Should I reject women off the bat if they don't want kids?

Should I reject women off the bat if they don't want kids?

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Be extremely clear that you want kids and they will not get a serious commitment from you unless they want them as well. But once you make that clear be open to something casual. That woman Ryan Gosling married said she didn't want kids but she "wanted HIS kids" you see? A woman can change her mind for the right man and a lot of the hotter, meaner women who will give you champion sons are the type to think they don't need kids

>Should I reject women off the bat if they don't want kids?
As if you get women

If you want kids.


How old are you? Are you looking to settle down and have kids in the near future? Because if so, then yes, it'd be best to spend your energy on pursuing women with similar life goals as you.

If you're some 18 year old incel who has never been kissed, then no. You should date anyone willing to spend time with you, develop your personality and gain relationship experience so you'll be better equipped for when it's time to start settling down and pursuing women with similar life goals.


It's kinda too late unless you want your kids to have autism. How old is she?

>28 is old for kids

in civlized countries the average age for men at first marriage is like 33 years old

kill yourself you subhuman thirdie/amerimutt

t. impending autism factory

t. Brownoid


If you're looking to have kids soon, yes. Not because she's wrong or in some way bad to not want kids, but simply because her life goals don't align with yours. It will inevitably lead to friction in a long term relationship. Best to invest your time and effort into someone with whom your goals align.

Yes. You just know her mother completely failed at teaching her how to be a woman. Imagine not wanting a family and being a clubbing whore your entire youth and then being dried-up and alone until your death.

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Biology does not change due to culture. Chromosomal abnormalities greatly go up around that age. Breed your women or stay on the path to extinction, (((civilized))) faggot.

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Stop derailing the thread with your half-baked faggotry, men have a longer biological clock than women do, the OP's not too late yet.

Shut the fuck up boomer. You are STERILE and smell old. The longer you wait the less likely you will be gifted grandchildren. Now go get wasted at the country club while our race crumbles because of your bullshit.

I'm not a boomer, you soft-handed vargtard-larping jaeger-drinking queer. I'm just educated enough to do the 10 minutes of reading it takes to figure out that men don't really start to have the risk of fertility complications appreciably rise until ~35-40. We get an extra decade of clock-time over women.

I cut my hands on welded wire building a pig pen and then cut jalapenos for my soup tonight and it burned like a motherfucker. I earned the right to put lotion on.

It's better to have a family when you're young so you're not in a wheelchair for your grandchildren. Varg literally did what you're describing by the way.

Nobody's said it's not better to get an earlier start. But somebody, you, *did* say that 28 is "too late". This is objectively false. The OP could still pull this off, "just give up, goy, you're in too deep on the self-absorbed bachelor life to quit now!!!" naysaying be damned.

You telling me you got jalapeno in an open wound, and your solution was to apply moisturizer to it?

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There are hostile forces at work on Jow Forums. They don't want you to reproduce and they are willing to lie about it to achieve it.

That doesn't happen until the late 30s retard and it's basically only mother's age

Young people are terrible fathers.
They're poor and dumb.

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>A woman can change her mind for the right man and a lot of the hotter, meaner women who will give you champion sons are the type to think they don't need kids

On the other hand, if she didn't want kids chances are she'll be making you do all of the work and once she realises how difficult it is she'll probably start hating and abusing you.

Honestly, if she doesn't want kids and you want kids, the best bet is to move on. Don't bring kids into a world where they're likely to have parents in an unhealthy relationship.

If you want kids, then yes, obviously. Did this have to come to an advice board?

If you want kids, then yes. If the relationship more serious, then both of you are going to try to convince the each other to change their view. Don't waste you're time and find someone who wants them if you plan on having a family.

Tell her you are traditional Christian magapede and you expect your women to shit out at least 7 kids and be a housewife.

Christianity is not traditional. Letting shitskins invade your country and your 'church' is not traditional. Stop pushing this neo-Jewish meme.