This image sumarises the actions of Jow Forums in the last month. Conservatism is such a joke

This image sumarises the actions of Jow Forums in the last month. Conservatism is such a joke.

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to be fair Jow Forums isn't mainstream conservatism

yes it is, Jow Forums virtue signals against any real nationalism t b h

lel, you are a moron

Jow Forums claims that EVERYTHING is freaking mossad

yeah, I'll have to add that

so what? nobody needs to be impartial, or even pretend to be impartial.

impartiality is not a winning strategy for conflicts over resources. war is not impartial. you don't consider both sides and evaluate their merits. you defend your own side and kill the other. that's how it works. it's not hypocritical. you don't need to justify it.

>he falls for jokeposts
That's the best thing about this place. If you don't belong you can't tell what's real and what's not.

only those who are brain damaged by propagandists advocate impartiality. the idea that impartiality is a virtue is laughable to the elite and people who did not grow up exposed to western media.

I lately realised the too-stupid-to-be-true posts are actualy trolls, but who cares, it's fun to poke fun at idiots who really believe this shit

no, we like when based whites shoot up mosques
go back to pebbit niggerfaggit

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that is, unless you've given up and submitted, at which point one might as well die

>Jow Forums is one person
Slide thread. Herb it.

You dare question the noble actions of St. Tarrant the Wise?

Pol isn't a conservative board. Conservatives are allied with Israel and are civ nationalists. Your average conservative is in his mid 40's with a Filipina wife.

Fuck off kike.

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Morality is strongly influenced by genetics and cultural upbringing. It is rational to assume that non-whites commit crimes like arson and vandalism

Invaders are not innocents.

MSM is widely and provably known to be subverted. These things in no way contradict each other, you dumb kike. Don't forget: Hell is forever, for you and all of your people!

I don't know what mainstream EU conservatism is like, but I assure you mainstream American conservatives do not like the vast majority of Jow Forums and vise versa

Fake news: It was a semi auto

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that's because american conservatism has been de-fanged, its doctrine no longer helps its followers protect their interests.

most conservatives are almost as politically impotent as liberals.

>Jow Forums is one person

even more so, actually, because they do not see academia and rationality as an asset. unfortunately, people seem to confuse the concepts of rationality and impartiality. very different things, but so often conflated.

It is the job of high IQ races to mobilize and regulate the ingredients of Scholom's recipes to enrich his synagogues.

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what liberals and conservatives both seem to miss is that partiality is often very rational. this is the core of it. the lie of american politics and pop culture, the fallacy that it's based upon: that impartiality is synonymous with rationality. they are not. in fact, they are often diametrically opposed.

50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

There's nothing left to conserve.

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>There's nothing left to conserve.

wealth, territory, communal assets and infrastructure. good cultural habits like law, order, and education. this are the things i wish to conserve.

but there must be some degree of impartiality in a large society. there must be impartiality in law. but you can't be entirely impartial. you can't extend this impartiality to people who will not reciprocate. people who are only one or two generations past lawless barbarism. to do so invites disaster.

>wealth, territory, communal assets and infrastructure
The kikes own these. We should seek to seize these not conserve the status quo of them being used against us.

>good cultural habits like law, order, and education.
These are completely gone. We'll have to build these again.

in other words, a line must be drawn. hence the concept of a nation state with borders.


i don't disagree, but how should i go about doing that?

>Jow Forums is one person

Retarded sandnigger.

>hello guys Fritzl here for Vsauce

Deport non whites, Jews, etc

and i'd happly leave this sort of thinking to those wiser than i, but it seems they don't have our best interests in mind

Destroy their wealth and infrastructure. Return their territory back to nature. Disrupt ZOG's capacity to deliver bread and circuses. Order is built on a foundation of chaos. Until their order is destroyed there is no place to build ours.