Best President ever

Best President ever.

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kys fag

Pretty sure anyone that "went against the grain" in the Obama house got the axe twice in the back of the head.

I like Obama, but he did some shady ass shit.

Drone bombed a commonwealth country

Why do liberals who love Muslims like this guy so much. He killed more than Tony Blair

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>zero scandals
>not a scandal if the media ignores it

>If I didn't see it on my liberal propagandized media, then it didn't happen.
Fuckin' bait.

>Zero sources provided

>malia obama pictured in amsterdam twerking and smoking weed
>the whole DNC collapsing, donna brazile giving hillary the debate questions, not to mention covering for her 30k lost emails and subpoena'd phones "destroyed with a hammer"

How the fuck did he lose a billion dollars?

Sucking dick and smoking crack is not a scandal for you?

libya disaster
continued nsa spying program
wasted huge amount of money in syria
improperly commented on trayvon case

His daughters are hot

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Campaign spending.

Checked. He's scum

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>malia obama pictured in amsterdam twerking and smoking weed

Reminder that they both got into harvard despite not passing their IQ tests.

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Guns, southern border something something

>8 straight years of no scandals
there were at least 50 different memorable obama scandals. with trump, you've got russia, grab em by the pussy, and... what else?

Plus, OP is just lying.

Obama made the policy of killing US citizens without charge or trial official. This is by far the most scandalous thing any president has ever done.

We could go on, but this is a sufficient basis to argue for his arrest for treason and subsequent execution for the crime.

Daily reminder that dronebama is half white.

His "image" which he licensed out was valued at 1.4 billion. It's now valued at 600million

1 Post by this ID

So is goat vomit.

>drone bombed more than any other president
>media ignores it



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The biggest scandal of the Obama presidency is how he employed the spouses and family members of media organizations to not report on all of his scandals.

Embezzling, unprecedented selling out of American business to China, American tax payer money funneled through Ukrainian business to firms owned by the children of Biden and Kerry. Enriching his investor friends such as Soros.

It was a dumbbell to the forehead while working out. Some survive though, if they have a purpose.... Like harry reid

but russia scandal was completely fabricated. It was entrapment by the US and western allies. Joseph Mifsud is a western intelligence asset. He is the one who supposedly give Popadopolous leaked DNC emails.

Three Facts the Russia Hoaxers Got Dead Wrong
While the overwhelming majority of us knew it all along, last month Robert Mueller’s special counsel colluded without a single indictment related to collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Some liberals are still holding out hope that Robert Barr’s summary of the Mueller report is dishonest, though I’m certain that Barr has the foresight to know that people will read the actual Mueller report when it is released and thus wouldn’t lie.

So on that note, I had to chuckle when one of the Russia collusion hoax’s chief propagators challenged people to find any errors in his reporting. Alongside Michael Isikoff (who has had information leaked to him from dossier author Christopher Steele), David Corn published a book titled “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.” After its release, Joe Biden said of Corn’s book last year “if this is true, it’s treason.” Mueller certainly couldn’t find any evidence it was true.

Corn’s challenge began with a twitter spat with Matt Schlapp, with Corn alleging that Schlapp has made more incorrect statements related to Russian collusion than he. That’s completely irrelevant considering that Corn got the conclusion wrong regardless, but his challenge is an easy one.

What does that mean? Explain like I’m retarded

>no scandals
Ignores about 100 scandals that were completely ignored by the putrid media in the US.. this faggot nigger doubled the US debt.

What a LIEbural farce. First there was that time he wore a tan suit, then when he MURDERED that fly, and of course the scandal of being a negroid

can't trust a guy who is smaller than his "wife"

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>No scandals
Id say murdering Gadaffi which directly lead to the European refugee crisis and actively spying on journalists are definitely scandals

No scandals? You mean how the media downplayed shit? For instance, how big a scandal would it be if Trump bailed out bankers and lined the CEOs pockets, spied on Congress, spied on Merkel? It would be a media field day raking his fat ass over the coals.
But this was all done under Obama but they didn’t take his black ass to the cleaners. Fuck these lying scum “no scandal” bullshit artists

>spied on the republican nominee for president the entire lead up to the election and throughout the election, using the machinery of government to attempt to steal the election. After losing the election, he set to work attempting to sabotage the incoming administration. Pretty much what you would expect of a president that wrote a book about how much he hates the West (US and Britain).

>at least 50
And you can't name one in your low effort comment

>shitlib media whitewashed anything controversial in the Obama administration
>”””””no scandals”””””

fuck that anti-white anti-christian faggot nigger and his gorilla husband michael and his cuck kids that aren't his

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Lol my mom actually posted this not knowing it's a meme to make her look stupid lmao

You can’t even airbrush the man out of those hands. Delet

>Showed dick on airplane
>Wife has a penis
And the list goes on

>it isn't a scandal if we fucking ignore it

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how you like this op?

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>He killed more than Tony Blair
How could you?The man have a peace (((Nobel Price))), show some respect.


Just because you ignore scandals or pretend they “arent a big deal” doesn’t mean they didn’t exist

>Fast and Furious gun running scandal
>IRS targeting scandal
>only Attorney General held in contempt by Congress
>pallets of cash shipped to the mullahs in Iran
Whew! That's a lot of no scandals.

Is somebody going to paste the 20 item list of copypasta that we have for this? It's too deep in my stash, I'm lazy.

He’s not appealing to at least half the country, most “respectable” people don’t like to associate with him.

People don't want to put Trump's name on their products/properties as much now that the media has labeled him and his supporters as evil nazis, which devalues his "image"

His girls are gorgeous.

Don't forget the "using chemical warfare would be crossing a red line that would change my calclus" and Assad went right ahead and gassed them anyway and KANG in chief did absolutely nothing, making America look like spineless cowards.

Idk wouldn't authorizing the execution of a legal American citizen without due process or even anything that remotely resembles a court hearing be considered a scandal? I mean imagine if trump did that.

>Best President ever
That's only in your mind Jamal

MH370: CIA, Obama Involved, Official Admits

Think Obama Administration Wasn't Corrupt? Think Again

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He executed an American without any sort of due process.
He gave guns to criminals that were used in killing innocent Americans.

>best president ever

>1 post by this id

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This, Malia and Sasha are pretty qt.


>no scandals

Guess you forgot about gunwalking, the IRS targeting conservative orgs, etc.

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Love you frenchbro

So you don't trust Bernie Sanders ??