What should we do about the Muslim problem in Europe?

Europe is once again under attack by filthy Muslims. What is a good way to get rid of these fuckers?

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>once again

what the fuck do you mean once again? did they ever stop since the fall of the eastern roman empire?

in the uk things are getting really rough a woman was jailed for going after muslim rapists but this is why they are taking over we can't even speak if we all got together and demanded that their disgusting sharia patrols or anything weird like that should be banned maybe we could fucking breathe and alot of deporting

It's not muslims. It's right wing extremists.

Giving them EU passports and sending them to the US should work.

swallow pride and become a muslim

yeah no one wants any part of that ugly religion

I thought all the Jews left Poland in 1948

True, true.

Islam is the cancer.
Nukes are the answer.

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Oh no, I live in the US, and I don't want to fucking deal with those things.

Ban halal and sausage rolls for all!

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Watch your tone you zogbot lardbucket. Don't make me dig up my Yugo AK and start blasting infidels.

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Or start another crusade you cucks, the fuck do you think they were for?

Reopen Buhenwald and Osvencim.

You can blame all of this shit on two groups: the Jews and the far-left. The Jews have been trying to do something like this for god knows how long, and are using the far-left morons in order to make it happen.

Get ready for war. By now, it seems inevitable.

This, the only way to save Europe is to send them to the US.

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muslims hate dogs. We need to mass breed dogs, at least one for every family and encourage street dogs by feeding them.
Eventually their will be packs of dogs roaming the streets that will be secretly trained to eat muslims

I like the sound of that. Man's best friend.

Better idea. How about we don't let any of them in? Neither the US or Europe. Can't we just simply do that?

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