Why can't we have world peace?

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Because of Israel and the Zionists.

Tim Heidecker and Adult Swim execs are fags.

Because world peace is a meme

Adult Swim cancelled it

compared to the past, the world is relatively peaceful at the moment

People in different locations and different interests. Also there are people that literally worship fucking children and torture. Look up Frankism.

Humans crave conflict and if there is none they will create it.

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F is for fire that burns down the whole town

U is for uranium, bombs

N is for no survivors

Can't have world peace until every last white male is dead.


Pursuing actual world peace might ironically lead to more wars.

because that would be boring

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People that are happy are hard to manipulate.

niggers exist

Too many non-germanics


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Because its one of those things that simply cannot exist unless everyone agrees to it. If you make a commitment to it and disarm, you have to trust that your neighbors won't take advantage. And, human nature being what it is, someone at some point *will* take advantage, since there is a biological drive to acquire resources and spread your genes. It's simple evolution. Once you think about all human interaction as "gene wars" things really start to make sense. It's the same reason why we can't have a truly free society without first exterminating all leftists, they will not respect the NAP even though you will, and thus, they'll end up getting their way because they're willing to break the rules and do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals of amassing power over others. It's also why white genocide is occurring, we whites may wish for and promote the idea of a "post racial world", but Tyrone, Muhammad, and Juan don't see things that way, and since they're more than willing to take advantage of us while we refuse to fight for our own interests in the same way, they win.


Man is fallen and falls into sin.

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aren't they pedos aswell?

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Because Jews:



Name one day in history where there was no war or war-like conflict, save violence and murder.
There are less than 12.

War is within the nature.

Because your retarded government is in cold war mode sinde '45.

>implying the cold war can ever end now that WMDs exist

We can, we just have to believe such is possible and try.

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Anyone else celebrating Easter with their families?
Let's have a nice thread, to lighten spirits!

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Is that so?

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Its not profitable

Nationalism divides us.

the incentives of states is always to create external enemies in order to justify their "necessity" to the non-state majority population

in the process/part of doing what is in their interests involves duping themselves into believing their own propaganda, and in acting on the beliefs about "the enemy from without", they actually antagonize foreign people's and DO create their own enemies

Give us a country where only white people are allowed and we will be in peace.

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You mean why can’t we breed niggers and sandniggers out of existence?