Medical people, is she right?

Medical people, is she right?

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Nurses don’t do shit . Most of them are fucking Filipino because they have a fucking nursing cartel over the entire industry.

they should have those things do you want someone overworked fucking shit up?

The hospital where my mom stayed the nurses were lazy as fuck. Orderlies did all the work. Nurses chatted around the computer station. The head nurse was shitfaced on booze.

Depends highly on the site.. Hospital nurses are based af, basically doctors with less pay. Nursing home nurses etc are generally fat retards doing make-work

Partially true. On “med/surg” type floors in a hospital, they mostly don’t do shit. In the ED and ICU they actually do quite a bit. And yes, there are a fuck load of Filipino nurses and they are dumb as fuck.

Babydoc observes that the diversity dumbing-down rot is now infecting medicine:
I was just informed today that it didn't matter that my medical decision on a particular issue was correct, because "the reality is the perception of the nursing staff" who were upset because I made them feel stupid by showing them the correct answer.
Babydoc should be sure to ask for instructions for how to behave in the event of similar future conflicts in writing. A medical institution that is literally on the record stating that the feelings of the nursing staff are to be prioritized over the medical treatment of the patient is a massive malpractice suit in the making.

And if you're not terrified by these developments, you should be. Iatrogenic deaths are going to absolutely skyrocket now that diversity has invaded the medical sector.

Also this. Nursing homes are where the most incompetent ones go because they’re the only places that will hire them

What a load of bullshit. Hospital nurses are all fatass spics and niggers who don't do jackshit.

A lot of them are, yes

They're usually too stupid to get their BS in nursing. They probably struggled with C's to get their associate at community college

(((Unionized))) nurses are the absolute worst:
>be me, hospital employee
>nurse union organized strike demanding better insurance than all other hospital employees (including the doctors)
>hospital system says fuck off we can't afford it
>most nurses leave, the good ones stay anyway
>remaining nurses get harassed by the union, threatening notes left on cars, complaint letters to the hospital, etc
>hospital hires temp nurses to fill in, temp nurses are way better than the union nurses
>nurse union sends spies posing as patients to try to find errors they can complain about to the press so they feel needed
>ultimately the union backs down and many of the union nurses stay fired
>all the other staff still resents the union

No, they work is comfy and not back breaking obviously but you are always pressed for time because people don't understand a short time is spent with them patient and a lot of the work is documentation and other paperwork.

Just another case of boomers kvetching about shit they don't understand of some monster buecracy that they created but somehow manage to blame on someone else.

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I work nighshift in a care house/facility with 6 clients. Honestly, I got 3 hours of worktime and 5 hours of just waiting for something to happen.

I technically don't have breaktime since I'm alone and I can't just leave the clients alone.

But that bitch is so fucking wrong saying 25 bed facility is a breeze. Most of the time, it's undermanned you'd be lucky to have 5 working. There's a shortage of nurse and this old hag is making it worse.

>Nursing home nurses etc are generally fat retards doing make-work
Not always true. I'm currently employed in a retard home and everyone's 100% dependent. I've also worked with people who just waiting to die in nursing home. It so fucking depressing, it makes me want to kill myself so I quit.

Same problem with hospitals. Always undermanned and of course you work mostly with women. Fucking cunts just won't stop calling out. I often work 12 or more hours.

My mom works hospice, is constantly staying late,takes on an absurd amount of patients because they are under staffed, finishes paperwork at home, is almost always on call and eats when she can. It could just be shitty upper management.

Literally nobody wants to work in Hospice. It's probably the equivalent of being a special education teacher in medicine.

The best nurses work ER then get ANP and settle into some comfy private practice and make doctors their bitch

Nurses in NYC are unionized and as such fear no repercussions for laziness. The nurses never get vitals before morning rounds so if I want to report on a patient's vitals on rounds I have to A) send a student B) do it myself. I have no problem doing it myself except that I'm responsible for a ton of patients, some more critical than others and a ton of paperwork and they get paid to do it. I always have trouble finding a nurse when I need one. And when I do I often get "he's not my patient" or "she's (the assigned nurse is) on lunch." The nurses give MDs a lot of attitude and treat med students like human garbage.

This anyone with real ambition as a nurse wants to serve their time in er and go be top dog in a small practice in a nice place to live because good nurses resent working under bad ones

I saw this happen twice yesterday

Better them than nogs.

When I was in Med School back in the 80s the nurses at the now closed “City Hospital” DID sit at one end of the wards and play cards all day. The patients that were ambulatory had to do all the work taking care of those that weren’t. No shit. They were all “no work” political jobs.

I had a gf in nursing school and friend that was a nurse and manager who's wife was a nurse and and roommate that was a nurse.

They do shit but legit 50% of the time they're just on phone taking Snapchat and playing cards like I'm not playing like a month ago one was on shift and told me all she doesn't is play cards with the ok'd people in the rural retirement home she was at. So this person isn't even wrong. They're just mad because they got called out.

We used to say, “Yeah, yeah. I know. Not your table.”

>Medical people, is she right?

well if the nurses are female, you can BET they are wasting shitloads of time with meme-working, complaining, shifting responsibility around and playing busy.

All bets are off !

The same can be said for police and firefighters. On good days they just sit around and chill. When it hits the fan, they are very busy.

I was visiting my grandfather in the hospital right before he died, and he started having a heart attack in front of me and the nurses weren't coming when he pressed the call button. I went and found them gossiping about some shit down the hall, told them about it, and they just said "ok" and showed up ten minutes later. Fuck these spoiled cunts.

There needs to be more male nurses. Males, specifically white males are discouraged from it by the teachers. I shit you not.

My wife is a nurse, but we're older. She says hospitals and nursing schools have been relaxing their standards for years now. I fear for the future

Nursing always has stereotypes
>the bitchy admin nurse
>the lazy cunt who complains all the time
>the one who actually does work
>the one who deliberately makes patients feel like shit, either with a cunt attitude or physical roughness
>the token gay that females use as the unit court jester

So being a 32yr fit male entering PA school (because I wouldn’t make as much as a veterinarian long run) am I doing the right path?


I worked as an EMT in an ER in a 400 bed hospital. Everyone there, including the nurses, worked twelve hour shifts and some days you can't get away for a half hour break. However, on a lot of floors in the main hospital, lazy cunts.

How was the pay

Dont forget the killers.

Just wait until Bernie gets us Medicare For All. That will make everything better.

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Used to respect nurses for dealing with people's shit, figuratively and literally, on a daily basis but they're women at the end of the day.

Ones in ICU generally work hard but every other area, useless and bitchy. Nurses who work in offices, like admin/research, are the fucking worst. Gossip all day, bitch about each other and try to pawn off their work on new people and volunteers, who they'll backstab on a moments notice. One volunteer, premed, worked harder than 5 cunts combined and ended up getting thrown under the bus when they saw it convenient for shits and giggles. His job was to make their lives easier. God help you if you ask them to do something beyond the bare minimum.

>Medical people, is she right?
Walk into a hospital on any given hour/day and you tell me...

My daughter was born premature and spent 9 days in ICU and there were by my estimate 25 nurses in that section and I usually saw at least 24 of them sitting doing nothing.

Being a PA is a pretty sweet gig. specialize in something like sports medicine or a specialty where you wont have to deal with obese pts

My father-in-law is a PA in a semi-rural clinic in Illinois. He earns about $200k each year and the average house price in the area is about $100k.

He has so much money it's filthy. He openly proclaims it's the best job ever and he'll never retire because all he does is sit and talk to people (patients) all day.

I remember when i went to the wrong hospital. The cartel kidnapped me, drugged me and then took my fucking temperature. I don't even wanna tell you what they did with the wooden popsicle stick.