East Germany

Ok fellow krauts hear up, we all want these territories back, but we need a solid plan preferably not involving genocide. Any good suggestions?

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Wait for the russians to invade and separate the terretories from Poland again by trading it against western Ukraine.

>preferably not involving genocide

Why? It's only gonna bring us trouble. Also the entirety of that land is inhabited by thieving dirty polacks right now, we have enough of those as is.

What we need to do is focus on our own purity. If you know what I mean. Territorial expansion is meaningless. We are Europe's larfest economy even without the prussian territory so fuck it.

>Any good suggestions?

Come up with it, when they go into "we want reperations kikery"

You ain't getting shit from us, cucks

The culture, lifestyle, and cities are gone. If the minorities stayed there might have been a point. Its impossible to remake Prussia. You would only be able to create a new prussian identity.

what do you think the eu is

LE KRAUTURAS, polands army better than yours

The EU is a good idea executed poorly.

lol if anything East Germany will join with Poland.

Lmao, your country even offered Königsberg a few decades ago but it was rejected by our cucked politicians. But it's not like anyone wants your AIDS infested shithole anyway.

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Sign treaty with Russia that reestablishes 1871 Borders.

Russia gets free reign in the Baltics and central Poland and in return cedes back Königsberg (the port would be redundant). Russians get resettled into Baltics and simply displace the local population. New Eastern Territories get forcefully disowned and Germanized.

All it needs is a German-Russian agreement, noone could stop them. Win-situation for all countries that matter.We could even lay the Polish-reparation question to rest once and for all!

move to east germany. create a german minority and when its big enough start demanding the area should be annexed to germany so you can be in your home country again.

Why would you want this? The people and land are infinitely better off not being a mudslime breeding colony, which you would undoubtedly turn it into.

Poland still has a chance, but Krautistan not so much.

Genocide was always your modus operandi. Why would you change the tactics that worked so well in the past?

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start by killing yourself

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Not like you killed 3 million Germans

When? Where?

It's in good hands, we rebuilt old buildings, we are taking care of other historic places, you can always come and visit

After the war when 3 million Eastern Germans where killed because they didn't want to move


Yeah, sure we were killing Germans invading our lands for centuries. What's wrong with that? My ancestor earned 2000 ha of land from the king for being effective at this task. Genes are destiny.

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Yeah but be can't build on that culture anymore because we are not connected to that place by culture and language anymore

Sounds like a plan

Nah After the war germans escape from Poland
Because they don't won't be transported
to gulags in soviet russia.
After the war NDR build commiebloks for them.

I like you Hans, but planning is just dreaming. It's all about execution.

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>your country even offered Königsberg
According to Spiegel and some general with total made up name. Gorbach himself said it's a german wishful thinking.

Another idea i had is resettling germans into russia for exaple near Japan in the Vladivostok area and asking for a some mainland and the Sachalin island.

Come visit Malbork, masurian lakes, Gdańsk, Poznań, plenty of post german stuff restored there

Guys, as mentioned - I like you, please feel free to plan and execute, but would you maybe consider fixing your internal problems first?

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Memeland, you should definitely security that important strategic asset. Just tell everyone: Wir brauchen Lebensraum!

>Believing the jew so hard
You know what, actually your people deserve to get occupied ... well not the Germans, the reds will do maybe you will stop listing to their Jewish lies than.

it's just Prussia and deservedly Prussia is kill

Imagine being German and hearing the word


in public

then having to suck the nearest cut dick

lmao I hope your women get raped again and again and again and again and again and again by Ahmeds and Mohammeds for how you failed europe

Don't ridicule their dreams. Everybody needs to dream and German people have their dream of Lebensraum. I'd love to see Germany successful and us, Europeans of various descent succeeding with them. Germany is a nice country of decent people, they just need to identify their priorities, plan properly and execute effectively. I believe we will stay friends after all :). We need to conquer the galaxy, not just mere European plain.

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Anton doslter die NOTHING WRONG

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>Ok fellow krauts hear up, we all want these territories back, but we need a solid plan preferably not involving genocide. Any good suggestions?

This can be done in our lifetime, but will require a few conditions.
Realpolitik mode
First and foremost, you must wait for Burgers to either have a real nationalist govt in place that wouldn't intervene, or collapse into irrelevance due to internal strife making them not a threat anymore. Current burgerland is the chief enforcer of globo homo, it would not allow Germany to claim it's rightful soil.
Once the burger govt isn't a problem
Make deals with Russia, let them take parts of east Ukraine without eu intervention, kick ukraine out of eu, while they in turn stay out of re taking parts of "poland". Köningsberg maybe done for some strategic alliance and capital investment. Russia has the same problem as always, infinite resources, no technical ability or capital to develop and exploit those resources. Use that weakness against them.

Of course all this would require a re armament of the Bundeswehr and a nationalist Germany

>Be (literally any) Eastern European Country
>Ethnically cleanse Germans
>Become shithole
Can't explain it

The past should be remembered not relieved. Let's forgive past sins and join forces to conquer the space, not just some fucking hills and plains on one of the planets in the Solar system. We are natural born allies, we should be working together not fighting all the time.

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Oh fug same here with Karelia. Fucking hell I want my homelands back

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How fucking delusional you need to be that you seriously think that this has even the slightest possibility to happpen
Christ this site is really filled with pathetic high school dropouts who have some local drunkyard pub tier powerfantasies
Also with which army should they invade? With their current shitty underfinanced piece of shit army filled with mehmets?
Just leave your basement for once and visit Berlin and talk to the people there, 90℅ are fullblown leftists with communist tendencies
Do you seriously think that the people would support that? And even with the slightest mention of something like that the whole EU would go full Armageddon mode

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all those soviet rape babies.

>Christ this site is really filled with pathetic high school dropouts who have some local drunkyard pub tier powerfantasies

You're absolutely right about this one.

Don't waste your time writing up these long posts, just insult people and call them out for being retarded and move on.
You'll get a bunch of people upset and they will all reply to you but you'll be already away from the website.

Yeah but how about you fuck off if it's just some unimportant hills to you

You guys should probably give them some of their shit back you stole. These Soviet drawn maps are really uncool.

>more clay
Fucking kek. Northern Germany east of the Elbe is going to Poland. Bavaria and Saxony are getting Czeched. You can have the Netherlands though since they're somehow even more degenerate spineless fags than you are.

>local drunkyard pub tier powerfantasies

Know what started as a local drunkyard pub tier powerfantasy? picrelated

>Just leave your basement for once and visit Berlin and talk to the people there, 90℅ are fullblown leftists with communist tendencies

Same guy in 1929:
Bro just look at Berlin. There's mother daughter prostitution teams. People are jizzing down geese necks. Communist flags everywhere. Germany has no army, what are you going to invade with hurr durr

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So fucking what, he died for nothing if we don't change our attitudes.

We should be building colonies on Moon and Mars, using Polish pilots known of suicidal bravery to conquer the Solar system, deliver settlers and goods to the planets, not to shoot down German bombers flying above some shitty islands like Britair next to Europe. We Europeans should be working together, using our strengths to reach out to the stars, not to dispute how much we should give away in taxes to unproductive parts of our populations or whatever else the current point of contention is.

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Ok let's make a deal you gib clay and we give you half of our stuff on mars

How do you think it could work in reality?

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You need some perspective, Hans. It's either them or us. So far we've been played good. Do you need another lesson before you understand what's really important?

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Let's take Mars first, then we can deal.

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No, clue not my problem. It would have to come after wider sweeping political changes ending the EU and neoliberalism.

Maybe Poland could give some back if they got the western half of Ukraine, which historically belonged to them.

cool, didnt know it actualy

So you caun bring refugees there too? First fix your own backyard.

Yeah, give everybody with say, 65 percent German DNA German citizenship & send them to homestead said lands. Also give incentives to native born Germans. If enough Germans occupy, Poland will be forced to cede the territories.

You're already mismanaging the Slavic clay Berlin is built on, you can't have more.

>preferably not involving genocide
Hard Mode Selected

Jow Forums
>might makes right!
also Jow Forums
>them evil muthafuckin poles need to give back that land that they took from Germany, we wuz victims n shiet, never forget the 20 gorillion Germans genocided in the Danzig Corridor

> After some magical happening happens, all historical conflicts in Europe are settled.

Cool bro, works for me.

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>you stole
It was the English and US governments that gave up Poland and half of Germany to Russia to do with how they liked. The current map of Europe is on you, not us.

Sure, probably our gov would just sign papers to give back part of the territory to Germans just because you said so.

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Please, if not for Germans Poles would eat dirt. Germans made the king money so he invited them. Then you were ruled by the elector of Saxony.

>He thinks we are getting these back
Dude go into any big city and you will see the bigger problem.
We will get these back after the german-brittish-french jihad in 2030.

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Germany, yeah that one is on us.
Bongs fucked you over completely without our help.

Where did I mention an army?

Greece is already demanding reparations, but they are small and can be ignored.

If Poland, literally a neighbour with 40 million people wants to open old war wounds, then our territories have to brought up automatically as a defense against their kikery.

It is absolutely logical and will happen in that case.

Forget it, Dreckschwaben. Germany as it exists today is a mistake big enough.

t. Eidgenoessli

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Of course we have to Focus on ourselves first and have a more nationalist culture but we should start planning

Shut up Nazigold mountain monkey

That starts with supporting NPD.

>3 million Eastern Germans where killed

>getting cucked by ahmed and karim
>shitskin rapes everywhere
>the kraut wants me to believe they are still capable of a genocide

You want to steal other sovereign nations' lands? To which you hold no claim other than outdated historical records? I'm cool with that, knock yourselves out.

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Based Swiss. Taking the piss out of Germany throughout history.

Fuck the NPD they are spineless larping nazi retards they could never lead Germany

Its legitimately ridiculous that this has to be a discussion in the first place. There is literally no valid argument to claim a place like Silesia or Brandenburg aren't German. Moreover, Prussia, the whole reason the modern state of Germany exists, can be described as nothing but German. The German government, preferably a new one that isn't so weak willed, should simply demand these territories back under the pretense that they were taken by the Soviets, a leftover facet of the past, and because it's clear they were in the wrong and only had ill willed intentions should be immediately returned. There are still people alive today (and their kids!) who were forcibly removed from their homes, so they deserve them back. It's true there were many atrocities committed against minority groups by the Germans, but two wrongs do not make a right; the land isn't Polish, Lithuanian, and definitely not Russian, it's Prussian, It's German.

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How spineless can you be being the one thing that your government fears most and can put you in prison for wrongthink?

They didn’t earn the land retard. They got land from losing a war.

Discussions on maps are not irrelevant, they represent (more or less) the current balance of powers. If Germans were powerful enough the maps would be different, if we were more powerful we would probably return to actual Slavic lands reaching west to Rhein or so. It's not material. The important question is whether the dispute makes any sense at this point.

I state that Germany should collaborate closely with Poland and other Slavic nations (eg. Russia) to reach out to the planets in the Solar system, rather than killing each other on a piece of land between Rhein and Ural. I strongly believe we could make it. We could build colonies on Mars and Moon --- if we only put enough effort to do it. That's something worth fighting for, even putting one's life in danger.

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That's why you should vote for the Greens.

What about war reparations?

Why the fuck you cuckolds want Königsberg or Karelia back. I'll start supporting your nationalist ideas as soon as our countries stop offering our current areas to the Muslims who invade Europe. Until then what the fuck do I care if Russians occupy Karelia, I gain nothing and I lose nothing, it doesen't matter who lives there to me.

They hide behind rethoric, a real Nazi is able to get the people behind him with standing up for himself and being a strongman, they don't do that, even the radical left is more honest and strong then them

Don't worry, at least you showed those commies how to fight.
>pic related
Shut up Schluchtenscheißer.
Obviously that's not how it works or should work. But think about it, both of our nations are white and europe should work together anyway. Split up this clowncountry Ukraine, they just elected a comedian and russia is already taking their eastern territories.

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Those lands changed hands plenty of times in history and many of them were Slavic before they were German, so that's not argument won't really work for you.

Gottfried von Werdenberg prophetized that we will get our eastern Lands back when Jesus returns

>getting cucked by liebermann and finkelstein
>ouwamagoudo rapes everywhere
>the kraut wants me to believe they are still capable of a genocide
>t. american sex tourist in a berlin bar, 1930
National Socialist.

>they just elected a comedian
Wasn't he also a jew? Also I thought their elections weren't due for like a few months, man time flies fast.

Granted, they lack strong leadership and like the NSDAP need to be reformed under one. But the heart is there, it just needs the right people at the front to promote their ideals clearly and radically, without compromise or party alliances.

Germans should pray 5 times a day to allah, their god, to bring Islamadeutchplatz back together.

Would you really want it filled with shitskins like your country?

War reparations to whom exactly? To the poles who decided it was ok to just receive everyone elses land because they couldn't maintain an independent state for however many centuries? Hell they don't deserve half the land they have now. Lithuania? War reparations for being liberated sounds about right doesn't it? And the fucking Russians? It's ridiculous to even suggest that the Russians deserve anything after what they did to the formerly Soviet occupied countries.

read Culture of Critique newfag
might makes right among friends
morality for the public

Even if they had a strongman and the the intellect they wouldn't get into parliament, Thier pr is just too bad and I don't think they can reverse that.

Changing hands is one thing, Prussia was originally settled by balts not poles, and all those Old Prussians either died or were assimilated by the Germans, god rest their souls. The damn capital of Prussia was founded by the Teutonic order in 1255, the place became German for better or worse and theres no debate to that.

Start another war n gimme more clay Hans

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>preferably not involving genocide.

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