Stop donating money until this one very specific problem in a very specific place is fixed

Stop donating money until this one very specific problem in a very specific place is fixed

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The image background is fitting in more ways than one

People have the right to spend their money as thy wish.

He has a point, our bodies are the temples of God, we should be more concerned about them than some old building

There are poor people all over the country without clean water though. Why does Flint get special consideration?

I ASK one question: Should radioactive water be cleaned up for humans to drink or a new source found?

Nobody should have to donate anything to a municipality. They already paid for the water with their taxes. This is a problem with the elected official they keep voting in there.

I'll never help a failed state ran and inhabited by NIGGERS.

So we needed to start donating about two years ago?

>North American penny
NAU when?

>North American
You fucking privileged Mexicans need to donate pesos to Flint RIGHT NOW

I have a better question than why isn't flints water fixed.
Why are people still living where the water is poison? Are they still paying water bills? If so, why?
Why aren't they all just shutting off their water and purchasing clean water from private delivery?
Why aren't they collecting and cleaning their own water for pennies?
Why aren't they driving the existing water merchants out of business so someone else can come in and fix things to take advantage of a needy market?
Is the answer niggers? I think it's niggers.

I thought the Flint water was fixed? Wikipedia says it's fixed


>millions already raised
>all of it want to corrupt local government
>they stole all the money instead of fixing it

No amount of money will fix a nigger government.

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That should be done on a state level, it would have been fixed but the leftists who run Michigan are fucking idiots.

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Talk about a shitty opinion

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>caring about niggers in a city with one of the highest murder rates on earth
how about no? i hope every last degenerate nigger in flint dies of dehydration

! accidentally was forced to spend 12 hrs in Flint MI during the snow storm of '05. I would increase the lead/water %. A shit hole of lefty losers. I'd nuke flunt from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

Is that General Ebenezer Lembe in the pic?

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>not one penny should be sent till we fix the Flint water issue caused by Flint itself
wew brain almonds activated

all they have to do is buy their water from Detroit and they'll solve the issue. the lead pipes are omnipresent in the entire region, yet only Flint has this problem. why? because instead of using water from nearby cities' calcium rich aquifers they use river water from their own water treatment plant. if they used calcium rich water it would coat the pipes with calcium and calcium carbonate which would insulate water from lead, giving everyone safe drinking water.

instead they chemically treat river water with fluorine acid making the water slightly acidic, eating away the calcium coating on the inside of the pipes and exposing it to lead piping.

It's been fixed since 2016.
There's been 300 million recently put forward to preserve and replace the rest of the pipes that aren't leeching lead, to preemptively keep it safe and clean.
The only dirty water left is due to personal plumbing within the house which people refuse to get replaced, and they refuse to use the water filters given out free by the state. At this point the only way to fix it would be armed Plumber Squads that break in, replace the pipes, and install a water filter by force.

But user, I WANT to see lefties drink poison water. And there are more lefties in Flint than right wing types.


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>stop fixing flint water until the problems before it are fixed

Donate to shrilanka christians


those fucking niggers still haven't figured out how to get clean water yet? this shit has been going on for like 5 years. lmao

Only ethnic cleansing will fix Flint

You mother fuckers aint fixed your water yet? Christ youre fucking Americans aint you get your shit together and fix it.

Is it time to bring out the drones?

anyone still living in Michigan deserves to drink shit water

>right wing plumbing squads


The scandal that will finally bring down Obama

The news only reports problems. It's a progressive whinfest.


>flint's water is fine
Plus they are getting so much free bottled water that scammers are reselling it to convenience stores for profit.

60 billion American pennies have already been allocated to Chimp, MI.

Government caused it they should fix it
Leave us alone

Money has already been donated to Flint.
The city, county, and state need to deal with it now.
Too bad they're corrupt.

Who are these people spreading propaganda
MK ultra

Stop donating money because the Catholic Church has plenty of fucking money to fix it on their own. Bunch of fucking beggars.

Think I know a guy for that

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I just donated money to rebuild the Cathedral, AND to add lead to Flint's water.
Daily reminder: Michiganders aren't even human.

So we are just gonna pretend or not mention that the Flint government was given money to fix the problem and it has essentially been wasted?

Oh okay. Fucking casuals.

Based and waterpilled

Unironically this. Fuck Michigan.

That’s a lot money for something the Government should have been doing in the first place
America corruption
What’s next Syria al quadia bombing church’s
With American money backing them

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Sorry niggers, European beauty trumps your water. Go complain to your local gover- oh wait, they are full of niggers just like yourselves so there's your problem.

this makes perfect sense now

O my god they got even more money
What does a white man got to do

Does the military do crowd funding for MOABs or nukes?

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Weakness and failure to assert your sovreignty when daddy government doesnt do what you pay them for is asking to be subjugated and oppressed. Cowardice and lack of civil and political engagement is consent to being a slave.

Not one penny should be spent on Flint until they get rid of the niggers running the town.

You "adopt" a nuke like a highway and get your name put on it.

I'm going to spoil the ending and say that $100 million later, Flint's water is still fucked up.

Maybe it's not a money problem?

Flint has been fixed for over 3 years now

>Not one penny should be spent as foreign aid to any country until some arbitrary domestic humanitarian cause is overcome.

Hear that? So fuck you Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Nigeria, Egypt, Ukraine, Turkey, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Congo, Madagascar, and the whole other multitude of you blood sucking vampires seeking foreign aid!

OH WAIT ....... forgot, it's only bad when the foreign aid goes to a predominately white country.

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That river is hopelessly polluted from the industrial boom of the ww2 era onward. The equivalent of trying to run Clorox bleach through a Brita water filter

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Jesus fuck! How much fucking money does it take to fix the plumbing in a relatively small satellite city?! The fucking entire US infrastructure budget next? The fuck! GTFO of Flint already. Its obvious that all the people in charge and everyone who lives there are retarded. Glass it.

We hear about Flint all the time whats the infrastrcute of the country like from the west coast to the east?


>Not one north American penny should be donated to any democratic candidate for office until Flint's water has been fixed.


Other cities had the same problem and we done fixed that shit already. We gravy now. Michigan is just a niggerland shit pile with incompetent democrats in charge.

All depends on the extent of the contamination and cost of treatment. These things take a lot of time & money.
If it's cheaper and there's a better source nearby they might use it if the radiation at the original well is at ridiculous levels.

The water has been fixed for a while, now. They keep crying for money for "muh water" because niggers gonna nig, like always.

I won’t be donating to either one because who gives a fuck about a social credit score

>The equivalent of trying to run Clorox bleach through a Brita water filter
potential ?

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I’m from Flint. Left that shithole the moment i turned 18.

It’s actually divided politically. Suburbs, hunters, and random whites lean right, poor white trash and dindus go left.

The place is a total shithole, but it does have a lot of heart.

The United States does not have a penny they have a cent.

The reason Flints water isn't fixed is because Politicians are using it to keep saying "ill fix it vote for me"

Everybody in Flint should get together and dig up the street and fix the line themselves because they sure as shit cant arrest the entire population of Flint.

But nobody knows how to dig or put in water line.

Water isn't radioactive, the contaminants and particles within the water is radioactive. A pretty simple filter will fix it, the problem is managing the filter, and making sure you filter all of the contaminants.

Flint didn’t even have trash pick-up for a while there, during the water crisis.

But the city continues to elect that nog mayor of theirs.

Flint is still fucked?

the problem with flint's water isn't enough money, its niggers. niggers are in charge of the government there and they waste the money/dont spend the money they have/ask for more money for other bullshit/dont care.

they have the means to fix their problem but they're niggers, so they dont.

The nigger has a point.

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Based and fucksouthleafspilled.

You tell us. They're your countrymen.

On holiday, y’fuck

Normally plumbing and electrical problems are the job of the municipal government too. They also ALREADY got federal funds. The question is why should they get more money for something the federal government doesn't fund anyway after the local Flint government squandered it before.

Lol. Flint is so bad its natives would rather live in sub-America.

Notre Dame is something I care about. The niggers in Flint aren't.

Probably cheaper to wall off Flint a la Escape from New York.

Candelo be knowin his SHIT mayne.

>Caring about niggers
The absolute state if christcucks

Flint is run by grifting niggers who have no concern for the poor niggers they are poisoning with their shit water. The special consideration? That's simple, it's called black privilege and anywhere this isn't honored is a target.

>The absolute state if christcucks

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Oh This!

Niggers are too dumb to realize that.

>imagine being so fucking destitute you can't even afford a distilled water machine


Don't fund you thing fund me thing that I don't fund

do they not have san pellegrino in flint michigan?

When the nigger % of your political class reaches a certain level you can forget about fixing anything.

isn't it currently being fixed?

>democrats are so incompetent they can't fix water systems that republican people mastered thousands of years ago

Rome wasn't a mistake.

The Antichrist shall sitteth in the temple
Enjoy artificial intelligence inmplates taking souls