Would you consider this man a degenerate?
>Has performed homosexual acts with producers
>Has preached Satanic lyrics in songs/Satanic hyms
>ignored by Trump after a political shit freestyle at whatever awards and cried about it
Would you consider this man a degenerate?
>Has performed homosexual acts with producers
>Has preached Satanic lyrics in songs/Satanic hyms
>ignored by Trump after a political shit freestyle at whatever awards and cried about it
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i hate every rapper. they are the fakest fucks on the planet, 99% of rappers can't even get out of a charge without their aunt or grandma or whatever helping them with court and lawyers fees. if they were all machine gunned down tomorrow the world would instantly improve beyond the ability of humans to ever fuck it up again.
Obviously. He's a traitor to civilization, but he's also the best rapper out there. Probably because rap sucks.
I've seen niggers on the street do better than this guy, same style, same outfit for 20+ years? Shows that most of civilization is sitting with a pacifier in it's mouth wanting to be entertained. Literal Fall of Rome 2.0
He has been MK ultra'd, just like most of the famous entertainers and artists. He said he made a deal with the devil. Always pay attention to famous people with dyed blonde hair. Completely compromised and degenerate, rap is shit anyway.
Marshall is just another white guy pretending to be black. The left should condemn him for cultural appropriation.
i used to like him when i was a kid, now i cringe when i hear him
Made millions whining about his mommy issues and hoe as fuck gf.
Clown world.
wiggers are right up there with niggers.
who the fuck emulates ghetto niggers?
>would you consider this elephant big and fat?
he's part of the walking damned
He made some good edgecore back in the '90s and very beginning of the 00s. But has been pure garbage for well over a decade now.
isn't he worth a couple hundred million? not bad for a white boi with no education and a shitty addicted mother.
>Has performed homosexual acts with producers
can I get a rundown on this? I dont believe it
When did he perform gay acts??
He put his mom’s spaghetti in a hot coffee pot?
that thing on his head is called an activator cap. Informally known as a do-rag, Its for nigger hair to make waves in nigger hair.
He wants to be a nigger soooooooo bad
A bit of legit stockholm syndrome.
He was a trailer park trash manlet that was terrorized by niggers throughout his entire childhood.
a faggot
a total pile of shit, that should be shot
nothing is good about this piece of shit
the big act rap music producers are predominately jewish, every big name in the rap game has had to suck or get fucked by jewish dick in order to get a contract
>Has performed homosexual acts with producers
of course, look at the people he hangs out with. great rapper though.
washed up pavement ape wanna be
Slim shady was based and redpilled
This Eminem iluminaty political faggot is pure cringe
I legitimately believe all these evil worshipping illuminati artist had a chance to repent simply by endorsing Trump during the election, it was like a test by God. Yeah, all their blackmail would come out, the media who loved them one second, would attack them 24/7 and dig up bones from the past, and destroy their character, but I think they could have survived it and come out as better people, and also loved.
Notice how every celebrity who went against Trump, despite being backed by media, ended up becoming miserable and losing.
As for Eminem, he was a jewish owned little jester/monkey, dancing for pennies, eminem was degenerate and aimed at kids to disrespect christian sensibilities, mocking the sanctity of life, he is like South park but a musician. This is why I am opposed to honk worlders, as refusing to see the beauty of life, and instead percieve it as absurd might be a jewish trait and is dangerous. Good aryan boys got corrupted by having eminem piss on their frontal lobe and fill their brains with trash. Similiar with south park.
Also, I want you to imagine two segregated areas, there is a huge gap inbetween these areas. One area is a beautiful, green suburban area, filled with white people. The other is a concrete nigger monkey ghetto. Now imagine a bridge being built, so that niggers and white start crossing the gap and starting to fraternize. That bridge is eminem leading good white people into niggertown and vice versa.
>TL:DR Eminem was always a degenerate homosexual who destroy millions of young peoples minds and harmed spirituality of the white race
Trump endorsing Slim Shady
Do you think he was replaced with clone? Anyway, Snoop Dogg endorsed Hillary Clinton because Snoop dogg likes to smoke up starstruck underage boys then he and his crew fucks them, he was severely compromised. But its what to expect from cali demons. Yes, they litterly are involved with demons.
I feel like a lot of kids grew up liking him cause his songs were in Cawwa Dooty
what is under the cap? how does it work?
blue steel, faggot.
>This is why I am opposed to honk worlders, as refusing to see the beauty of life, and instead percieve it as absurd might be a jewish trait and is dangerous. Good aryan boys got corrupted by having eminem piss on their frontal lobe and fill their brains with trash. Similiar with south park.
You are not wrong, just that it is hard to see the beauty of life when things today are in a worse state than the world was before the Great Flood.
he was anally abused by his own father
thats why he became what he is
an edgy faggot
he is white so yes
>is a wigger degenerate
yes retard
rappers should all be gassed
It does nothing for white people hair
It makes nigger hair do this
yes. I used to love his songs but then I got redpilled on so many things and now I dont listen to him. But damn did some of his songs have some good texts/really good beats and shiiiet. But yeah, watch the vids of eminem being high out of his ass and talking gibberish. Makes more sense now with the knowledge of how hollywood etc works.
That fucking picture.
Why are you people so obsessed with literal faggotry and fucking little boys?
>Would you consider this man a degenerate?
NO, b/c I don't waste time on this has-been fuckhead.
Almost single handedly caused the wigger phenomenon. He is 100% shit.
>dry and non greasy
niggas be ashy
does it work on pubes if I wear it like a diaper
In better times he could have been Patton tier.