>people starved under communi-

Why are Jow Forumstards still believing in this meme?

Attached: 1555868416027.png (605x340, 17K)

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nice source

Here OP, read this and stop being a retarded catamite:

I thought the Washington Post was fake news for you alt right fags, oh now you believe its content, nice double standards


>Alt Right

Then why are you here Commie? I thought this was a space for Alt Right White Nationalist Conservative Christians only?

>communism worked until it failed!

Attached: 9024D5A0-679C-4A79-922A-C6A84E7C1717.png (645x773, 49K)

More proof the Cold War was a meme

>people won't starve to death if you shoot them first

Because the lies you're presenting are unconvincing.

Trusting numbers reported specifically to paint the USSR in a good light, while ignoring the well known empty shelf problem in the USSR.

It failed like Habsburg failed, it failed not because of muh economics.

>calories as a metric
2700 vodka calories doesn't count vova

What's the source and does it factor in the holodomor?


>what is the Great Chinese Famine

>timeline between 1955 and 1990

American education?

>omit all those that died of starvation in 'independent' commie states

>Communists will defend this

Attached: DYwRlCc.jpg (2000x1484, 1M)

Who cares?
They're not even white.

>muh holodomor

>Why are Jow Forumstards still believing in this meme?

Oh I dunno, because of the 40+ million who starved to death in China because of the Great Leap Forward?

>300 calorie drop

300 calories a day is 30 pounds of weight loss in a year.

You people are even more retarded than niggers, i know this is extreme, but you really are

do you even understand basic math faggot? if there's 200m people eating 2500 calories 5m starving to death isn't going to change shit

I look forward to having the excuse to slaughter all commies plaguing this country when you fire the first shot

sure thing buddy, you better have some valid non-western propaganda sources to back up that claim
ad hom isnt an argument Im afraid

Thats in part because of the government control prices. In a capitalist when there is a demand of something price rises, so only the highest bidder had access to goods.

They did starve, for decades. Life was hell in the Soviet Union until the mid 50s, when Khrushchev restored some capitalistic profit-sharing incentives for workers in factories and farmers. They had a few decades of (relative) prosperity past that point, and then it imploded. End of story.

Pretty easy to feed your people when you purge 60% of them, reduce demand/resource Strain and all that.

>Mao's Cultural Revolution
Gas yourself.

>Life was hell
That must be why people are wanting to restore the USSR. Sure thing

Attached: IMG_20190303_144956.png (720x1001, 641K)

There's nothing you can say that will make communism into a good system that makes sense.

It's a bogus system that's better designed for ants than humans.

They just want to gulag you faggots.
>“I have experienced every possible nightmare and horror; it is impossible to get used to it. Over a period of 18 months I have seen daily what it is to be a convicted homosexual in a Soviet camp. The position of gays in the death camps of the Third Reich was nothing compared to this. They had a clear prospect for the future-the gas chamber. We lead a half-animal existence, condemned to die of hunger, nursing secret dreams of contracting some deadly disease for a few days peace in a bunk in sickbay.


Attached: Soviet.jpg (529x480, 206K)

There is no such thing as communism.

>50% of soviet calories were from vodka.

cope more, take your meds schizo

No one wants to restore the USSR except fucking Moldova and old Russians

Looks like someone skipped leg day

Such a conveniently cut off timeline, isn't it?

>I thought this was a space for Alt Right White Nationalist Conservative Christians only?
You're thinking of Stormfront. Jow Forums is supposed to be an unhinged battleground where all types of stupidity converge.

Dude. Look at the date. Starvation in Russia reached a peak AFTER communism fell.

Cannibalism dosent count faggot


Most of the alliances and antagonisms between political leaders have always been false. Politics is like professional wrestling. The world leaders pretend to hate each other, but they usually see each other as friendly rivals actually.

Nationalism is something that world leaders have always used as a propaganda tool, but no world leader actually believes in that shit. It's the lower classes who end up believing it. To the upper classes, politics is nothing more than a chess game. They view us as chess pieces.

People starved under specific circumstances such as under Lenin's war communism, Stalin's forced collective farmers of the 1930s, and Mao's Great Leap Forward which combined killed tens of millions through starvation.

There were severe consequences for all these actions and they simply could not be repeated ad infinitum. Mao for example lost his power in all but name.

Stalin on the other hand had to make quick concessions to the Ukrainians and stop starving them largely because his actions indirectly helped fuel the rise of Nazism in Germany. Stalin became more paranoid about a German invasion and then switched to simply massacring his opponents rather than starving farmers.

>not even including the early 20s and early 30s when starvation was the worst

pathetic. Famine had largely ended in the USSR by the 50s and the Gulags were mostly closed when Stalin died. By the 60s the Soviet Union was economically reaching its "Great Stagnation" but they were not starving to death. It was Mao's China that experienced the starvation deaths of tens of millions in the 1960s a political failure which he never recovered from.

Those are Bengals starving under the British Empire.

I find it funny how Jow Forums hates Holodomor denial but loves Holocaust denial.

>Communist lying

Never thought I would see that.

Attached: food consumption percentage.png (900x423, 84K)

Is this real? /pol has been saying for ages that people were starving under Communism. But this graph shows that Soviet citizens actually ate MORE calories than even us. Dang, why would /pol lie to me I thought they were being truthful. Now I feel skeptical and I also feel betrayed. If /pol lied about this, what else have they been lying about!

You must be retarded.

Why did /pol lie?

Go be a fag somewhere else.

Current day Venezuela?

>fake population stats, even by the (((governments)))

Ukraine and Russia former USSR never recovered

based on their admitted so called birth rates and life expectancy communist propaganda "stats" 60-80 million conservatively "missing"

Nice try inhuman

most of the soviet calories were from alcohol dumbass

It failed