TL:DR; Not getting laid enough, how to approach without being a cunt

TL:DR; Not getting laid enough, how to approach without being a cunt

>Boyfriend is busy busy busy all the time
>I've just stopped being super busy
>Only see boyfriend twice a week at best
>Most of those are with friends present as events
>We both still live at home with parents
>Can't really get laid when others are in the house
>Realise it's been a month since I got laid
>Despite attempting to flirt with boyfriend via text and telling him I need to see him, need to see him alone, plus some racier comments
>Didn't really notice at time cus of busy, but now I'm not busy it's kinda hit me all at once
>Wat do, don't want him thinking I'm holding grudges because I didn't notice

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Start sending sexy pics. Cute lingerie but no nudes. Get a hotel room somewhere kinda far for the weekend.

Or if too much money for hotel go camping

We've done that, he really doesn't seem that interested from his responses and I don't wanna bother him.
The last time we got laid was at a hotel, I don't think I could afford the upkeep for my libido. We were actually gonna go camping soon but that got cancelled, I really like that idea tbf but again it's getting time off work and not being busy so we can actually go.

Your bf sounds either closet gay or just a douche. I was able to bang my gf in her strict family's house for 3 years straight before we moved out with no problems. Seems like he's putting in 0 effort and using you as arm candy for social status. Dump him or cuck him.

He's not closet gay, but since of his comments make me think he's low t / libido. We can't fuck with others about because I'm loud and his bed is competing with me for noise levels. I'm not interesting in straight up breaking up with him without having a discussion and I'm not interesting in cucking anyone at any point because I'm not degenerate.

Isn't society beautiful? Hes probably tired and taking bad care of himself and when a man is in a shitty physical state libido is the first thing to go. How is he sleeping? Is he eating well?

Sounds like low sexual appetite on his end. My ex and I would fuck with her father a few rooms over. Put towels on the door threshold to minimize escaping noise. If he wanted to have sex with you, he'd find a way...unless he is satisfied with the way things are at the moment.

Sit him down and talk to him. Acknowledge you're aware he is busy, but speak frankly: You've been craving him for a month and you'd like to find some time for both of you to be intimate in that way. Then the ball is in his court to compromise or make an excuse. Then you'll really know where your relationship stands.

He's not the type to take poor care of himself but he was ill for the first time in years during the dry spell. He sleeps pretty well normally, just this last week he's been sleeping poorly. Yes he's still clearly got a good appetite.

Yeah that's what I was thinking really. Towels under the door don't work when the bed sounds like it's about to rock thru the floor, but I take your point.
I'm unsure on how to sit him down without making him feel like I'm shouting at him for being the way he is (also busy and ill and such). I feel like leading with "wanting him for a month" is gonna come across as building that against him instead of just realising etc.

Just move out.

I was tempted to move out before the relationship but then we started seeing each other and my money went on him / dates and now I feel like moving out without him would be seen as a slight but I'm certainly not moving in with him yet (early days for that yet).

get laid when there are others in the house
what does it matter
his parents did it
your parents did it
its fucking sex, do you also not shit when there are ppl in the house?

>spending all your rent money on dates
Holy shit this is a retarded relationship

I don't take shits that last a couple hours and everyone in the house can hear both me and the toilet straining the entire time, no.

I've done it like 10 times, just had my gf bite down on my rolled up underwear and take it like it a man.

...what? I'm not planning on renting, for one, I've saved for a house deposit. But in the early days of the relationship it was his birthday and there were lots of familial events and travel for such things, so I wasn't able to convince myself that I'd keep up with bills and utilities and food comfortably on top of that. Bros on Jow Forums would do anything to crab bucket, seems like.

And that stopped your bed making a noise like rolling thunder in the room below yours (that room being the familial living room, btw)?

On his lap on a chair tiddies in his face

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Both of those were me lol. That's a shit ton of money you're spending on dumb shit no matter how you figure it. My gf costs me maybe $100 a month, which is pretty much just meals in restaurants for me while she pays for herself, and I get to have violent sex with her because I have my own place (she doesn't).

We did it on the floor and tried not to shake around too much, also put a towel under the door to suppress the noise. If anyone heard it they certainly didn't say anything about it, I barely heard it myself.

>I feel like leading with "wanting him for a month" is gonna come across as building that against him instead of just realising etc.
It will sit and fester. Honesty is the best policy. He is not meeting your needs, and he needs to know that.

Kek yeah okay this is an interesting idea, I'll mention that as a suggested work around, thank you.

Eh he pays for himself, although I definitely knocked back about £250 just on doing stuff with him and paying my own way the first six weeks so I can't argue that it's been expensive. Its meals, day trips, concerts and drinks, adds up too quickly.
There is absolutely nowhere near enough safe room on his floor for me to lie down on, nevermind him. I've mentioned standing sex several times but he doesn't seem to want to do it in his bedroom. I'll definitely remember a towel under the door tho, thanks.

Aye I get that, I'm just trying to be accurate with my wording I guess. It's important that Im coming across like I'm working with him than forcing him to do what I want

>Aye I get that, I'm just trying to be accurate with my wording I guess. It's important that Im coming across like I'm working with him than forcing him to do what I want
m8 stop. There is no easy way to tell your partner
>I need more sex
because blahdiblah worried about feelings. You say it point blank.
>I know you've been busy, I know you're working hard, but I feel unfulfilled because we haven't had sex in a month.
You either stamp out your need for sex and continue to suffer in silence, changing your whole being for him, or you talk about your fucking needs. Would you tell your daughter to dance around a similar issue? If he can't compromise, if he makes excuses, then you know what kind of relationship you really have.

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What kind of fucked up country do you live in where people don't have enough floor space in their rooms for a single human body

respect +1

hope to find girl like you

Your bf might be depressed or very stressed over something. Or he just jerks off too much.