Hello Jow Forums. I'm here for any opinions on my tinder profile...

Hello Jow Forums. I'm here for any opinions on my tinder profile. What do you think I should change or what could I maybe improve on? Any tips or criticism is appreciated, thanks!

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-141026.png (1440x2560, 2.75M)

Here is my bio/ text part for reference

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-141039.png (1152x2048, 318K)

Where are you from OP

I'm from Poland

Obviously poland

Stop taking selfies and smile more. Get someone zo take photos for you or use the inner cam so nobody needs to see ur spierdolony smartphone kurwa

Help me out lads I'm barely getting any matches

Your profile looks fake. The 5th picture you look like a asshole. Try taking pictures that dont look so Fake.

Also 4 and 9 need to go. Make 6 with another face. And also fuck off from poland man. 6 is no polish pose.

Also wtf is up with ur bio? I'm a 22 year old virgin that only kissed a 4/10 once out of despair and even I can tell you your bio and meme photos are beta cringe. Try acting your age man. The only things i csn take out here are that you're some thirsty kangaroo fucker in poland that's too infantile for a serious relationship. Thats nothing neither women nor bitches are seeking for. Try habbo hotel maybe.

>I'm a 22 year old virgin
Why are you giving advice?

Damn harsh lads but thanks

What do you mean by fake, it's my real pictures. I'm not a douchebag so maybe you're right too much muscle pictures looks aggressive

All you need to is replace your first pic with your 5th

Haha I just deleted the fifth because I thought I looked too much like a douchebag, replaced it with this one

Attached: received_1287785348037605.jpg (720x960, 51K)

Try taking photos with a more natural facial expression and not that "oldschool man with a mustache" raised eyebrow pose guys seem to like.

In my experience with bios, less is more. For some reason girls just find lengthy bios a turn off. A couple sentences at most that's witty and says something about you.

Fuck you OP

The amount of mirror selfies is off putting.

Chadusz, why are you here?

I wish I had less but I'm introverted and don't have many friends


I guarantee you I'm just as autistic and socially awkward as the rest of you

You have no nonbearded pictures for anyone that doesn't care for facial hair.

Thsnks just added a non bearded pic to the mix

This is what it looks like now

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-173241.png (1440x2560, 2.79M)

> im competing with this and he still has problems

I might as well give up

I don't do dating apps but if I did, this puts me off because you seem super basic and boring and trying too hard and you are a bit ugly. The kind of girl I could see liking you are the same backpacker wanna be hippie girls.

So forget tinder and go to a hostel to find love or sex.

You have no idea man it's tough to find a nice girl these days.
How am I ugly? I may not be incredibly good looking but I'm not ugly. Are you from some Scandinavian country or something where everyone is a model?

Attached: 29871785_2005734196343498_579779611208369539_o.jpg (1229x1229, 103K)

Remove pictures 6,7,8,9. Would swipe right to the others.

narcissistic pos. there's a reason why you don't get any matches

Thank you femanon or gayanon

Every shot in OP's picture makes me think that this guy would probably spend more time in the bathroom getting ready in the morning than I would. I bet he's got more hair product too.

Holy shit it's SuperEyePatchWolf.
I love your vids.

You are probaby average but average is ugly. You need to have a realistic perspective on yourself to find matches. Don't ask for advice if you can't handle it. I mean you fit in on datinf apps because everyone there is average looking and boring. Those who aren't don't need apps to meet people and you know that deep down.

You'll find another average girl one day.

Or you're trying way too hard, stop trying to look funny. Try relaxing a little and shaving your stache you already look like Chad. Take pics with friends too apparently that helps you get more matches

I use dating apps because I'm scared of meeting women in public. I'm just an introvert. I can handle criticism I just don't agree that I'm ugly.
Most of my friends are online or women, I just didn't wanna look too serious so I put some funny type pictures inbetween like this one

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-175908.png (1727x2048, 1.75M)

I actually don't use any product ever because I hate stuff in my hair and take one 10-15 minute shower daily. I shave my neck and trim up my facial hair once a week or less

Honestly think you look like a nice guy I would hang out with
unfortunately for you, I am male and have no idea how women think, even though I am married

Thank you sir would also like to hang out with you due to your obvious friendly character. Hope I can get married like you one day. All the best

You look like a homosexual OP

wtf, I need to invade poland.

I find it hard to believe that you're struggling this much with tinder OP. You're definitely attractive, but I can see what some other anons are saying about some of your pics not making you look good. For example in 6 you clean up nice for sure, but that smile isn't doing you any favors. Same with 8, good idea for a pic just not great execution. Have you tried messing with you bio as well? It's not bad, but it's definitely drawn out and most people on tinder have the attention span of a child. I'd say keep it short and sweet m8. Maybe keep line 1, 3 and the last sentence of line of 4. How many chicks do you match with regularly? How many dates do you pull?

Attached: 1527942307391.jpg (640x471, 161K)

You’re welcome ;)

remove 1,3,4 and 9
just write a smartass one liner like
'im fun if you are'

ffs get rid of that mustache, the whole beard too preferably

I like the beard honestly

I gotta say OP, you look like a cool dude, and im mirin your body. It's really hard fore to believe you are struggling on tinder, then again, i have no idea what's going on in a woman's head.
Good luck OP, im sure you'll find someone.

Attached: 1544788923454.jpg (548x725, 313K)

You are a really attractive guy. You should get a lot of matches. But I am not surprised that you do not with this profile. My first impression is that you are a really goofy and childish person. Here's my advice.

Photo 8 is the only one you potentially should keep. You look fucking silly in all the other ones. Find/take 3 much more serious photos. You don't need 9 photos. It's totally overkill. You can show off your body in one of them, but try to do it tastefully.

Your profile is extremely bad as well. You don't have to write much at all as people don't care much about profiles. Just put a couple of sentences there. Not sure what you should write. It can be silly, but what you got now is the wrong kind of silly.


Keep your mustache trimmed on the photos. Bushy mustache doesn't look good.

No mirror photos with holding your phone in your hand! Find someone else to take your photos. They can tweak the perspective in ways you cannot, and get you to show your natural state. You look at bit tense in your photos, and probably because you are taking them yourself.

Your pictures are childish. Women won’t really see you as a man. On the other hand, it’s better to portray yourself honestly than to fake it.

His advice was pretty good.

Just read this thread.
It truly is the final blackpill. Even if you dedicate years of training it doesn't matter. Lifting weights is a big fucking joke.
I don't know what to think of this. I'm trying to cope by thinking he must have triggered the algorithm to hide his profile because he swipes on everyone.
I'm just sitting here with tears running down my face.
It is over.

Never go further than ottermode unless you are gay or a gilf chaser, Jow Forumsizens.

All pictures are too goofy
Too much detail re where youre from
You are not creating any mystery
Be more vague
Only use serious pictures

>I'm just sitting here with tears running down my face.
>It is over.

It's the fucking description. It smells like boring and desperate guy who is mentally cucked despite the muscle. At his age I was an stick figure depressive drug addict and got laid regularly. If you aren't funny, don't try to be funny. Wear classic and dark clothes not Hawaiian shirt. Be a vague, slightly dangerous looking blank slate for women to project their horny fantasies onto, no a fucking goofy teddy bear. This is how guys like me who can't do one pull-up or keep a clean apartment end up fucking your gf. Women want scary guys who can buy drugs and interact with street people without peeing themselves or trying to hulk out like a spazz.

Take this OP dickhead and put him in Black t shirts only. Two pictures. One outside one in a mirror. Text: "looking for someone who can hang" that's it. Matches

No matter what keep the dog picture, cute
Get rid of 5 at least, keep it up with the silly pictures

4 and 6 are the best pictures. Don't pay attention to all of the incels who think women only like 100 percent serious guys. Most of us like guys who can be both serious and silly, your photos represent that so far.

Women who will sleep with you on the first date do. Speaking from years of experience here, believe it or don't. On top of this, entering a relationship as a passive goof very bad even if you aren't interested in casual sex. She will expect someone docile and when things get serious and you need to take charge she will resist

>Take this OP dickhead and put him in Black t shirts only.
>Two pictures.
>One outside one in a mirror.
No life
>Text: "looking for someone who can hang" that's it.
You need to show a range of emotions to prove that you aren't an insufferable fuckwad sadboi nor a crackheaded delusional perfectionist. Happy medium.

you look like an adorable goober.

Damn, op. It's over for me. I'm not even approaching an ounce of your attractiveness. It was over for me before it began. Idk what the people ITT are on about. You're attractive, plain an simple. You've got pics and a bio. That should be enough. Fuck. It's really over for me if *you* can't get any cunny. I mean, I knew it already, but damn.

his profile makes him look like a goober

if he had friends and was socially aware enough to take good pictures that aren't a million selfies he'd be rolling in pussy.

Wrong. You are either a woman or a bearded NPR boy who kicked into a relationship with a controlling hag and thinks he's got it figured out

Well, he is still doing better than. The only similarity is that we both lack friends. A woman would choose him over me literally any day of the week, and that's a simple fact.

unless on one of those days you had a decent profile with flattering pictures.

You should focus on yourself my guy. Don't even worry about women until you've got your shit figured out. Get friends and a life, then worry about girls.

Nah, man. I don't give a flying fuck about whatever happens. I'm alive simply because I don't want to hurt my family by killing myself. Yes, I do things to stay occupied and to afford things sometimes but ultimately I don't care about any of that. I'd like sex merely to experience the one aspect of the human experience I haven't experienced yet. Plus I'm a horny bastard, but I don't want a gf or anything like that. But everything else is true. I am inherently unattractive and that's the way it's meant to be. Seeing op struggle hasn't done anything except expose how far away I am from being human

Lol no, mr bland

I only have to read your first sentence to know this is exactly why you aren't getting any matches.

Yes, I too know why I don't get matches: because I deleted all the accounts after not getting any matches for weeks. Some people are meant to be alone, I've accepted that, but also have to contend with a high-ish libido. Not fun.

if you better yourself you might not be alone forever man, just saying.

The first picture sucks.
Try sth where you don't hold the camera - a professional photograph. Something a little bit artsy.

No, dude. Too far gone now. Op adds to the evidence. I was chosen at birth not to breed. It's ok. I just have to figure out when the right time to off myself is. That's all.

well if you don't want your family to think it's a suicide you can do what I tried once and just drive recklessly until something happens. Or purposefully drive off the road into a tree or something around a bend if you aren't a pussy.

An exit bag would otherwise be the superior choice. Nobody has to clean your brains or guts up, just your body. Do it away from home where someone other than your family will have to find you. If they find you it'll scar them forever.

Or you could save your family and anyone else the trouble and just fix yourself. Your genes might be shit, but if they were so shit that you couldn't get laid you wouldn't be alive in the first place. Think about it a while man.

If that's a MAGA hat I'm sure girl's would be put off by it, the bio should just be something like "looking for free pizza", I mean I've been with girls who knew jack shit about me. Should give off an effortless vibe, you might be overdoing it that's all

Oh and like 5 pictures tops

I don't mean to say I plan on killing myself any time soon. I have reason enough to stay alive for their sake. I don't particularly mind being alive so long as the effort required is minimal. I was more saying the "right time" will be whenever they outgrow or discard me. I might make it to old age before it's time to go.

that might be a long time to be miserable. It takes some effort for sure, but you can pull yourself together. It's your choice.

Humor me and give yourself a chance. Do one extra positive thing for yourself every day, even if it's small. It'll be easy, but over time it'll build up and the habits and lifestyle changes you make will snowball. If you don't believe me, just ask anyone from Japan about Toyota. Take little steps my dude, you might be surprised at how much better it can get.

Can you get rid of pic 1 and just have a normal expression or smile

Europeans are so gay, blonde Freddie Mercury

bro don't listen to the haters. you look damn good, no homo.

you're gonna get so much dick with this tindr account bro don't even worry about it

Delete that word salad. This is my dumb fucking bio, I get at least 4 matches per day and I’m way less attractive than you. Women don’t want to read shit. It’s only hurting you.

Attached: A42DF6D8-CB7A-4A70-9D55-168C0DC1A0C6.jpg (750x209, 48K)

Delete the fuck out of photos 6,7,8,&9. Less is more and you look like an idiot.

Like other anons said, you're going to scare people with pics 4 and 9. Don't try too hard to come off like a bad boy, just be casual and take pictures where you look like you're enjoying yourself at a bbq or something normal.

Your bio is a little cringy, some of the things you say like specifically looking for brains, beauty, and butt are going to turn off a lot of women. Also, saying you're looking for mentally stable women is going to turn off a lot of potential matches. Just choose who you match with if you can, read their stuff to see if you like them enough that's what you should do anyway.

>american socks
could you fuck off?

smile in your pics you look depressed and needy.

even the pics where you are smiling it looks so ironic and forced. You need to show women that you are happy to be alive. You also need to show that you have hobbies besides taking selfies and going to the gym.

The only salvageable pics are 2 4 7. Everything else needs to go. Get a tripod and smile at the camera.

genuinely good advice right there, user

People are whinging about the 5th, because they are jealous of your looks / gains. Literally first set in the OP was perfect, and you'd get a fuck load of matches.

Ignore the retards in here.

Attached: MvJIRhr.jpg (2631x1938, 666K)

where from in poland?

But everyone using tinder is a fuckboy or slut

a belt for 1pl8 diddly and that fucking mustache....

This is the updated profile guys, thanks for all the advice. I got a few matches inbetween but nothing exciting

Attached: Screenshot_20190702-133031.png (1440x2560, 2.37M)

Updated bio (Instagram is crossed out)

Attached: Screenshot_20190702-133107.png (1152x2048, 314K)

lol at all the jealous incels calling him ugly.

Word. Dude is hot as fuck

thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate that. Unfortunately I think women think that I'm an asshole from my pictures, when in reality I'm probably too nice and not an asshole at all. People frequently tell me I "look" like an asshole =(

6 was really a cute picture. I wish you would practice smiling genuinely for photos though and not just cheesing/awking.

6 from the original set or the revised one? thanks. I suck at smiling for pictures, natural smile works fine but I can't smile for pics at all

Try putting
>Sample text
As your bio for a couple of hours and see if you get more matches.