
I asked my girlfriend if she had slept with a black guy and she answered yes. I was immediately repulsed. It has consumed my thoughts the past day or so and I am trying to figure out out to reconcile with this. I'm going to bring it up with her this week and try to talk about it, but I'm sure if that will really do any good.

How do I get over this?

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It’s impossible to get over it and I don’t know why you’d want to. Leave her.

>it's okay if she whored herself out, as long as she only fucked white dicks
Should have waited until marriage, dummy.

Break up with her, though. She burned the coal, now she pays the toll, which Dayquan unfortunately forgot to collect.

Disgust is really hard to get over, just leave her with no explanation now and get a PCR blood test ASAP

Get over yourself, first. You're just jealous she fucked someone black.

The word you’re looking for is disgusted.

Disgusted because racism, jealous because hypocrite.

Just lmao at you

Why PCR?

Possibly. I think it has something to do with the idea that she finds me equally as attractive as someone who wants to be a soundcloud rapper. I don’t want to ever be compared to that.

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There is literally nothing wrong with racism. You’re delusional if you think all races are equal.

If she’s white, that’s absolutely fucking disgusting. She is a whore and you should treat her as such. Also pro tip, never marry her, lol.

yeah gross

Thanks user

This wouldn't happen if you dated virgins

I doubt OP is the type to wait until marriage.

Yeah good point lol. Goddamn, imagine being aware that your gf has dated a nigger yet still wanting to ''try to talk about it''. OP, if you have any semblance of dignity left in you, dump her right now and reevaluate your life choices

If STDs were the only reason white people had a problem with women that fucked black guys then they would ask them to get a std test and then forget about it and be merry when it came back negative.
Lets be honest, porn has put it in your heads that all black guys are well hung, act more macho, and beat the pussy up in a way that you fear you'll never be able to compete with. You'll always wonder if she's thinking about "him". It's pure insecurity.
If you are even having these kinds of thoughts then just dump her and save her some time. And do it quick because these days blacks are fucking way more white girls and your dating pool is shrinking rapidly.

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Been there. You’ll never not be grossed out. Bail.

i try to be pretty progressive but i'll never date a girl that has fucked a black guy.

i'm sorry but that's going to far. i personally know a lot of girls who date back guys and they are fine to talk to but i would never ever date them.

why is it that black dudes are so immature and still get pussy? why are all the white moms i see with black babies alone and on tindr? black men are immature and dumb whore white women still fall for them and have their kids.

those are women worth avoiding.

Mwhahahahahahah! Ah, delicious satisfaction. Stay mad white boy. Tyrone will be thrashing it out next. So yea, go ahead and leave that pussy to real mean. God your insecurities will be the end of you.

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lol why would you even ask if you were going to be a buttblasted faggot about it?

you are either joking or you're a fucking retard. drop it and forget it

just tell her, "i'm a racist, i hate blacks, i'm no longer interested in you." that's the truth, isn't it?

Niggers tongue my anus

don't worry about those sad ugly people user.

you'll get a lot of hurtful comments on here but stick to your principles bro

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western culture fetishizes exotic (notably black and south asian) people in a way which de-sexualizes westerners

you're not racist, you probably don't even care for your girl having a man before you

you're insecure because the concept is highly tied into an external force trying to desexualize you - an attack/murder attempt (1). and your subconscious sees her as an accomplice

rediscover your own sexuality, you'll be fine

(1) you could consider such a concept as (probably unintentional) genocide, which is why people are defensive about these things

>ask sensible question
>receive upsetting answer
>gets upset
Why did you even bother op?

So you're not suppose to ask questions that you might not like the answer to?

It's perfectly sensible to ask such questions in an effort to see if you still want to date someone or if you think someone is worth dating.

>my girlfriend
This is what gets most of you guys in trouble, you wait to do any vetting of a potential mate after they become your mate.

Questions like this should be answered way before. All OP had to do is look around on SM and I guarantee there is a post out there with his gf and a black guy licking each others face in a selfie.

Niggers are just inferior and full of ghetto culture.
That's the whole reason.

>ask question
>get answer
>now you know whether your girl was a whore
>don't ask question
>your girl was a whore, but you don't know
Wow, it's like asking a question doesn't change reality.

But if you genuinely thought that then you'd have no issue with your chick sleeping with an inferior dude because you'd know you were better. Like it wouldn't stop you at all if you thought she slept with an inferior white dude. It just sounds like you're in denial of the root of this

>you'd have no issue with your chick sleeping with an inferior dude because you'd know you were better.
>implying it's a competition
By this "logic", people hate pedos because they're afraid of being outperformed by preteen dick.
Has it ever occurred to you that the root emotion here isn't insecurity, but disgust? Go fuck yourself, retard.

This is what I fear happening to my little sister. She's 5, I'm 22. But just thinking about how many things could go wrong as she grows up. I'm a big influence in her life right now, but if I ever go away, my mom certainly isn't going to protect her. Nothing about this situation is great, but it's also not the worst. Hopefully I can prevent this from happening to her.
I'm really sorry, op. I can't imagine how you feel. Well, I can a little. But still

This is just a race bait thread.
Bottom line is, there are many black men that are, in every single metric in life, more successful and worthy than all you racist white men.
And it doesn't really matter what you personally think. The girls certainly don't see you as better than black men. Better get over it.

*claps* *wipes tear away*
I-i'm so sorry there are racists. I'm not one! Please like me! I'm inclusive, I even let a black man fuck my wife! Don't hate me

Lots of pedos are more successful than me too. Point?

>there are many black men that are, in every single metric in life, more successful and worthy than all you racist white men
Way to universalize your own opinions, bigot. Why do you think that you get to decide the value of a human life? Your smallmindedness disgust me.

Because he's a white, leftist male/woman. They narrate the narrative, although they are fed the talking points from above

the root is insecurity, it's the same reason black guys don't into relationships, they think they're not good enough to keep a big brain white girl occupied. Or that one of their homies will see her as fresh meat, or that all white girls are whores.

>people in this thread acting like interracial disgust is not a base emotion but stems from some unresolved insecurity issues
Next time you meet a coloured person, observe your mind, carefully.

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FPBP. Why would you try to fight your gut-instincts on this? Just trust yourself for once in your goddamn life instead of letting the world tell you you're supposed to feel bad for the way you feel, and go be with somebody who doesn't make you feel primal disgust.

But wouldn't insecurity be the only thing that could drive a guy like OP to *stay* with her at all? A person who's secure in themselves will feel that pang of instinctual disgust and have no qualms about acting on in. They won't second-guess themselves because other people say it's "racist", they'll just follow their heart to a woman who isn't a coal-burner.

To what failing in your character or upbringing do you attribute this blind prejudice?

Only insecure men get freaked out by their woman having sex with other men before them. Are you afraid his dick was thicker and rammed her uterus around harder than your adverage-sized peepee, OP? Does it make your blood boil knowing that he probably rocked her world?

We have this thread every fucking week, I'm beginning to think it's the same faggot

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I don’t understand the backwater mentality of fearing sex with other ethnicities.

As a man why wouldn’t you want to sample the delicious rainbow of women that exist on this earth? Doesn’t her character and loyalty to you in the relationship matter more than who she has been with before?

If you’ve only exclusively been with someone of your own background I can understand this insecurity or repulsion but honestly you’re probably just socially isolated in terms of the dating pool you’ve had in the past.

There are real issues, and then there is autism.

>I don't understand
It's really telling that playing dumb and professing ignorance is the most common feature of any anti-racist rant, but each and every one still manages the mental gymnastics to get from there to "And that's why YOU'RE the ignorant one!!!"

Please enlighten me on why I shouldn’t have sex with hot white, asian, black, latina women you fucking nazi lol

OP here. I think there are two reasons why I am disgusted. Blacks carry STDs at magnitudes greater than any other race, I’ll probably ask her to get tested. The second reason is that I don’t like idea that I am equally attractive to my girlfriend as a a person who most likely dresses and acts like a child, and who was raised with no culture.

>Treating sex as something where you want to "sample the rainbow" instead of bond with somebody important who's right in front of you.
This is exactly the point. You're a loosey-goosey anti-racist for the same reason that you just don't understand where somebody like the OP is coming from. Because you're missing that inclination towards kinship, towards intimacy, toward tight bonds that somebody like the OP gets red-flagged as missing from his girlfriend when it turns out she's loosey-goosey like you and slept with a nigger. It's the same inclination that had articles like "ARE BABIES RACIST!?!?!?" being published when it was discovered that the same brain chemicals involved in the bond between mother and child are also instrumental in ethnic philia.

REEE about how mean and racist it is all you want. Going interracial is a huge indicator that she just doesn't have the generalized inclination toward deep intimacy and loyalty that some of us are looking for. And, let's be real - it's also a huge red flag that she just doesn't have much self respect. Trashy!

>Going interracial is a huge indicator that she just doesn't have the generalized inclination toward deep intimacy and loyalty that some of us are looking for

How is this an “indicator” Professor Adolf?

I wouldn’t consider myself loosey-goosey (whatever that means). I slept around a lot with many different women when I was younger and now that I’m older I am more conservative in my approach and am in a long term relationship with a biracial gal who wants the kids and white picket fence, etc. I didn’t choose to be with her over some aesthetic delusion of purity (tho she is a fine lookin woman), I chose to be with her because of her values, commitment to me and our common interests.

I imagine your ugly words and prejudice makes you a hit at social gatherings and I bet women are lining up for you to tell them how their “anti-racist ideologies” or preferences make them “race traitors”.

Dude you just sound like a fuckin asshole, your girl probably deserves someone better.

>I wouldn’t consider myself loosey-goosey (whatever that means).
>I slept around a lot with many different women when I was younger and now that I’m older
Why does every one of you types think you're somehow breaking the mold when you describe your utterly typical life? "Sleep around when you're young and can and then settle down later" is, again, exactly the loosey attitude/path that the preferences of people like you and the OP's girlfriend indicate. And, again, that's exactly the kind of attitude that people like the OP and I just aren't into, and get red-flagged on. You couldn't even articulate a reason for your attitude without saying "Why shouldn't I fuck all these different women?" before calling yourself "conservative" for ending up in a long-term relationship. Because "giving up" the sleeping around and having a girlfriend strikes you as a truly Conservative choice, a real milestone of order and stability in your life - because, once again, that's the way people with your attitude always view it. You'll be upset to learn that there are people who think differently from you, I'm sure, but it's the truth. Not everyone agrees that your attitude is one they want in a partner.

Why is every anti-racist drone so utterly astonished and angered when it turns out that there is *actual* diversity in the world, that there are actually different outlooks about how life should be lived, and people who actually want to treat these differences like they matter? Because you're egomaniacs, and can't stand the insult of anybody not wanting to treat your "mixing-it-up" and "sleeping-and-settling" as the optimal way to live a life.

It doesn’t upset me in the slightest bit that people think differently from me, you just sound like a nazi prick. Have you really never met one well-to-do person from a different background than your own? Have you never dated different women and had sexual encounters that built your preferences in what you want in a partner? You have such a glaringly obvious superiority complex in your thinking it’s just nauseating.

OP’s gf said she slept with a black guy before dating him. How does that constitute her suddenly having this lifestyle of “sleeping around” or even rationally constitute a red flag?

If you were dating a girl and fell in love with her then found out she was like a quarter African or dated some Hispanic guy or something would you dump her?

You use terms like “you people” or “your attitudes” in a way as if you know everything about them from one conversation online. Go jerk off your little stormfag buddies at the next Klan meeting for me you inbred moron lmao

>It doesn’t upset me in the slightest bit that people think differently from me
>you just sound like a nazi prick.
Pick one.

>Have you really never met one well-to-do person from a different background than your own?
I grew up in one of the largest and most ethnically-diverse school districts in the country. My friends and acquaintances ran the whole gambit from the medical-school-bound sons and daughters of African politicians and high-caste Indians to Blacks from the local Section 8 who sold Whites from the boonies the drugs they got hooked on, and Jews who studied hard to be like their Lawyer parents. That's why I know that people are actually different - because I actually experienced it, unlike you philistines who have sex with somebody who's a different color a few times and suddenly you're Mr. Worldwide.

>How does that constitute her suddenly having this lifestyle of “sleeping around” or even rationally constitute a red flag?
I articulated perfectly clearly that her choices reflect and attitude/inclination similar to yours, which is an attitude that not everybody on Earth wants to be with. Repeating your question over and over again because you don't like the answer isn't an argument.

>If you were dating a girl and fell in love with her then found out she was like a quarter African or dated some Hispanic guy or something would you dump her?
This is a stupid question. If I "fell in love" with somebody before I knew them well enough to know these things already, then I'd be somebody like you, a believer in love-qua "something that just happens to you" rather than somebody like me, a believer in love-qua "a series of choices about finding a partner, learning about them, and building a life together". You're still struggling with this idea that people can actually be different from each other, but if you keep working at it, I think your ignorance can still be cured.


I don’t think I’m struggling to understand your close-mindedness and am perfectly happy with who I am and the decisions I’ve made that have led me to be secure and stable with the relationship I have now.

You keep trying to change your tune but in the end it sounds like you’re the one having trouble accepting people’s differences and preferences despite trying to veil ignorance and hatred with sophistry and merry-go-round “arguments”.

I believe the OP’s repulsion comes from a place of insecurity and lack of self-worth while you’re more inclined to believe that his girlfriend and other people who do things you disapprove of should be given a scarlet letter to wear for all time. I can still think you’re a racist nazi and you can believe I’m a “loosey-goosey anti-racist”, I don’t feel like I need to defend me being more accepting of other people than you are and the burden of mucking through life with your burning tunnel-mindedness falls on you

this is actually very well written and I think makes a lot of sense.

underrated post. based, and also redpilled.

Fuck off Stormfag. Accept personal responsibility for your problems instead of blaming other races.


I would say the only way you'd be able to get over it is if
>he didn't go raw
>she told you with conviction you were larger, better and stronger than him

You're not really mad at him, you feel emasculated because someone not of your tribe has been put in the context of impregnating your girl.

What do you mean by rediscovering sexuality ?

Not the poster of that, but rediscovering your own personal sexual preferences outside the context and judgments of society’s fetishized views of intimacy will give you personal empowerment in your relationship and make you more in tune with what your partners intimate needs are.

>I believe the OP’s repulsion comes from a place of insecurity and lack of self-worth while you’re more inclined to believe that his girlfriend and other people who do things you disapprove of should be given a scarlet letter to wear for all time.

See, but that's just *your* insecurity coming out. I merely articulated that people like OP would be happier trusting their instincts and finding partners with similar ones, while women like his girlfriend should be free to go find somebody who *doesn't* have the same instincts and inclinations. Sure, I inserted a few jabs for fun and flavor as we do, but all of this profound narrow-minded animosity you're perceiving is coming straight out of your own paranoid imagination. I grew up in my ethnic-salad-bowl world *having fun* with the fact that we were all different. Either 1) This same set of differences, evidently, terrifies you, and fills your imagination with images of hatred and nazi rallies and wars. Or, more likely, 2) Your imagination insert this deep animosity because it's gratifying to your ego, feeding into your smug sense of superiority over being so worldly and tolerant.

Does this mean forgiving and getting over what my girlfriend did? I don’t see how my repulsion to her act is within societies politically correct viewpoint. Maybe I am misreading what you wrote.

Nice try, but you were asked to explain how sleeping with someone of a different ethnicity is an automatic indicator of a red flag which you’ve tried to deflect with, “well I’ve had acquaintances of different backgrounds so it justifies me being a bigoted piece of shit.” You’re now claiming that “Oh well they should just be with someone who shares their preferences!”

That’s the problem with being a closeted racist asshole is that you always try and lighten the blow of your hatred with, “well it’s just my preference to generalize and hate X group lol”

As far as ego stroking goes, you’re doing a fine job of it yourself without any help from me.

Why are you mad at her for what she did? Did she lie about something or was she dishonest with you?

It sounds like you’re placing a moral or value judgment on things she has done in her past. What about that repulses you exactly?

What I meant by my previous post was that society places a fetishization on the exotic, the superficial (big muscles, dick, tits, etc.) and fantasy play and constantly compares one couples relationship to another. These things aren’t really relevant and don’t contribute or provide any self-growth to any kind of betterment to your own relationship.

Either let go of your ego or let go of her.

This "Disgust" is only because of the big dick stereotype. Would you give two shits if she slept with a Mexican dude before?


would you respect a girl who'd fuck dogs?

I'd be curious how she got the dog to mount her. Contrary to Jow Forums and H.P. Lovecraft lore, black people are still human people user.

>Nice try, but you were asked to explain how sleeping with someone of a different ethnicity is an automatic indicator of a red flag which you’ve tried to deflect
Incorrect. Please read the previous posts again. I didn't deflect it at all. I described it very directly as a red flag *TO* a specific kind of person (one who slants towards in-groups and close bonds in their temperament); that is to say, as a "red flag" *RELATIVE* to that specific person's preferences and inclinations, i.e. an indicator of a fundamental incompatibility. You're the ignoramus who started inserting objective value-judgments with your imagination to justify your own trained-monkey response of crying "HATE! RACIST!" like the good little student you are.

You're really taking the wrong approach here with all of this "narrow minded" and "hateful" talk. Just how much guilt do you expect me to feel at the behest of the kind of neanderthal who spent the first half of this conversation reducing the wealth of different peoples and cultures I grew up around to mere flavors in his goddamn fuck-buffet? You're stupid enough to smugly insist that your lifetime of ignorant skirt-chasing is some kind of proof of your tolerance and virtue, and crow at other people for being "hateful" and "narrow-minded" enough to appreciate ethnic/cultural differences as more than just a different flavor of ice cream to eat when our dicks crave sweets. Just how bad do you think an ignorant, unlearned monkey like you could ever make me feel about *anything*?

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topkek i'm not op nor even a guy you insecure faggot. you're correct that STDs aren't the only reason coal burners and oil drillers get shunned but "muh dik" doesn't factor in. why is that always the first thing you jump to?

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well, the root is literally racism you idiot. try self awareness

>*the root is racism
got it lol

Fuck a black an be even

you forgot to write off as insecurity the one about fucking dogs


and amused

you called it alphonse

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Op you're a bitch. Just get over it and stop being racist.

Why do you gloss over the fact that blacks carry stds at a rate well over anyone else?

There is literally nothing wrong with racism.


close the relationship and take a very long shower, i'm sorry buddy

It's like anything: it depends on why she did it. If she did it because she was into him and the dude just happened to be black then it's whatever. If she did it primarily to piss off daddy then it's a red flag.

What if this black dude was like a normal guy tho? Like I've met a very small handful of black men who weren't even the slightest bit hood or sjw. It's insanely rare. But i did click with one guy. Insanely intelligent and polite. I did almost date him. And i hate most black people.

It's unlikely he was naormal but op should ask what the black guy was like before he makes any snap judgements

i'll stop being racist if you do.

Interesting split in this thread.

>100% probability this poster is a Chinese virgin

>What if this black dude was like a normal guy tho?
Your kids would still come out as mutts without identity, doomed to suffer a rootless existence.
This has little to do with civnat arguments of "culture"--it's a basic rule of self-preservation. You think that the vast majority of coalburners are a catch? They're usually hideous landwhales, riddled with mental instability. That's no 'loss' if it were simply a question of dating--but the fact is that they also pop out mongrels, and that is the real damage. It's also why 'yellow fever' is degenerate, for example--by nearly any metric, the Japanese are on par with or above whites in capability and social responsibility, but that doesn't excuse the mutual destruction of identity wanton mixing results in. Japan is and should remain Japanese, just as European countries should retain their distinctive European character, down to ethnicity.

If anything, the behavior of hood rats is beneficial, since it serves to reduce the chances of miscegenation. Contrary to what leftists would tell you, though, this isn't a matter of hating another group (and if we're on that subject, I would certainly get along with an intelligent and polite black guy as opposed to a gang member)--it's about preserving your own.

I'm glad you had more sense than OP's (now ex, hopefully) gf, since you didn't actually date outside your race.

>I asked my girlfriend if she had slept with a black guy
Why? Also, I don't get how other dudes are disgusted with a woman whose fucked a black dude. Like how is that even different than fucking a white/any other color dude?

As someone with a long, thick dick, I've never understood the relentless mocking and ridiculing of men who are worried about their partner having bigger dicks in them before. It's a genuine, justifiable worry and disappointment. Why is it always met with responses like this ?
Essentially, if you have a small dick, it's obviously something you were born with and it's a fact women prefer bigger dicks. Same with short men and fat women. Are we, as a society, mocking these people because they're physically inadequate, or are we mocking them because they're too hung up on a single attribute of their body?

The bbc terrorizes the wh*Te man. He can’t escape the feeling of defeat and inferiority when confronted by superior bbc.

Just one black man with his bbc is enough to sexually annihilate wh*Te ppl.

All kara bogas should pursue relationships with wh*Te women to put the final nail on wh*Te „men“ and their „race“.

Soon, brother, the wh*Te dogs will be nothing but a historical footnote. Mashallah.

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>Arabs cause terrorism and rape women/ children everywhere they go
>Blacks rape, murder and steal everywhere they go
> Mexicans and South Americans bring corruption and general incivility everywhere they go
>Accept personal responsibility for your problems instead of blaming other races.
Yep, let's all just get along.

Whites have been murdering and raping along with everyone else you mentioned. I don't really get your point? There's no one race responsible for the terrible things that happen. Sadly, every race is capable of rape, murder, terrorism, and corruption.