I think there's a final solution

Shit like this is getting absolutely ridiculous. It gotten to the point where death counts like this dont even phase us. This "Religion of peace" needs to be taken care of


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Pass the bikes

Then go do something instead of whining on the internet.

Yes, I'm going to single handedly destroy the world's second largest religion

It needs numbers

blackpill incoming


Islam is a symptom
programmed NPC progressives are the problem

Fuck off

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You can't blame Israel for the actions of muslims

You can be the next Brenton Tarrant, it's a start.

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Christchurch - Mossad
Notre Dame - Mossad
Ireland - Mossad
Sri Lanka - Mossad
Sandy Hook - Mossad
Orlando - Mossad
9/11 - Mossad
Vegas - Mossad

Attached: 1548535760844.jpg (1000x1000, 318K)

No, that's a short term solution that only strengthens the regressive left's position. Something needs to be done over a long period of time. Maybe somehow find away to make the general public slowly realize how horrible Islam is and have them push back en masse

Hitler had good ideas, I just think he focused on the wrong people

is there even one single incident...just one that you loonie toons dont blame on mossad?

Donald Trump winning the 2016 election.

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and thats it? like you truly believe every single terrorist attack whether muslim/ white etc, every other thing that happens is mossad?

Yeah. No matter what. Even those Boeing plane crashes were caused by Israel.

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Hey, op here, I think you just took the b8...

I usually just ignore those crazies unless it feels like they're being sincere

Also, I would much rather have the jews exist instead of the Muslims, at least they dont massacre people that disagree with them as blatantly as Islam does

so you practically think they are super humans? with magical powers?

if this was true there would be no way to defeat tehm, youre basically calling them gods on earth. your basically worshipping them as beligerant gods

My diarrhea this morning - Mossad

Not super humans. They just control the media and censor the internet so that they can push only 1 narrative and hide anyone asking questions or pointing out the truth.

At some point humanity as a whole will come to terms with the fact that eventually islam must be totally destroyed once and for all. It is too dangerous an ideology to be allowed to exist. Genocide must happen. and why 8 differnet captchas to post? fuck you watchers

according to you, they dont "just control the media,internet etc"
according to you they also set up EVERY SINGLE terrorist attack, church bombing, killing, war, white supremist attack, muslim attack, buddhist attack....plane crash, helicopter crash, in EVERY COUNTRY in the whole damn world.

You have to admit, you would need super powers to be able to pull this off, you would need magic powers, you think they are magic

You wouldn't need super powers. You would need a network that allows and facilitates these operations to happen. We were all born into this system of control. You just happen to be on the backend of the network behind the stage that is the world.

you really need to stop and think about what you are saying, the amount of logistics, co horts and people needed to pull off this mass conspiracy you are wallowing in is just off the scale,

you really need to take just 2 minutes, 2 minutes of your life to really and truly examine what you believe, and whether it is truly even remotely possible or maybe, just maybe.. not every single thing is down to some buthole country in the middle east.