Jow Forums we need to fucking talk

So let me get this straight Jow Forums when the left over reacts to something its bad and retarded. but when the right does it its ok? Getting mad over a video games ending just because it involves slavery getting erased is just as retarded as a leftist getting mad at female characters being under dressed in video games. Its fucking agravating to know you are just as retarded as the left when it comes to this shit. I don't give a shit if Jax erases slavery and fixes Africa into a black ethno state. im still getting the game and playing it. because I don't give a shit and neither should you.

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obviously taking a shit on we wuz kangz, dream bIGGER

false equivalency
>element of history contigent on a time period
>is the same as scantily clad female characters
not even
try again

my point is that its just as pointless to get mad at a video game ending were slavery is erased as it is to get mad at female characters being under dressed. both are retarded reasons to get mad. fuck off you brainlet.

I love how in this futuristic black society they copied all of the western building styles, but still dress like ooga-boogas.

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>you're over reacting!
Dude, it's race politics and anti-white colonization narrative on a fucking video game. And it's not like anyone is organizing a lawsuit, or trying to censor the game; it's just fucking dumb.

Also not the first time in this new ear of Mortal Kombat. In the comics Kotal is also SJW bait; he's some sort of Aztec that kills white colonizers. The white colonizers are also anti-white caricatures and go around killing children.

Kotal is from Outworld. hes aesthetic is based on aztec culture though. hence his fatality of ripping your heart out and drinking the blood. though saying he kills whites is a bit much when you take into consideration he isnt from earthrealm.

Read what I wrote and do you fucking research. Kotal goes to the REAL WORLD and becomes the god of the ACTUAL Aztecs.

Get off my board you goddamn nigger

the problem is that you cannot "erase" slavery just like that. let's say you can, so now black becomes equal at that time ? did he also erased racism ? because if slavery is erased, black are not needed...

as for the female outfit part, it's because game company are hiring feminists, and ruining a game where you had better outfit for females.

why feminist don't makes their own shit ?

they always ruin our thing : every game, every movie, every disney animation etc...

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I'm sorry I ruined it for you; but there's zero nuance. Kotal is SJW anti-white vengeance porn.

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you read to much into shit. Kotal kills white guys about to kill a little girl and suddenly its "muh whites are being insulted."

OH and those are spanish conquestidors. last time i checked the spanish aren't white. And yes they did pillage aztec villages.

>Stops whites from importing niggers
>America is 100% white
Based ending, the writer is positively Horseypilled

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>laughing at something is the same as over-reacting

also, from yesterday
>you have to be a magical time-traveling negro to stop niggers from stealing
>you have to steal this power

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They were doing the world a favor. The Aztecs were bloodthirsty cannibals who engaged in ritual human sacrifice. The Aztecs fell because literally every single neighbor of the Aztecs hated them and saw the conquistadors as a better alternative.

Now that’s what I’m talking about

>t. jew hiding behind a memeflag

remove the flag faggot.

If you really don't give a shit then fuck off instead of making a thread about a game that hasn't had a good release since PS2

MK9 and MKX were amazing faggot. Armageddon was trash.
Happy talk?

Literally nothing wrong with this
>African repatriation
>literally has to time travel tons of times to stop niggers from fucking it up

I don’t believe any authentic Jow Forums user is upset about this

Grow up and join a boxing/mma gym instead of working your thumbs and gums pussy lmao

>literally has to time travel tons of times to stop niggers from fucking it up
fucking lmao i didn't realize this

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See this should be everyones reaction.

>t. fat american mut with cheeto dust on fingers, grease stains on shirt and shit stains on pants.

he may be an asshole but it's still good advice, fren

Why can't horseshoe retards understand it's not how much you care about a position that matters, it's the position itself? Greatly enjoying the volunteer work you do with Meals on Wheels to help out elderly folks doesn't make you the same as someone else who greatly enjoys sexually molesting children. If there's an important position you believe in you SHOULD care a lot about it.

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It's a trick. You can tell the party is female dominate. Females love to rub double standards in our faces. The best thing to do is not get upset about it... that's why they do it.

>white guys about to kill a little girl
>last time i checked the spanish aren't white
You're a shill poster who'll pretend you can't define what's white.