Boomers unironically think this

>boomers unironically think this

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slobby job Mossad haha xD
Q was right the whole time

he was a jewish nationalist, his endgame was to create israel

Intelectuals are the worst. They only spread disfinfo

He wasn't. He was an egomaniac who simultaneously destroyed nationalism and germany for decades to come.

Candace Owens is a token black who loves hitler

he was a nationalist in a time of empires. It was perfectly normal, up until that point, to just invade another country and take their land; and to do so strictly to benefit yourself specifically. For hitler to want to invade other nations and plunder their resources for the benefit of, at least, the aryan citizens of his country was a huge revolution an altruism. for the time.

Boomers think you can support Israel and be anti immigrant at the same time.

post discarded using kike d&c tactics also user posting does not reflect age/gender you are judge by the quality of your post

One time PragerU has said something correct. Hitler was a Germanic Imperialist, not a Nationalist.

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Boomers suck.

they are jews, they lie.


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It's called being a ''conservative''.

Boomers are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests

Are you implying that Germany would have been fine if Hitler didn't do what he did? Do you realize the globalists and owners were winning prior to ww2?

what? I am a boomer and I vote whatever keeps my taxes low. Sorry if I am not paying for your ridiculously expensive educations, kids.. not my problem anymore.

You will die soon

They are pushing kosher nationalism on the goyim.

>hitler didn't actually believe in anything that he believed in because he lost.
fuck off retarded boomer

This is really the most disgusting meme being pushed by the alt-lite Shapiro freaks lately.
>stand up for something
>get killed for standing up for it
>imply that standing up for it is what got you killed and not the people doing the killing
This is such kikery.

Also the groundwork for Israel being created as a Jewish homeland was already established back in 1917 with the Balfour declaration. European Jews who fled the war left for the USA, not for Israel. Most Israelis were Russian Jews. Hitler played no part in this.

This is good though. We need to be nationalist without being Hitler

hahaah I am in good health and have a lot of money. Life is relaxed and I travel a lot. So glad I am not young anymore.. it seems like hell.

He was an egomaniac retarded who made horrible decisions that led to Germany losing the war. If someone else was in charge who actually listened to their advisors, Germany would be truly great.

the nazi regime was a regime of hate. Hate never wins no matter who the leader is.

Just because he might have truly tried to do the right thing, it's likely he was a jewish puppet without even knowing

product of public American education niggers haha, imagine being this poor your parents couldn't pay for a christian school so you just became a fucking moron and blindly ignore evidence

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you're a larp fag, kill yourself, who fucking cares what you have to say with that bitch pussy flag dude haha

What a fucking moron
Lurk moar newfag

>Neo-liberalism isn't hateful of whites

Germany was not hypnotized by Hitler, it was the other way around. Germany was Hitler and Hitler was Germany. The people called for a savior to rid the country of Jews and he acted on the behalf of the German people to do the job that they wanted him to do. The Germans made him more anti-semitic if anything.

Hitler's legendary so-called charisma is a ruse. Hitler was no more charismatic than FDR or Churchill. Through flattery, Jews have spread a lie that Hitler was just irrational, evil, and the only reason people would want to follow him was because he could control their minds, and not that he was right or anything.

Based aquafresh.

He was a manifestation of the will of the German working class. Fuck off with your bullshit.

first shit post best shit post. made me chuckle

Just because you inadvertently destroyed the name of nationalism doesn't mean you weren't nationalist.

But he is a socialist though!
I mean it's in the name!
The Nazis were just a bunch of commies no diffrent than the blue haired feminists we see today.

Boomers coping.
National Socialists were nationalist socialists.