Am I a bad person?

>Basement dweller neet
>Live next-door to a chad who has a cute wife, nice car, good job
>Now they're expecting a baby
>I keep wishing bad things on them. If I can't be happy, neither can anyone else

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Textbook bad person. You should be taking notes instead of being a fucking hater.

You're literally textbook bad, not even creative, fun, interesting or relatable bad.
Just the kind of shitty person everyone looks at and wonders, "why the fuck?"

The truth is most people understand that it's the onus of being good and not like your kind that prevents us from simply saying 'society would be better off without.'

Taking notes of what?

Why that guy has his life together and you don’t. Is there something he does and you don’t that gives him the things he has? Perhaps he works out to work on his appearance, or he has a better paying job, or perhaps he has a job and good wife because he’s social. Maybe go out and talk to people to make social gainz

>Why that guy has his life together and you don’t

He's had a stable upbringing and been blessed genetically. Nothing I can do about that. Life is unfair so what's the point being a "good guy"?

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I dunno, even if you've had a rough upbringing or aren't "blessed" genetically being a good person is a least 1 good thing to have goin for you. I've found that the journey of self improvement is better than dwelling on what went wrong. Even through all the unfair trials life brings...

It's natural to be a good person when everything goes your way. They aren't truly aware of the harsh realities of life. They don't know what it's like to be ugly, impoverished and rejected by society.

You see, incels have a tendency to blame genetics because they feel they can’t change their looks and circumstance. They deny that most of their problems can be solved within a year and they go livid when they’re told that. Did you know that you can easily get a chad jawline if you just ran and lifted every once in a while? Btw, I love Berzerk and I am currently working out so I can cosplay as Guts this coming Halloween

I forgot to attach image whoops

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They also don't comprehend settling for a slightly lower quality gf because of their all or nothing mentality.

That may be true but if you know what that feels like and how bad it is why would you want that done onto others?

I don't think you can make that kind of inference from the outside looking in. How do you know what they've been through to get to where they are now?

Plus, living through shit gives me the motivation to get out of shit but I'm not gonna act like others need to suffer to validate their lives

Dude, I know it's dark where you are, but you CAN change your situation. If you want what these other people have you can do what it takes to get it. You can do it, I believe in you. You CAN make small choices over a year or two that will make big impacts on your life. Start to eat right. No more junk food, no more sodas, no more take out. Just eat healthy simple food. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to cook because you can obviously read, and I bet you're smart enough to figure it out. Don't shy away from the challenge buddy, you can do it. I know you can. Start small. Start walking around the parks for 5 miles a day, then try to do some bodyweight exercises. Don't be too hard on yourself when you start just because you're not super fit yet, it will get better. It's all about keeping with it. If you can do a little exercise and cook healthy food for one year you can lose 104lbs of fat at 2lbs per week. You'll feel better and you'll be happier. I'll keep replying if you want actual help. People help those who help themselves. Don't bit h about where you come from, if you're over 18 years old then your situation might not be your fault, but it IS your responsibility.

This, big time.

For all you know that "Chad and Stacy" come from total hell.

>That may be true but if you know what that feels like and how bad it is why would you want that done onto others?
I already explained that: If I can't be happy, why should anyone else? It's not fair that they live their lucky, idyllic life while I rot and suffer.

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They haven't. I've chatted to them and they're the clean-cut, Christian, white picket fence type.

Look man, you can be happy too. It's gotta come from you though. No group of idiots on the internet are going to fix your life. It's yours, you fix it. If you've been through so much hardship then fucking man-up and do what needs doing to be the happy person you wish you were. I promise that losing weight isn't as hard as growing up in a shit situation, so you can do it. It'll take sacrifice and it won't be easy, but you're totally able to make a small change or two every week that will add up to big differences in your happiness.

I am not sure why you are assuming I am overweight?

I come from a hell hole in a frozen wasteland where nobody has anything and people fall into the despair you're talking about all the time. You wouldn't stand out here at all, and odds are someone worse off than you would hate you for having it so easy. Stop being a snowflake and go fix yourself instead of just wishing everyone else would fall apart so you wouldn't feel bad by comparison.

That's what you took away from the motivational post? The message is the same if you're skinny of fat. It's all on you. You fix it. You're a grown up, act like it.

they've got their own lives to live, that logic just doesn't make sense to me. just because your life sucks doesn't mean others have to suck too...

that doesn't explain why they should adhere to your lifestyle just cause they're better off than you. If you're not willing to fix whatever went wrong in your life than of course you'l never be happy.

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Approach Chad and engage in a talk and ask if you can come over for coffee. Ask him how the fuck he made it. He will support you because thats what Chad does.

Or don't, whatever suits you.

Except it's never that simple, is it? Most successful people in this world were born into privilege and given a headstart in life. Yeah you get the odd story of triumph over adversity but it's few and far between.

He has invited me to his church group before but I have always made excuses.

What are you calling "successful" man? Most people come from little or nothing and yet most people get by okay. Yeah, you'll probably never be a billionaire or a CEO, but you can be an electrician or a pipe fitter, or a carpenter, or a mason. All those jobs pay totally decently and there's a huge shortage of them right now.

Well, start by NOT making excuses and let the fucking guy help you be happy. Wtf man? He's trying to help you help yourself. Get out of your own way.

>What are you calling "successful" man?
My neighbor. He has a well-paid job, owns his own home, has a beautiful wife. I'm not saying his life is perfect but it shits all over mine.

op kill yourself lol you’re pathetic

It's literally exactly that simple. "Money" doesn't care if your mother hugged you, it is money. What you do with it it your call. "Fitness" doesn't care if you grew up poor, a push up is a push up no matter what and the result is the same for everyone. Fitness is free. Run, jump, pushups, situps, pullups, it's all you need. Money and investments are equal for all, just start investing. Go check out r/personalfinance and learn how to fix your bank account, if it's a problem.
Go get a trade and start working hard, and stop whining

I promise that doesn't require a priveledged upbringing. Just try a little instead of focusing on how someone else had it slightly easier than you and using that as an excuse to fall apart. Jesus..

You shit all over yours. He doesnt.

I am talking emotionally & materially privileged. A stable homelife generally leads to a healthier mindset. Good genetics make you more confident and attractive to the opposite sex. Privilege buys you a top education and avenues into a decent career path. I'm just a bottom-feeder.

How are you living next to a young successful family? Either they aren't that successful yet and living in near squalor next door to you or you are living large with parents that pay for you to live in a nice neighborhood.

You are a pussy. Growing up I ate two pieces of bread and mustard or I ate nothing but worked part time in hs, bought my car, moved out and studied hard and finished university on a combination of my savings, a few pell grants, loans and small scholarships and I gave plasma twice a week to eat. By 27 not only did I have a good career but bought my own home.

Fuck your lazy ass

Suburbia. Has nice parts and rough parts.

So right next door lives poor OP. That successful couple are stupid and hope they didn't buy a home that will lose its value.

Where I live the high property taxes keep the shit out of the neighborhood.

I have determined that OP is just trolling. Goodbye.

Where did I say I was living in squalor?

>I'll keep replying if you want actual help.
I do want the help but it's difficult when you've see everyone else has got it made and you're trapped.

You're never going to learn enough to get anywhere in life until you muster the humility to accept that people who have things you don't have also know things you don't know.

Or, just run the experiment instead. *Maybe* it's all just luck, and you're just fucked. But *maybe* it's not. What if you just tried *assuming* that luck doesn't have anything to do with it, and tried acting like a person who doesn't think it's all about luck might act? Tried paying close attention to things the way they would, tried assuming that your problems are your fault the way they might, and tried hard at searching for solutions *within* your control the way that weird, plucky little bastard you imagine for the sake of this experiment might do?

If you're just fucked, then you're just fucked. But if you're just *wrong*, then being wrong would set you free.

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>I'll keep replying if you want actual help.
Come on dude, you said you'd help me.

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>He's had a stable upbringing
idk are you living with your parents user? sounds like you've got a decent deal... get a job, improve your hygiene, you'll be fine.

Guts cosplayer here from previous post. I agree 100% with this guys advice

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Everything is genetic you dumbass, including the shitty upbringing of the incel. Bad genes raised by bad genes is much worse than bad genes raised by good genes.

OP should not be ashamed. It's a completely normal human feeling that most won't even admit to themselves that they feel. Your neighbor is competition, not family or friends. There is no reason to wish happiness for everyone on Earth who has nothing to do with you. The ones who claim to feel compassion for strangers are the deranged ones

You could spin it into motivation though, many ways to do this.

How fucking retarded are you?

There's things you can change and things you can't. Focus on the shit you CAN change about yourself.

I can't believe you of all possibilities beat out the millions of other sperm to get into that egg...

>There's things you can change and things you can't.
Like what?

I'm back. You really have to stop focusing on other peoples' situations. "Comparison is the thief of happiness"
Just because someone else had an easier path than you doesn't give you permission to give up on yourself. Also, you're not providing any details about yourself here but are continually replying to others about "not living in squalor" or "not being fat" or "not having a good childhood" but you're offering no details for anyone to work with, so of course people are making assumptions.

You say you live next door to a perfect couple, but that means that you live in the same place, so how are you there too if your job/situation is so much worse than theirs? There's so many blanks in your story that we are being forced to fill in on our own.

Thanks for coming back.
I live with my parents, who are well-meaning but dysfunctional. I'm pretty much a manchild. I can't do anything for myself.

Then you are very fortunate dickbreath

Can't lose a game if you never play it. Not OP btw


the mindset of being spiteful towards anyone in a better situation or better standards than you will forever go on once you adopt it. Because there is always a bigger fish compared to you. It's a really stupid worldview. Literal loser attitude, not even saying that spitefully, I have been in similar places.

Back again, there's nothing wrong with staying with your parents while you sort life out. It's maybe frowned upon by baby boomers, but it's a common reality for millennials and even many gen x people. What it CAN give you is a fairly risk-free platform to learn how to "adult" and stop being a self-described man-child. Chase after small successes. Like stupidly small at first. Start today: today's goal is to make yourself a couple goals for tomorrow, but nothing drastic. I'm serious. Things like "I will wake up and get out of bed before 8:00am" or something. Other possibilities could be: "I will go for a 3mi walk" "I will wash the dishes for my parents" "I will clean my bedroom"
Pick one or two goals like that to start. It's crazy how powerful the feeling of success can be, and I don't mean that in some cheezy way, but there's something to it. They can give you the boost you might need.
I agree, it can be hard to be happy if you sit around accomplishing nothing, so set out to accomplish something small to start. Go search "Misery CGP Grey" on YouTube and watch that 7-8min video and absorb its message. Do it. Seriously. I know what it's like to have to fix yourself, and it can be a never ending project, but it's worth it and doesn't take too long to get to a place you'll be happier with.