Do guys like girls who play mind games? Am I boring if I never play any...

Do guys like girls who play mind games? Am I boring if I never play any? Would a potential boyfriend find me more exciting and sexy if I constantly keep him on his toes with a constant stream of "There's a secret I've been keeping from you..." "There's something I lied to you about..." to make me seem more mysterious, dangerous, and unattainable?

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Oh hell no.

I would very very much if things were clear from the start.

>i like you romantically
>i might like you too, lets get to know each other first

Instead of all the bs thats going on..

Sure, some guys do.
Those guys usually either play the same kind of mindgames themselves or have so much experience with women that they need such things to keep them interested in a relationship.

mind games are this sort of things, were, they can be very effective but they can also totally backfire.

so, if you want to play mind games, start with very small mind games.

my personal favorite is "can you pick x thing for me". ask people to do small favors and grow from there.

No, that kind of garbage will make me throw you away you like the trash you are.

What? No you sound like gf material. If you aren't someone with BPD fishing here

Okay, here's an example. If I tell a guy that I like him or have feelings for him, and after a few weeks of flirting and dating I playfully tell him "You'll have to figure out if I was serious about the 'having feelings for you' thing," would that make me seem like a fun challenge or just piss him off?

maybe thats kinda straightforward? but if you have been flirting with him I think its ok.

You would be dropped immediately for playing shit like this. Just bee yourself and don't try to purposely be a cunt.

Okay... I've just always been the boring girl next door type and wondering if I should try to be more of a Veronica than a Betty...


like... you might not like it... but 100% of woman do this. its called pull-push. pull too much and you seem too eager. push to much and you might push the person off your life completely. its hard to navigate the zone in between.

Yeah, dropped at the point.

Dont say like that shit if you are going to be shittest it in the future. Like almost everybody hates being scammed, and this is just similar.

I would go out of my way and pay extra to not be scammed. Same for relationships, i prefer to work more for it if everything is genuine

Not a single guy likes girls who play mind games. Which is why girls play mind games to convince guys they don't play mind games. Eventually neither are honest and neither deserve eachothers love.

if your feel you are boring start excersing and doing a lot of personal grooming and you wont feel that boring then...

I've been with my wife 8 years as of next month and she doesn't pull these mind games. Never has. Stop dating trash bag girls.

maybe if you dated more than one woman for 8 years. She probably plays mind games on you and you dont even realize it which is worse. but congratulations to you user.

Stop ripping him ya cunt

>You'll have to figure put if I was serious about this whole I have feelings for you thing
literally the fastest way for that guy to think you're a massive bitch who plays with his a guy I have absolutely ABSOLUTELY no idea why you would ever say something so hurtful about something so serious as love unless you actually don't care or love me
maybe I'm a bit of a far out guy but men won't understand this kind of 'mind games' and they definitely do not appreciate this
I'm not even dating you and that hurt my feelings
what the fuck is wrong with you

seething incel
Get some fucking help dude

I do but it can very easy backfire and if not done very well, you come off as an immature idiot.

>"There's a secret I've been keeping from you..."
Sounds just try hard.
>"There's something I lied to you about..."
Sounds interesting at start but if you can't follow up with something substantial, it's going to be hard to take you seriously. And if you overdo it with "I fucked your dad" it gets a bit too much.

>to make me seem more mysterious, dangerous, and unattainable
It's far easier to be these things than actually pretend. Also no sane person would want someone dangerous. What the fuck, user.

>"You'll have to figure out if I was serious about the 'having feelings for you' thing,"
Sounds like something someone still in HS would say. It's not a fun challenge to deal with children.

>If I tell a guy that I like him or have feelings for him
You gotta skip this bit and let him figure out whether you do or not. Which is a very risky strategy too if you're not amazing enough to make him bother with someone who seems vague and undecided.

"seething incel" lol. I am just telling him the TRUTH. there's nothing bad about it. you guys have to stop pretending woman have to be this saintly angels. Men and woman play mind games all the time wether they are even aware of it or not. grow up.

I won't say it then! I just have noticed over the years that "bad girls" are more popular than boring goody two shoes like me.

They do it subtly. Acting warm today and more distant tomorrow. Giving a guy a lot attention and then lowering the amount. Shit needs the right instinct to work and just doesn't seem like your forte.

didn't know there were that many guys who felt the same pain at this 'playful' mind game, i guess this will be used as future bait

look at all those white knights.

this thread is you playing mindgames on everyone responding so you're probably doing it to guys without realizing it on a conscious level

How does this thread count as a mind game?

Well I get that, but most guys aren't actually interested in 'bad girls' except for a place to put your peepee in..
being a 'boring girl' is something to be proud of, but I guess you're at a young point and don't yet see that.
Just know that those 'bad girls' are generally considered 'sluts' by the same men who'd give them attention and are not sought after after age 25
men don't like mind games
men don't like bullshit
they're straight forward and want their women to be playful but never hurtful
and actually i like your intention, but you gotta be way less hurtful
if you want to play a mind game with a guy you like, you gotta do it way more gently as if he's emotionally vulnerable
telling him the time he spent on you to make you like him might have been entirely in vain is a definite no and pretty hurtful
bit of a winded reply but take from it what you can
guys are softer and more emotional than girls in some things, honestly.

>"You'll have to figure out if I was serious about the 'having feelings for you' thing,"
I replied too tho
that 'mind game' just hurt and i had to reply
as i was saying
guaranteed replies

I has been looking for a goody two shoes like you my entire life. They are usually already in relationships unsurprisingly. Because being honest and direct is unironically a huge turn on for guys.

OP, the guys who like girls who play mind-games are also the guys who tend to play mind-games. If that's what you want, then yes.

But I personally find it emotionally exhausting, generally aggravating, and an uncomfortable rollercoaster to deal with such people.

kill yourself

I won't say that! >< That's just an example I pulled from a popular girl I know. She's a really popular cheerleader and kind of a femme fatale.

This post gave me angina.
Mind-game softer and more discreetly

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