Med inferiority complex

I'm 35% italian and have brown eyes. Rest is irish/german/polish. I would be what you call an Amerimutt. I come across a lot of posts hating on Italians and saying you're on the same level as mexicans/niggers and don't belong in america if you are one, and it's always the hoard of (mostly) americans with the same old generic "fucking wop shitskin youre not european" comments.

I'm just curious why all the hate? Italians were the largest single ethnic group to fight for the US in WWII and have contributed so much to American life, and more than paid their dues. It makes me feel like shit knowing that if I was born literally anywhere else in this country other than the east coast, I wouldn't be italian whatsoever. After learning about how anglos and germanics treated italians here before and during ww2 I think I should stay where I am, sadly. It's even to the point where retards are telling me I should go out with a muslim girl or a nigger, because it wouldn't even be interracial.

It's just funny to think that michaelangelo, da vinci, meucci, vivaldi, mussolini, archimedes, galileo, fermi, etc are all niggers according to this shitload fuck of a board, and if they're not, american italians are niggers just because of their ancestry. This threads probably going to get moved because of jewmods, but it's just a warning for you hypocrite varg-worshiping niggers. According to him an albino african with big flaring nostrils and pink eyes is considered white.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your threads didn't get removed because you're Italian, it got removed because you were spamming us with your DNA results.

You clearly missed the fact that this board always makes distinctions between "Italians" and "Italians" as North (actually European admixture) and South (more African and Middle Eastern admixture) The names you mentioned were all Northern Italians aka Europeans.Google their faces and you will see, they are ALL white.
But many Italians are not white but with high African or Arab DNA admixture.

that wouldn't bother me if most italian americans were northern but they're not and i'm not white because of it.

those a jews user and spergy autists that worship at the alter of the jew fake news....real pol has one enemy

The Jews.

I’m also a 30% italo-mutt, those insults don’t affect me at all i honestly laugh it off when people call italians niggers. I also have pretty light skin. Italians can be dark skinned which is why we get compared to niggers. I’m very proud of my italian heritage. Obviously italians are white unless you are a full blood sicilian. Stop crying and feeding into the retards

im dark as shit

even lebs are whiter than me.

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Well it looks like you live in a shit hole, so maybe you are part nigger. You aren’t dark skinned at all though. No leb is white

>so maybe you are part nigger

fuck off kike. You wish you were as white as me.

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by the way my house is almost a century old and is better than yours

the reason for your confusion is your use of the term italian and what you think it means, this is a muttland thing.

some italians are white, some are not, there is no singular collective 'italian' ethnicity. some being white doesnt make all of them white, its a country that isnt even 200 years old, with groups who have lived separate from one another for 1000+ years and have entirely different histories and thus gene pools.

I would rather live in a house that isn’t falling apart. You write like a nigger and live in a nigger house.

italians are mutts

cope, christcuck

I would probably kill myself if I turned out to be a mutt, but thank God I'm pure breed and healthy. I thank my ancestors for keeping their bloodline pure and I ask God everyday to have mercy upon them.

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>mutt calling any one else not white

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true italians are fine, im part italian, with finish and dutch mixed in, but a lot of italians (native in italy) are coal burners, so the longer your lineage has been in america the better

>You write like a nigger and live in a nigger house.

filthy kike

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>I'm just curious why all the hate?
its called shilling, since the 2016 us election this place is crawling with shills and leftards baiting 24/7

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yep was a leftard only on /a until i saw a board about the jewish question, now i'm full 1488,

Stocking up on zyklon b for... a potential ... typhus epidemic...

This is d+c shilling. You're white. Actual non-JIDF or tranny discord anons here think that you're white. I'm not Italian, but you guys are pretty fucking based, especially since Salvini showed up. Ignore anyone who says otherwise.

salvini is a self hating sandnigger and the algerian kid in my first grade class was whiter than him


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go back to Africa, Laquavius

yes, purity spiraling is what they want, if you grew up white, and are mostly (above 7/8ths white (european)) you are white

read it slower so your disgusting, juvenile, moorish brain can understand





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the fuck is this garbage? go take a (((23 and me))) and see what it says. I have some sicilian according to my family history and i had .5% middle eastern total.
Anybody who would put me and my pasty white ass with my blue eyes into "nigger" territory would have no idea unless i told them.

>I'm not Italian
lol neither is op

Half Algerian and half Moroccan here, Salvini is literally a nigger with nigger and Arab admixture.

I don't understand how you can be .5 anything? that is not even one chromosome, its kike diversity bs

>kike flag
>mix it up goys!
>everyones white!

Archimedes wasnt Northern

your feet are disgusting
show them, i need to throw up



You two have been going for a while. How much are you getting paid for these posts? I thought that sitting in one place for a long period of time is painful with a dilator.

how is that kikeish? it was the literal jim crow minimum

ive been online for 30 minutes I think, after I solved the ops problem in my first post and it was ignored, it was clear this thread was full of unironic mutty 100iq types and I have been posting accordingly

based insane italian heritage repeated shitposter

999IQ here quit your purity spiraling shill

White bitches are jealous.

Most American Italians come from the backwaters of Italy such as Sicily.

Also, Sicilians are NOT white. They're basically niggers.

and so the overwhelming majority are shitskins that would be considered spics in the midwest/south/southwest/anywhere but tristate area region.

im not white

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>Italians were the largest single ethnic group to fight for the US in WWII
Who on pol wanted the US to win ww2?

most are basically niggers, some are not supper mutted into niggers

Purely in terms of civilizational accomplishment, Italians are clearly white; whiter than the Scandinavian barbarians, in fact.

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careful with that edge, chump

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THe shills and kikes?

all of italy's accomplishments are from the north half of the country.

Sicilians have no talent.

Fun fact: 50% of American posters literally aren't White. Remember that the next time you read a post by an American. Also, you're 100% European. That's what matters. No serious White nationalist doesn't recognize the contribution of Italians, and I don't think any would claim Italians aren't White, except maybe a few southern Italians? And yes going out with a shitskin would be race-mixing. Now stop feeding their trolling by responding to it.

>Fun fact: 50% of American posters literally aren't White
where is that stat from? /pol is mostly white

i have brown eyes and everyone on this board thinks im mentally ill

Not everyone values the same thing as you

Archimedes was born in Sicily.

Giovanni Gentile was also born in Sicily.

37.5% italian from my fathers side here

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Thomas Aquinas was born in central Italy.

Giordano Bruno was born south of central Italy.

there is no white race or black race or brown race or yellow race.
The concept of white meant european. It is a jewish concept that allows jews to hide as european by simply having a light skintone.
White also trivializes, generalizes and undermines the unique ethnic identity of each european group. And pretends an italian is same as a french, or a dane is same as a pole, or a british is same as as spaniard, or a swede is same as an hungarian or whatever.
The concept of white pretends that if you have light skin. You are totally identical. This the bastards use to claim europeans are totally identical. So then you have said each unique ethnic group does not need to individually be protected in their own home country where is only place they mostly are. Because if say swedes dissapear in finland. You just repace them with french and voila. 100% swedish, they have saved swedes now. Because french are white people too.
After they have done that, equating all european groups with eachother as if they are Which was foundation of USA.
Also to make matters worse skintone and eyecolor is one of the least significant difference, it is one of the smallest differences. It is simply a clue where on the planet you come from latitudinal by uva/uvb band. The massive ethnic differences are far more significant than this superficial thing: But this leads the clowns to think that this tiny superficial thing is only differentiator. So if they have light skin. They are totally identical to anyone else with light skin. If they have brownish skin totally identical to anyone with that. Relativizing those unique ethnic groups too.
It´s also not race it´s subspecies. We are different subspecies not different species. We are of same species. Human.
So. Stop listening to these fucking d&c morons who want europeans to stand against eachother. when we are all faced with non european immigration and similar problems in our respective countries for our respective peoples.

You've made this thread before.

No he did it ffs it's gonna be the feet or dna next

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sorry if swedes dissapear in sweden, or finns dissapear in finland or whatever. You know what i mean.
Anyways now that i have to make a new reply to correct that. Again. Stop listening to these d&c morons on this board who think a fucking skintone is the only difference between people. Or that it automaticaly means you are of same ethnic group. There are light skinned arabs and light skinned persians, light skinned orientals light skinned quite a few people. Does not mean those groups are fucking identical. You trivialize their unique ethnic identities by using a fucking skintone as the only deliniator.

It´s the same fucking morons who make the nord superiority thread shitting on meds, who make the med superiority thread shitting on nords. Don´t you get it? They want us rather than to stand together as europeans. BUT REALIZING WE ARE NOT IDENTICAL but each our respective people are facing same problems with immigration. To support eachother in this. They want ofcourse us to just say fuck eachother, if it happen to you i don´t care as long as it doesn´t happen to me. They want to fuck with that natural understanding on behalf of other people that you don´t want it to happen to your people what is happening to theirs. So they make these bullshit threads all the time that you got triggered off. These people are idiots they might aswell be living on the fucking moon. With their
>'white this white that and who is white enough, whiter than you blablaba'.
Try to engage your fucking brain for once instead of using a few moron posters here as a strawman. And stop getting triggered by some who obviously are there to rile you.

italians are white
the amerimutt meme refers to people 56% white and 44% amerindian. sub saharan, middleastern etc

Because disgusting fat autistic pasty neckbeards are salthy that their barbarians ancestros were raping goats and praying to trees during the time ancient Greece developed philosophers, logic, astronomy, and mathematics. Romans were heavily influence by Greeks and civilized all of europe from these pale niggers,

Then they read a bunch of ww2 propaganda online about how there are hyperboreans and WE WUZ thinking ancient greeks were blonde nordics to cope with the fact their peoples were barbarians.

tldr; success breeds jealousy

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Could not be happier to have 0% Italian ancestry. My mother's side is all Anglo and her brother decided to marry some terrone bitch and the kids look barely white. Siblings and I are all pale blue eyed and they are dark brown eyed with that curled semitic hair. Italians are not white, do not let some individuals on this board deceive you.

and you're going to rot in hell you stinky kike

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a correction here.
>After they have done that, equating all european groups with eachother as if they are Which was foundation of USA.
What i meant to say is. So once they have falsely claimed europeans are all identical to eachother. Instead of unique ethnic groups. They then start lumping non europeans into the 'white' category. And also equating thoe with every single european group. Further relativizing it. So then by doing so european doesn´t even mean european anymore. And no talk of how europeans are unique and different from eachother.
Then the jew go and declare he needs to end whiteness. So whiteness need to end in sweden, whiteness need to end in germany, need more black and brown people.
Do you see what happens here. They lump them together so it doesn´t sound too bad to destroy swedes in sweden and germany in germany. Cause all of europe is white people and identical, they have plenty left. EXCEPT THAT´S NOT HOW IT WORKS CAUSE THEY ARE NOT IDENTICAL. THEY ARE EACH UNIQUE GROUP.
White = jew creation. They use it in USA to refer to 1-3 west european countries because you had africans there too.
So that´s what it meant.
Don´t fucking start saying what is white and what isn´t with regards to europe. It simply meant they were those 3 west european countries. Don´t fucking deliniate solely by skin color. There are white skinned non europeans aswell. And not all europeans are totally white skinned either. An arab or persian can also be white skinned, but they are not fucking european either or have anything in common with any of the european unique groups! Nor is a jew a fucking european either.
Stop using the fucking jew term!
Now ofcourse europeans are more similar to eachother than they are to other continental groups but that doesnt mean we are identical. A japanese and a korean are not same either. But they are both orientals.

Meds are fine. I'm for European nationalism, not white nationalism


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We need better Dna tests and more Genome bloggers.
Check out work of Gioiello Tognoni on Italian Y dna.

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You fags are more obssessed with your skin color than nogs lol

Why you so worried about it? Maybe you're the one with the complex OP

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For the love of God can mods rangeban this fucking retard

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the answer to your question. historically important and/or beautiful=white. anything else=rapebaby mutt

Meds arent white

>Rest is irish/german/polish.
That's a short straw you pulled
It is to do with parasitic DNA pollution, that turns anyone being 11% (((polish))) - a 99% Jew. Just like HIV, once polak- you can't be not a jew.

In modern day science progress, there are medical resources to slow down body regression to HIV effects, but being (((polak))) is genetic, so my advice would be:
>Do not become leech on society ( a kike), neither financially or emotionally

>I'm just curious why all the hate?
Italians are Catholics, WASPs are protestants. That's all.

the fact that you allowed this rhetoric to get to you shows that you are 100% a nigger in spirit.

fkn retard the only thing that matter is that you are good looking no matter the racial background. the most beautiful people of all races are closer to each other than they are to the average of their own race in things that really matter. (symetry) its the fact that western nations are beeing stormed by the borwn goblin hordes that it produces so much racism that inevitablys has to lead to purity spiraling. (since there is a lot of low iq whites that are easily motivated by inflamatory emotions)
anyway. you are a faggot and should kys. especially if this is a bait thread by the democrat shills in here. (which also is highly likely)