Is 5'10 really manlet status or am I being meme'ed on?

Is 5'10 really manlet status or am I being meme'ed on?

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I'm 5'7 and have gf.

What do you think? Look around you and see what height men there are.

Depends on where you are from

Also keep in mind that 6 feet is mainly an american thing because it's like a whole number, in a lot of places that use the actually logcial system out of the two, the praised height is 1.80 (5"11)

Obviously because you're at an optimum height to attract girls, so is OP.


Women genuinely believe that height is causative to dick length. Whether or not it's true, is irrelevant as long as they feel like a fact.

I don't think most women believe that myth. They are more likely to believe in the bbc meme which is also a myth.

The height meme is a Jewish psyop.

From my observations in reality (UK) EVERY SINGLE guy who gets alot of women is 5'9 or lower and EVERY SINGLE incel I know is tallish.

However I'm willing to conecde that it may just be that tallness correlates with having a horse face.

Don't the same women who think the men who have the BBC are also tall?

Mexicans are like 5 foot and get women. Same with Asians and Indians.

Go to an airport. Plenty of short men with women. Or a mall. Just people watch.

Women can't measure shit. They can't measure men. Or dicks. Or their own tits. Something like 70% of women wear the wrong sized bra. This is their own good damn body. Their own tits. Only inches from their head.

Dude women are starting to think 6'0 is short. Their standards continue to rise

That's a conflict right there because whites are taller on the average.

> Dude women are starting to think 6'0 is short

No they're not. You're just falling for "their" tricks.

This shit right here, man.

Posting again

As an anecdote, I have a friend who's 6'2 (Which is the equivalent of 6'4 where I live), ruggedly handsome and built like a Marvel character who has some really tough time with girls, and a 5'6 friend skinnyfat (good face and luscious hair though) who gets girls day and night+-

> and a 5'6 friend skinnyfat (good face and luscious hair though) who gets girls day and night+-

>good face


Not if you yeet the dutch.

No. I'm 5'5 and on my way to looking like pic related and I hate myself less than you.

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ding ding ding

yeah you need to be at least 190 to be considered people now my man