Former never-Trumper ama

>Disgusted by Trump’s behavior while campaigning
>Drumpf defies belief and defeats Hillary
>Spencer’s hail victory speech leads me to Jow Forums
>see pathetic pro-Drumpf threads and dismiss his whole administration as a four-year annoyance
>Puts foot in his mouth at every turn, gobbling up my feeds
>Low point was Helsinki debacle, officially an incompetent idiot in my eyes at that point
>Drumpf starts sucking circumsized benises and Jow Forums turns on the god-emperor
>Start taking the serious redpills and realize the absurdity of Zion Don handing BiBi everything he wants on a silver platter
>Look back and realize every apparent misstep was a calculated exposure of media hypocrisy
>mfw I realize (((media))) fell into every trap
>mfw I realize Trump has effectively set the stage for WWIII by dividing the world along an ideological fault
>mfw that fault is (((Jerusalem)))
>mfw I realize Trump really is ushering in the apocalypse

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Other urls found in this thread:

>oh no leftist scum are annoyed
>it's the apocalypse!

Still support him, user? Or just buttmad that your Cuck president is bought?

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I'm sorry, is he bought or is he diving the world into WWIII?

Bought, sold his soul, whatever Trumptards say to rationalize their support for him. Either that or he's genuinely a boomer cuckservative Jew-lover, but I prefer to believe that he's been sent to expose the wicked and the proud.

Attached: pro israel.png (852x465, 631K)

>or he's a civic nationalist
In America? Impossible.

>implying civnats and boomer cuckservatives are not more or less the same people

>implying that civnats and boomer cuckservatives aren’t the same people

Implying he is implying

that there green text thru dis thread is too much

>very well constructed shilling for a boomer
Fuck the (((media))). They are shills for the zionists too. Trump is not 4d cheating them - they are both working together to control you.
(((Trump))) does not lead to not support accelerationism, it’s the exact opposite. It’s all about the status quo.

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*nor not not

Thanks for the contributions gentlemen. In all seriousness though, I can't believe that the 4D Chess meme was true.
You're just blinded by your hatred for him, which is why I couldn't connect the dots either. Now I see that he is unleashing God's wrath upon the earth. Was his "animals" comment status quo? Was his shutdown gambit for the wall status quo? Was his believing Russian intel over the FBI status quo? If I was a boomer I would have supported him from the start like everyone else in my town.

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HE NAMED JERUSALEM AS ISRAEL'S CAPITAL AND GAVE THEM THE GOLAN HEIGHTS. How much more accelerationist can you get than that?

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Sovereign nations have the right to declare their own capitals.

Yeah, the world is burning. Stop caring, cause there's nothing to do about it. You can't wake people up - reality has to wake them up. All we can do is to hope that it won't be too late by then.

>inb4 "defeatist"

Been debating cultural marxist scum for over a decade, so I know it's a lost cause. They DO NOT want to understand. In case you don't know about Yuri Bezmenov (former KGB propaganda specialist), give him a listen.. It's kind of blackpilling, but also a relief, since you will realize that you don't have to waste your time trying to wake up brainwashed idiots with IQ's reminiscent of that of an insect.

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I agree! It's one of the redpills that flipped me on Trump - he supports his allies. He forced Germany to choose between the US-Israeli alliance and the Russia-Iran alliance, and when Merkle balked, he all but publicly denounced NATO. The schism is Biblical can't u see?!?!
I am excited for the wheat to be separated from the chaff. It is another reason why I now support Trump: he has exposed the enemies of the US. If you're right with God you have nothing to worry about.

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I could listen to Yuri Bezmenov all day.

I have given up hating Zionist shills. Your shill is to claim you went from being a “never trumped” aka a boomer, to seeing Trump as an accelerationist. He is not. He is not unleashing gods wrath on anything other than anti-zionists. All “never trumpys” are boomers although not all all boomers are never trumped (nice try at hiding though).

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>supporting Zion is accelerationist
No David, it is not.

Trump is not what you think. He's been a Zionist for decades.

You don't expose your enemies by supporting them unconditionally.

Attached: trump kabbalah.jpg (1136x1061, 175K)

>Trump is literally Hitler
>everything Trump supports is evil
>Trump supports Israel
I dunno mang

Trump is anti-Hitler in persona. The biggest kike lover North of Antarctica.
>NatSoc here

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You forgot to check me, Heil Hitler. I live in Arizona where all the boomers around me support Trump. They're fat, complaining, Zionist Pentecostal sheeple who support anyone with an (R) by their name. Either you think Trump is low-IQ like I used to think, or he's high-IQ and playing the long game. As for your other "points," provide examples like I did and maybe I'll take you seriously.
Interesting - and I take your point into consideration. But you must know your enemy in order to defeat them. You must also be able to manipulate their self-perception, as well as their perception of you.

Attached: the art of war.jpg (304x499, 30K)

>Interesting - and I take your point into consideration

Good to hear. Stay openminded.

>But you must know your enemy in order to defeat them.

That being said, Trump is surrounded by kikes. You don't defeat your enemy buy smearing their cum all over your body. It's a bit of a stretch.

You should watch some Know More News on JewTube. That guy knows what's up. He documents everything. When you've watched 10-12 hours of his material, you'll be convinced that Trump is not the savior - rather the opposite.