Manic pixie dream girl

how do I get a MPDG girlfriend who will inspire a greater appreciation for life in me

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This makeup is horrible

Did you miss the part where the trope is unhealthy for everyone involved and doesn't happen IRL? Ya need a therapist not a gf, user.

I think that's the point. It's "ironic"

fuck off and die patronizing normalfag. just because someone wants something different then you doesnt mean they need to be fixed

no, but I still want it. And I have a therapist and they aren't really helping me

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Wanting a partner to fix your issues ... is something that needs fixing. At least if they want any hope for a better life or a partner. 4chains isn't your safe space for delusions, bruv.

You can find them at weed dispensaries, and drug rehabs?at colleges they will probably be found in arts and humanities lectures.

what does it actually mean and why is it unhealthy?

i don't even know what that means
it's such a bizarre neologism
like as a theoretical abstraction what is it meant to signify?
how and why did this come about?
i don't get it
what is it?
why are you looking for it?

Girls with piercings are supposed to be easy to get maybe???

EWWW OP you’re autistic

I'd start by checking the tvtropes page. Then be sooomewhat realistic and imagine a person with said traits. The unhealthy aspects are obvious without any of the shit either way.

girls that look like this are the only girls worth pursuing

Every dude have had a serious relationship with saw me that way and guess what??

I was usually totally unable to turn them into more alive/interesting people because they are the only person that can change their behavior.

It was fucking exhausting to be with a bunch of boring fucks and staying in the relationship because I thought I could coax some joy for living or some passion out of them and realizing...nope. Which means they can't keep up with me or meet my needs.

Horrible shit OP

>hollyjew poisons the minds of people with false expectations yet again

fucking michael cera popularizing this bullshit and making a generation of white nerds think women exist to save them from mediocrity

i'm left with more inarticulate questions than vague answers

It’s a girl who is always really positive and understanding and quirky and has a lot of fun hobbies and serves as a romantic foil to the depressive male protagonist

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It happened before too. The ur version is probably: A fascinating women showing interest in a generic guy (and the reverse version), which is very common on myth and literature. If anything the recent trend to make the female an actual female and not some sort of a godness or a spirit is at least development towards realism.

Looks like ps4 graphics desu

The only IRL girl I know that fit your description, OP, is a fucking insane nonbinary drug addict wiccan who turned her upper-middle class bedroom into a pigsty full of rats and birds, claims her dad abused her in order to get attention, went rollerblading in her underwear in a gas station parking lot, then married some twink who was in juvi for beating his mom. Also I fucked her bareback and probably contracted some dormant form of HPV that blood tests can't detect. Wouldn't recommend investing significant time or money into "something different," unless you want to lose your mind

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That picture is depressing. In failing to empathize with tragic suffering it displays a tragic suffering of it’s own. It’s just tragic altogether with the pic of Bugs Bunny topping it all off.

I'm sorry, user. There is no such thing as a dominant straight woman. There is no place at all in this life for a submissive straight man.

You need to learn how to appreciate being at least a little more assertive, taking more control of your life, and making your life more enjoyable for yourself, then understand and familiarize yourself with the submissiveness of 99% of women, then go looking for that 1% that are just a little bit more independent and assertive sometimes. It's literally the best you can do.

and also I’m sorry you went thru some shit man, this world can be cold even though it shouldn’t have to be that way

>Woman wants a man who is confident, independent, unique, creative, stylish, charming, witty, with lots of hobbies/interests/skills, who suddenly finds himself enamored with her, and will take her by the hand, leading her through the adventure of a life together
>OMG me too!
>Should be all men!

>Man wants woman who is confident, independent, unique, creative, stylish, charming, witty, with lots of hobbies/interests/skills, who suddenly finds herself enamored with him, and will take him by the hand, leading him through the adventure of life together
>Just admit you're gay!

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No woman has ever wanted this

There is nothing wrong with wanting a woman like that. IF you are somewhat similar.

Wanting a woman like that as a loser expecting her to pay any attention to you and solving your issues is where the pathetic, damaging and unhealthy aspects come in.

So why is it ok for boring slags to have the same standards?

Mediocre women wanting a superior man are just as laughable. The plain girl who has hot guys competing for her is a trope feminists dislike as much as MPDG.

they make the rules and thus the exemptions

In the drug, beatnik, and busker scenes; d00d.

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What if I don't do drugs at all though, not even alcohol

you should probably seek out a healthy relationship instead of this abstraction you've created

You have to be an okay-looking intellectual edgelord that can keep her entertained
Worked for me, but I was born this way
This desu
Those girls seek parenting even from their partners.

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>no woman wants an independent confident man
why do you think women want

What is your definition of a (((healthy))) relationship?

something mutually beneficial instead of "oh i'm going to boink this retarded alt chick for a couple months to get into some good drugs and see if she fixes my emotional problems"

Oh ye this
They have pretty high standards for the worthless beings that they really are

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I don't do drugs though. I don't even drink soda because of the caffeine.

she'll make you, don't worry

>doesnt do soda because caffeine
How fucking old are you user?
Because you probably never had a real job

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I'm a MPDG but I'm a MPDG because I have hobbies and friends and stuff. I don't have any reason to get a boyfriend. It's unrealistic to expect a MPDG to fix your problems or to even date one. I've met a MPDB (male version) and he asexual and leaned on gay-for-fictional-characters which was awkward but like whatever, yo. Same.

You start out as her drug dealer, and then she starts saying that she loves you when you start accepting companionship and sexual favors instead of money.

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can't always be in control, user. why deny yourself pleasure?

Why all of you have fucking daddy-issues?

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LOL, you give drugs to yours?
I don't give mine drugs

Some beatniks and some buskers then. Full sober people aren't uncommon in the drug scene though. The full sober come for a variety of circumstance but are there to chill all the same but they HAVE to be vouched for.

Not gonna lie to you. Most manic pixies are in drugs or alcohol, d00d. Maybe you should focus on another aesthetic eccentricity. Like a milder one.

Had a buddy he was a magnet for these chicks and all he wore was black but still had brown hair and no tattoo or any of that fun stuff. . He said his secret was that he didn't see the colors, whatever the hell that means. Lucky bastard...

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My dad is autistic and psychopathic. I am too. I don't have an issue with my dad because of the psychopathy making it hard for me to care about his existence in the first place.

>Man, I really wish I had a manic drug addict around to fix my life instead of this educated professional
The therapy might help more if you'd just fucking listen, instead of retreating into gay fantasies about living out the badly-written plot of a Michael Cera movie like an idiot.

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My therapist doesn't suggest I do anything that I haven't already heard a thousand times before. "Be calm. Relax." Shit like that. I'm not even paying to meet them, my mom is because I refused because I think therapists are nothing more than teen sympathizers, which is what this situation is turning out to be.

>I've heard variations on the same themes over and over again from source after educated source.
>I still don't fucking listen because the advice isn't sexy, exciting, or stimulating enough to compete with my Michael Cera Fantasy Daydream
>Please, dysfunctional drug-addict with a vagina, please just show up and save me already!
Look I could roast you for this all night and laugh the whole time but there actually is a point here I'm trying to make. Sometimes, the big secret is that there is no secret, and finding the humility to embrace the truly mundane, the back-to-basics, the one-foot-in-front-of-the-other and just walk it really is the only way to move forward toward a better place.

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