What age do women hit the wall?

What age do women hit the wall?

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What age do men?

20 and up


I know women in their late 20s still having it super easy

Every woman is different.

Part of the wall is not being able to get good men but the bottom barrel trash. Any woman can get trash but only not wall women get treasures.

30 is about the average I would say.

All the girls who have not been taking care of them selves tend to show it around that age. That and they have an ever increasing stink of desperation.

There are exceptions however. My ex wife has never looked better than she does now. She is much better looking than she was in her early 20's. (Keep in mind though she has had plastic surgeries)

I would absolutely say 30, without a doubt.

>plastic surgeries
>good looking
Well if the original face was a mutt or a plain Asian then I guess plastic surgery could be an improvement.

In most cases 40.

If they take care of themselves then 50.


Her face was the most beautiful thing about her. Now he just has bigger tits and ass.

A few years before men do

way more than a few

Men don't have a literal time limit on their fertility so they don't. It's not fair, but it's nature. Women hitting the wall has to do with a decease in fertility and increase in the late 30s leading to leading to less desire from the opposite sex. Women's desirability peaks early and decreases over time, men's is relatively stable. There are actually scientific and sociological studies about this.

Around 30

In the 30's and definitely past the mid 30's

men hit the wall right after birth though

between 25 and 35 roughly

Is the wall when guys completely stop hitting on you?

yeah, if women don't use sunscreen they will hit the wall at 35, especially redheads and pale skin.

It's when the guys who use to hit you still hit on you, except this time they hit it and quit it because you are all used up.

the wall hits in various ways
when the beauty and youthfulness fades
ruined skin, flabby beyond return
party chicks and coke whores that look dead inside by late 20's.
those women taking cute bathroom selfies like theyre still 21 past 30

>tfw on that immortality stretch