Religion of peace be like

Religion of peace be like

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>shitskins killing shitskins
Literally who cares?

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Bibi you're gonna die this summer and so does Yossi Cohen.

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What's the gun control situation in Sri Lanka like?

>acting like the Mudslimes and christfags are better than the jews

fuck outta here retard they're all the enemy of humanity

we wuz easter worshippers n shiet

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All your friends in the IDF are gonna die too faggot. COPE.

the christians are just as putrid as the muslims, thank u very much sir

how peaceful

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>he thinks christians and muslims have mutually compatible goals
are you fucking retarded

tf are you even talking about

I dont like the jews either.
as long as these caveman era religions stand, humanity will experience an excess of pain and loss

kill yourself, I'm no jew


The Israeli military will be fucking slaughtered because it's the weakest in the world. Netanyahu's execution will be remembered for 1000 years.

Are you schizophrenic? This post has nothing to do with IDF retard

This would be glorious

Sandnigger spotted. Get off this board before it's too late

look at all the mess. someone has to clean that up. no respect these days honestly.

do americans really believe that 2 of each of the 8.7 million species of animals just walked onto a boat and lived in harmony for 40 days and 40 night. the ark would have had to be bigger than the fucking death star

this is why we need airbags on all pews

Press F to pay respect to the fallen enemy, even if you hated him, like a true Aryan.


White trash, hasbarats, and porn posters make Jow Forums unbearable

Easter worshippers? WTF
Bugs bunny btfo

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Ewwww you smelt a toilet seat.

Those poor Easter Worshippers

Got anymore pictures of this event? It's the only thing I've seen so far.