Is she not /ourgirl/ anymore?

Is she not /ourgirl/ anymore?

Attached: taylor-swift-2016-crop-1523640728-640x427.jpg (639x427, 74K)

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She never was. We only liked her for her genes and looks.

Still waiting for her to post one of these on her insta

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There are two Taylor Swifts. Hollywood and Jow Forums's.

Can she stop US aggression against Venezuela?

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Nope. She’s gone full shitlib.

she never was... that was just the beginning stages of the plebbit virus taking over

Guys, alternative timeline Tay will always be with you.

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Its just cattle you can fuck. Stop worshiping them.

>cater to the most retarded demographic by age group
>hitting the wall
>no meaningful relationship
proof that money can't buy happiness

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Alternate timeline Tay has Tay2 running on meat space substrate
Never forgetti

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was that picture taken before or after "look what you made me do"

because after she made that video calling out the kikes they kidnapped her and proceeded to rape her to death in a hollywood sex dungeon (if shes alive its fucking barely)

the "taylor" we se today was created with an actress and plastic surgery to hide the connect
in a few years she'll "commit suicide" and the real taylor will have been dead for half a decade.

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30 and hit the wall.....

>30 years old
>not married
>0 babies

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he's just another illuminati pop star now

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All are the same, with or without ass.

How was look what you made me do calling out the kikes?

Also forgot pic

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is he our guy?

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