Would it be weird for a 18 year old girl to date a 14 year old boy?

Would it be weird for a 18 year old girl to date a 14 year old boy?

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nah, go for it.

No it's cute

Yeah, it's weird. He's still a child and the girl is a young adult. Ethics and legality aside, I highly a doubt an 18 year old girl would find any real emotional comfort and support from a 14 year old.


No shit?

No, don't.
It's incredibly immoral.
Don't listen to some of the retards who will try and promote it. You don't gain anything

Nope not at all. Love is love, fuck the haters.


I'm an 18 year old guy, and I was in love with a girl who was 14. I never asked her out, and I kicked myself when she met a guy and got engaged at 18. She was mature, and I regret not giving it a shot.

It's probably different if it's an older girl though. Boys mature slower than girls anyway, so he's probably more of a kid than the girl I liked was.

What I meant was that I'm not currently 18, but when I was I liked a girl who was 14, and loved her for years straight, and I love her still, even though she's far away.

t. guy who dated an 18 y/o at 15 and is still kinda fucked from it


absolutely, fucking pedo

No, be happy you two

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nah, rock his world

Yes and jesus christ the girl must be an absolute freak. This is common with 18 year old saddo me but for a girl i cant even imagine how pathetic they are

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I wanted to answer yes, than I remeber that I made out with a 14-15 year old when I was 17 so, I don't know man.
It's strange that a 18yr old girl would date a 14yr old though.

A 14 yr old boy has nothing to offer a 18 yr old girl, he is immature, fragile and mostly a mindless perverted beast. So yeah It would be weird, what do you want? his soul? you Damn succubus!

PS: at that age, i would have given an arm for my personal succubus!

PS2: you would Also ruin the way he looks at girls for most of his life.

Yes it’s weird. How do you not see him as a literal child? That’s all I could see when I looked at kids that age at 18. Developmental range is too high between those ages. Gross

1/2 age + 7

1/2 * 18 + 7 = 16
