Be lonely incel most of my life, 23 years old

>be lonely incel most of my life, 23 years old
>beautiful falls into my lap, literally a dream scenario, she basically throws herself at me
>fall in love with her
>after a month she leaves me for her ex boyfriend

How do I cope with this? It's now been almost 2 months since and I am still fucked up about it and think of her constantly. It was like God decided to give me a taste of love and happiness and then ripped it out from under me.

I was so close to her, more than anyone in my entire life, and she threw me away like a piece of trash.

Absolutely soul crushing.

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>this is the state of the white race

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Damn good lesson, now you just simply move forward and don't foolishly throw yourself at the first person that proves interested. First and foremost, invest in yourself, everything else comes along the way naturally

See it like this. You had a taste of what can be and you can use that to motivate yourself. Now you know it can be done and I hope you are more confident now. Now all you have to do is keep yourself motivated, put yourself out there, play the numbers game and meet that somebody whose motivations align with yours. Keep love and happiness as your goal.

or just don't invest much into people in general

Her ex did that to her and she did the same to you to get back at him and feel better about herself, she used you in a way but don’t get down about it, just take it as experience and learn how to read girls well so that it doesn’t happen again

Also lord aphonse you’re sus as hell for pretending to be black on the internet

newfag. go to /o/. ive been shitposting for years now. i am black

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>2 months
You'll live dummy. Now that you've had a taste and more comfortable around women go out & get urself something better

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I think I may have done the same to a few guys and can't apologize to them so I'll apologize to you. I'm sorry OP

everybody plays the game.

It was a month fling idiot, you'll forget it just as quickly as it came on.

That is sad and not how I want to live my life.

Like I said this girl basically threw herself at me. I realize I am really not any better at flirting with girls, and now I have high standards and will only want to be with a girl as attractive as her.

>Apologizing on behalf of all women
This is why you will never inherit the earth

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Okay, then don't. At least I'm happy with myself and not miserable when I'm alone lol

I'm not apologizing on the behalf of all women, just me.

Going through a break up is hard, especially the anger part, and being with another guy helps. But so too the sad part and being with another guy helps. Well, not excusing it but kinda what goes through my head and I never really thought of it from the guys perspective when it was happening. Like they were happy and getting sex so they were ok.
OP gives me a different perspective.

Hey OP do you still love her or should I ask would you take her back? Just wondering because there is one guy maybe I'll hit up again.

lol why /o/ and respect brother u are in fact an African

That wasn't me, definitely invest in people nuance is incredible, take ya places you didn't think possible and all it takes is an interaction.

Having expectations or high standards for people you want to grow with? You sound stinky, user

I'm black retard. you don't call white people European american

You entered the real world and felt emotions. You can't pick which emotions to open yourself to. If you want more joy like you had, you have to be vulnerable to potential pain. The alternative is going back into your inhuman shell

mb bro, why /o/ tho, and how to I reply directly to a post

She originally cheated on her boyfriend with me. They had a toxic relationship and neither will be happy.

She is a manipulative person and has emotional and attachment issues. I loved her but I would not take her back.

I was going to ask because it is different and I regretfully have done both.

So, after being with another guy, its not new anymore and the excitement wanes and you start looking into the whole relationship with your ex and an ex bf usually tries a lot harder after, glad you are back with them.

She just doesn't have the connection with you she does with him.

I know, but I have never experienced love and affection like that before. The whole thing worked out like a romantic tragedy, I literally met the girl on valentines day, I was immediately infatuated with her and we formed a bond and become close friends and she eventually cheated on her boyfriend and left him for me. And then a month later she changes her mind. Yeah I know cheating on her boyfriend with me probably fucked it all from the beginning but I wanted her badly.

Maybe but she will not be happy with him. Honestly I think he just gives her more security. Which sucks cause it is the complete opposite of what she explained to me of what she wanted in her life. Fuck she literally cheated on him, they did not have a good relationship before I dont know how that can happen now. Who knows if it would have worked out with me(probably not) but I wish I had more time. But alas she "loves him" they are only setting themselves up for more heartbreak.

The silver lining of this whole situation is before her I did not think I could love, now I know I can. But moving on from this girl has been without a doubt the most emotionally taxing thing that has ever happened to me.

Op do you live in Denton? If so, I'm the ex and I wasn't the abuser. You don't know what's going on, man. I swear.

And I guess it's just my perception of things, but she seemed genuinely happier when she was with me.

We have many mutual friends and talking to them she has become selfish and delusional and has been isolating herself for him. Obviously she has been avoiding me so a couple times when I met up with friends she decided not to come cause she could not see me.

I know this whole thread is juvenile but I have never really delt with human emotion like this and it has rightly fucked me up

Yep welcome to love. At least you know you're fuckable now.
There are other better women.

Sounds like bpd. There probably wasn't actually anything wrong in her relationship and wanted to talk shit to you so you would help her split him black.

What's going on?

If her first name begins with an A, it's just textbook bpd. I have been helping her with rent, groceries, and other things. She used to stalk another guy online because hey went to highschool together and he was in a band. She is obsessed with him and made it my problem constantly. She slept with friends and lead others on, and continually calls me jealous and crazy. I'm disabled and worked hard to get my degree and she would sleep with me instead of going to do her teacher observations. She's so irresponsible. If I'm right, please message me on fb or something. She started a big fight with me and I'm afraid she's into someone else from her new job now.

Oh shit I am not a psychiatrist but the Bipolar thing makes sense.

One thing I have not mentioned was her boyfriend didn't take her back right away and she fucked like 5 random guys in the span of a couple weeks, then her boyfriend finally went back.(dunno what he is thinking desu)

If the name begins with an A, text or fb message me. I'll explain everything. I'm kinda a pretentious dick, but not evil or abusive.

OP, you were a rebound. Nothing more than a person to make her feel desired and to prove to her that she's "still got it", despite her ex making her feel like she doesn't.

You got some quick cheap nookie and you were good to her. That's as good and as far as this romance goes. Maybe when they break up again in the future, she'll be back, but for now, thank the stars for your happy times and let it go and move on. You were a rebound. Nothing more, nothing less. The end.

Not her. Bitches all around are crazy.
Thank you.

I will never understand this. If she cheated on her boyfriend why the FUCK would you see that as desirable? She openly shows you that she's a piece of shit and you just assume she's not going to do the same to you?

What the fuck did you expect?

You severly underestimate the terror people feel of the potential of dying alone. People will live with misery than die alone.

OP, I read all of your posts and trust me when I say this girl is a lost cause. She is a destructive and careless person, and it would only have been a matter of time before she made your life hell. Just move on, retard. There is no use in being all nostalgic about it now. A lot of people on this board would kill to have a fling like that so stop being a faggot and just find a mentally stable woman

out of curiosity...what letter does this girl’s name begin with?

>But moving on from this girl has been without a doubt the most emotionally taxing thing that has ever happened to me
Oh brother, get ready because wait till you are with someone for years, with plans already in motion and she runs off and fucks another guy she just met and then comes back and tells you it was a mistake then keeps fucking him and every other swinging dick. One month invested, you don't know the meaning of pain. Not belittling you just warning you.

I had multiple wet dreams about her before I fucked her. The instant we met there was something that made me insanely attracted.

And then I got it and lost it within the span of a couple months. The whole thing was very emotional for me.

Bumping my sad thread again.
The deep underlying issue is that she was literally the closest friend I have ever had. My teenage years I was an incel loner with no friends. Past couple years I grew out of my shell a bit and became more social but I didn't have anyone who I was truly close with and that type of bond before her. It was such a genuine good feeling I dont even know how to explain it.

And to have that come into my life and then leave me crushed my soul. Especially when it seems like she never really cared at all.

A is her first initial.

similar thing happened to me mate only it was 2 years not 1 month. will probably just an hero desu

Coincidence then. I think girls from that area may just be fucked up

It's a fucked up place. The college is a scam and even the good bands are ripoffs of better, older bands.

ill talk to you dude i know your pain

I'm sorry man, the first heartbreak os the worst
Now learn two things:

1- You have to go after the good girls, they don't offer themselves to anyone

2 - Never ever stick your dick in crazy

Give It some time and you will be ok

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Welcome to women. Just use them for sex.

I wish it was 2 years. I never got a real chance

Nigga you were her rebound. Been there its hurt. Dont fucking talk to her again

Not only that but she fucked 5 other randoms before the ex took her back.

I keep seeing ghosts of her everywhere. I honestly thought about moving because everything in this town reminds me of her, but the few friends I have all live here I would kms from the loneliness

Girls here are definitely fucked. Had a fling with a bitch who wouldn’t shut up about not her bipolar and sexual assault. Tried to look past it and be nice but she started being a cunt regardless of that. First round is on me if you cross my path.

You forget that crazy is also crazy in bed, big factor in me getting my peen in crazy

Only thing that should be touching crazy is your penis though, otherwise gtfo away from her

user, BPD means borderline personality disorder, not bipolar disorder.

A month is nothing. You were strangers and didnt know this chick at all. She used you as a rebound

I know man but it still fucked me up.

Like I should not even be reading this fucking thread I made about her but I can't get it out of my head. It feels like she will always be the "one who got away" for me.

first of all, don't be a cuck and kiss her feet if she tries to come back, this is over, cut all contact. Take solace in the fact that you can actually attract a beautiful woman, if you can attract one, you can attract another. It's completely normal to feel lost after your first breakup and feel as if the person was the best you could get but that feeling will pass eventually and you'll laugh at yourself. Focus now on yourself and being the best version of you that you can be, it will help you get over her faster than just giving up and laying around feeling sorry for yourself.

Dudes here aren't much better. Go to one of rick eye's shows if you want to see legions of aging jam-banders get fatter and drunker as the women get younger and more naive.