Female News Editor

This is a pro-abortion news editor in the USA.
Look what she posts.

source: (towards the end)

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nu/pol/ will remain silent of course

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omg she's a self-proclaimed witch. fucking horrible how do we permit this!!!1

she's unironically spirit-cooking tier witch.
>human sacrifice is okay when it's babies

ah shed fit right in at comet ping pong

Yes we know Jewish people are, by and large, Satanists. Even Jesus talked about it.


America is the great satan

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Right-o then! This now should discredit right to abort! lol

The only thing I would add to current law on that regard is that once a women is impregnated she has to within 10 weeks notify the father via a public agency and the father should also have the right to a. Request abortion, b. Notify the mother-female if he will assume or refuse responsibility and be exonerated of any future responsibility if he chooses abortion and she chose to keep it!

Everyone should have the equal right to decide if they want to parent, period!

>be cancuck
>damage control for jews sacrificing babies to moloch systematically.

satan is coming, antichrists ar everywhere.
Accept Christ as our Saviour, his blood cleansed all sins.
Be blessed by the Holy Spirit.

>Abortion is bad

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>abortion is good
americans are brain dead. no wonder hillary and epstein are free.

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Go ahead and abort yourself before it's too late faggot

this is metaphysical evil and it must be contained

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It unironically depends on the race of what’s being aborted. I would 100% rather live with Nog-tier whites rather than actual Nogs and Spics solely based on an aesthetic point, niggers are just unbelievably disgusting. And white children are gods gift to the world while any other race of “child” is just a pest

>baby sacrifices to moloch by jews are okay
kill yourself.

Retarded leftist journo thinks satanism and witches are cool. More news at 11

kys. it's more just "they just think it's cool".

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>caring about nigger babies

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nice try JIDF.
>hey goyim just let us sacrifice babies like we sacrifice the tip of "white" americucks.

I wonder what these “witches” and “occultists” think about cartel black magic sacrifices or voodoo blasphemies. Totally based, right?

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Leftists hate humanity and want everyone dead.

right and left are a fake division. they both kill, just through different means.

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Yeah you idiots need to check if some Satanic freak is Jewish before you post if you don’t want to be offended by hearing about how Jewish people, by and large, are Satanists.

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Trump will win again despite your ass hurt, Oilabs-user.

I don't disagree, but the USA is the great satan

sure he will, the jews own him and he's their puppet.

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>missing the point

>edgy cunt is being edgy

>forgetting hillary moloch email leak
>forgetting spirit cooking
>forgetting jewish baby sacrifice