat or torture dogs)

Amerimutts definitely are lesser than dogs

>Side with the US after WWII
>Be loyal lapdog for decades
>Get used as a spy-base against Russia
>Burgers pitch a bitch-fit when we refuse placement of missiles here
>Spend the next decades being forcibly E N R I C H E D
>Demographically fucked. It's too late
Yeah, famalam. I think we chose the wrong side. Had we gone with based chinaman or Ivan we would have had less food but we would still be able to hear our native language spoken in our capital.
Thanks, burgers. It will be a pleasure watching you fade.

Fuck off, David mutt

Attached: chinesedonteatdogs.jpg (1400x1000, 253K)

thx, but I'm not so optimistic about Chinese that are getting westernized. Obviously, their greatest defence, their language barrier, is real, more than that of Koreans, Vietnamese or Japs who don't have such tradition in their literature and were made much more politically suicidal under American influence.

US imports lot more than it exports.
China (or germany) exports more than it imports.
US borrows in its own currency.

China holds over trilion of dollars in short term financial assets as a result of Chinese businesses bringing dollars back home after exporting stuff. This money needs to be used somehow and because America doesn't have anything competitive to export, China just dumps occasionally its almost infinite dollar reserves on America (or of American vassals).

why is this a big deal? china has 4x the population it would surprising if they didnt

China has sent a probe on the dark side of the moon for the first time in the entire human history
Where've you been comrade? Apollo 8. Apollo 8, the second manned spaceflight mission flown in the United States Apollo space program, was launched on December 21, 1968, and became the first manned spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit, reach the Moon, orbit it, and return.
Been there, done that.
Gotta go. Going to Harbor Freight to buy a half dozen electric fly swatters for $2.99. To swat bugs and communists.

fug mao id

Attached: 250px-Mao_Zedong_1963.jpg (250x337, 24K)

Chinks would slaughter all their commie fanboys from the west eith much glee

Ehite liberals are controlled by satan and irritate every other normal person alive
Kys op
You have ZERO life

The zerg consumes everything. The plague is coming sooner than expected.

>totalitarian regime
>economic boom from what equates to slave labor
>keep the population dumbed down through millennia of shit nutrition (mostly carb based, no protein = no brain gain)
>how do you enlighten the slave to its cage?
>wonder why they keep their internet protected, and information from the outside world to a minimum
It would literally take a 5-10 year psyop of enlightening to crumble their workforce...
Screencap this you faggots

lol so they do know, thanks for confiming discord friends kek

Commie chinks are destined to lose. Their population is declining, but they aren’t rich enough to afford any kind of pensions. That means they’re just gonna rot away in their factories until they’re ninety.

China's crappy government stopped it from reaching development levels of Tiawan or South Korea and now they’re gonna fade fast.

Doesn’t matter how many shitty propaganda pictures this little aznidentity cuck posts

>China's crappy government stopped it from reaching development levels of Tiawan or South Korea

Explain this. I was under the impression that was their biggest goal right now, leaving the middle income trap by investing in technology (China 2025) They're winning the 5G game right now...

if were talking about just trade between China and US specifically and not just trade general:
I think thats a pretty simplified view of it but lets work with what you got here
first, the US does not import shit from China because it absolutely HAS to.
The scary amount of money you are talking about would have to be based on the manipulated value of the chinese currency until it is exchanged which is an issue that is currently being addressed as far as I know.
The federal reserve and treasury bonds etc situation has fuck and nothing at all to do with anything - not sure how that is disadvantageous to the US in this scenario (maybe you see something I dont)
Anyway, point is (currency manipulation etc considered) China's plan again comes apart at the seems any time we feel like pulling the threads...

China's government spends relatively like 5 percent less than your mutt government and China has extreme saving ratio which means they actually have a very solid positio position to pay pensions to elders. It's almost as if economy didn't care about murian exceotionalism. *thinking emoji*

you dont seem to see how things like the south china sea islands and invasion of foreign markets / manipulation of their currency are all means of propping up their bullshit system so that it doesnt eat itself.

Fuck 'em. Their entire economy depends on us. We just need some CEOs with balls the size of grapefruits to tell their faggot shareholders that they're moving production back to the US, and if they lose a few cents off their quarterly dividend, tough fucking shit.

>very solid positio position to pay pensions to elders.
user thats not the case anymore

>Their entire economy depends on us
The irony of this post

is mutt the only insult you know?

Chinese government is entrenched in everything, corruption costs them a ton of money. They’ll end up stuck like Mexico, Russia, etc.

I honestly believe Africa has a better future, despite their iq. They’re starting from a blank slate with tons of working age niggers. The other countries have deep internal problems